@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ |
#define MSG_AUTOSTART _UxGT("Demarrage auto") |
#define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS _UxGT("Arrêter moteurs") |
#define MSG_DEBUG_MENU _UxGT("Menu debug") |
#define MSG_PROGRESS_BAR_TEST _UxGT("Test barre progression") |
#define MSG_PROGRESS_BAR_TEST _UxGT("Test barre progress.") |
#define MSG_AUTO_HOME _UxGT("Origine auto.") |
#define MSG_AUTO_HOME_X _UxGT("Origine X Auto.") |
#define MSG_AUTO_HOME_Y _UxGT("Origine Y Auto.") |
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ |
#define MSG_LEVEL_BED_WAITING _UxGT("Clic pour commencer") |
#define MSG_LEVEL_BED_NEXT_POINT _UxGT("Point suivant") |
#define MSG_LEVEL_BED_DONE _UxGT("Mise à niveau OK!") |
#define MSG_Z_FADE_HEIGHT _UxGT("Adoucir hauteur") |
#define MSG_SET_HOME_OFFSETS _UxGT("Regl. décal. origine") |
#define MSG_HOME_OFFSETS_APPLIED _UxGT("Décalages appliqués") |
#define MSG_SET_ORIGIN _UxGT("Régler origine") |
@ -74,6 +75,68 @@ |
#define MSG_MOVE_AXIS _UxGT("Déplacer un axe") |
#define MSG_BED_LEVELING _UxGT("Règl. Niv. lit") |
#define MSG_LEVEL_BED _UxGT("Règl. Niv. lit") |
#define MSG_EDITING_STOPPED _UxGT("Arrêt edit. maillage") |
#define MSG_USER_MENU _UxGT("Commandes perso") |
#define MSG_UBL_DOING_G29 _UxGT("G29 en cours") |
#define MSG_UBL_UNHOMED _UxGT("Origine XYZ d'abord") |
#define MSG_UBL_TOOLS _UxGT("Outils UBL") |
#define MSG_UBL_LEVEL_BED _UxGT("Niveau lit unifié") |
#define MSG_UBL_MANUAL_MESH _UxGT("Maillage manuel") |
#define MSG_UBL_BC_INSERT _UxGT("Poser câle & mesurer") |
#define MSG_UBL_BC_INSERT2 _UxGT("Mesure") |
#define MSG_UBL_BC_REMOVE _UxGT("ôter et mesurer lit") |
#define MSG_UBL_MOVING_TO_NEXT _UxGT("Aller au suivant") |
#define MSG_UBL_ACTIVATE_MESH _UxGT("Activer l'UBL") |
#define MSG_UBL_DEACTIVATE_MESH _UxGT("Désactiver l'UBL") |
#define MSG_UBL_SET_BED_TEMP _UxGT("Température lit") |
#define MSG_UBL_SET_HOTEND_TEMP _UxGT("Température buse") |
#define MSG_UBL_EDIT_CUSTOM_MESH _UxGT("Editer maille perso") |
#define MSG_UBL_FINE_TUNE_MESH _UxGT("Réglage fin maille") |
#define MSG_UBL_DONE_EDITING_MESH _UxGT("Termier maille") |
#define MSG_UBL_BUILD_CUSTOM_MESH _UxGT("Créer maille perso") |
#define MSG_UBL_BUILD_MESH_MENU _UxGT("Créer maille") |
#define MSG_UBL_BUILD_PLA_MESH _UxGT("Créer maille PLA") |
#define MSG_UBL_BUILD_ABS_MESH _UxGT("Créer maille ABS") |
#define MSG_UBL_BUILD_COLD_MESH _UxGT("Créer maille froide") |
#define MSG_UBL_MESH_HEIGHT_ADJUST _UxGT("Ajuster haut. maille") |
#define MSG_UBL_MESH_HEIGHT_AMOUNT _UxGT("Hauteur") |
#define MSG_UBL_VALIDATE_MESH_MENU _UxGT("Valider maille") |
#define MSG_UBL_VALIDATE_PLA_MESH _UxGT("Valider maille PLA") |
#define MSG_UBL_VALIDATE_ABS_MESH _UxGT("Valider maille ABS") |
#define MSG_UBL_VALIDATE_CUSTOM_MESH _UxGT("Valider maille perso") |
#define MSG_UBL_CONTINUE_MESH _UxGT("Continuer maille") |
#define MSG_UBL_MESH_LEVELING _UxGT("Niveau par maille") |
#define MSG_UBL_3POINT_MESH_LEVELING _UxGT("Niveau à 3 points") |
#define MSG_UBL_GRID_MESH_LEVELING _UxGT("Niveau grille") |
#define MSG_UBL_MESH_LEVEL _UxGT("Maille de niveau") |
#define MSG_UBL_SIDE_POINTS _UxGT("Point latéral") |
#define MSG_UBL_MAP_TYPE _UxGT("Type de carte") |
#define MSG_UBL_OUTPUT_MAP _UxGT("Voir maille") |
#define MSG_UBL_OUTPUT_MAP_HOST _UxGT("Voir pour hôte") |
#define MSG_UBL_OUTPUT_MAP_CSV _UxGT("Voir pour CSV") |
#define MSG_UBL_OUTPUT_MAP_BACKUP _UxGT("Off Printer Backup") |
#define MSG_UBL_INFO_UBL _UxGT("Voir info UBL") |
#define MSG_UBL_EDIT_MESH_MENU _UxGT("Modifier maille") |
#define MSG_UBL_FILLIN_AMOUNT _UxGT("Taux de remplissage") |
#define MSG_UBL_MANUAL_FILLIN _UxGT("Remplissage manuel") |
#define MSG_UBL_SMART_FILLIN _UxGT("Remplissage auto") |
#define MSG_UBL_FILLIN_MESH _UxGT("Maille remplissage") |
#define MSG_UBL_INVALIDATE_ALL _UxGT("Annuler tout") |
#define MSG_UBL_INVALIDATE_CLOSEST _UxGT("Annuler le plus près") |
#define MSG_UBL_FINE_TUNE_ALL _UxGT("Réglage fin (tous)") |
#define MSG_UBL_FINE_TUNE_CLOSEST _UxGT("Réglage fin (proche)") |
#define MSG_UBL_STORAGE_MESH_MENU _UxGT("Stockage maille") |
#define MSG_UBL_STORAGE_SLOT _UxGT("Slot mémoire") |
#define MSG_UBL_LOAD_MESH _UxGT("Charger maille") |
#define MSG_UBL_SAVE_MESH _UxGT("Sauver maille") |
#define MSG_UBL_SAVE_ERROR _UxGT("Err: Enreg. UBL") |
#define MSG_UBL_RESTORE_ERROR _UxGT("Err: Ouvrir UBL") |
#define MSG_UBL_Z_OFFSET_STOPPED _UxGT("Offset Z arrêté") |
#define MSG_MOVING _UxGT("Déplacement...") |
#define MSG_FREE_XY _UxGT("Débloquer XY") |
#define MSG_MOVE_X _UxGT("Dépl. X") |
@ -107,9 +170,11 @@ |
#define MSG_VY_JERK _UxGT("Vy-jerk") |
#define MSG_VZ_JERK _UxGT("Vz-jerk") |
#define MSG_VE_JERK _UxGT("Ve-jerk") |
#define MSG_VELOCITY _UxGT("Vélocité") |
#define MSG_VMAX _UxGT("Vmax") |
#define MSG_VMIN _UxGT("Vmin") |
#define MSG_VTRAV_MIN _UxGT("Vdepl min") |
#define MSG_ACCELERATION _UxGT("Accélération") |
#define MSG_AMAX _UxGT("Amax ") |
#define MSG_A_RETRACT _UxGT("A-retract") |
#define MSG_A_TRAVEL _UxGT("A-Dépl.") |
@ -133,6 +198,7 @@ |
#define MSG_STORE_EEPROM _UxGT("Sauver config") |
#define MSG_LOAD_EEPROM _UxGT("Lire config") |
#define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE _UxGT("Restaurer défauts") |
#define MSG_INIT_EEPROM _UxGT("Initialiser EEPROM") |
#define MSG_REFRESH _UxGT("Actualiser") |
#define MSG_WATCH _UxGT("Surveiller") |
#define MSG_PREPARE _UxGT("Préparer") |
@ -144,6 +210,7 @@ |
#define MSG_NO_CARD _UxGT("Pas de carte") |
#define MSG_DWELL _UxGT("Repos...") |
#define MSG_USERWAIT _UxGT("Atten. de l'util.") |
#define MSG_PRINT_PAUSED _UxGT("Impr. en pause") |
#define MSG_RESUMING _UxGT("Repri. de l'impr.") |
#define MSG_PRINT_ABORTED _UxGT("Impr. Annulée") |
#define MSG_NO_MOVE _UxGT("Moteurs bloqués.") |
@ -161,6 +228,7 @@ |
#define MSG_INIT_SDCARD _UxGT("Init. la carte SD") |
#define MSG_CNG_SDCARD _UxGT("Changer de carte") |
#define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT _UxGT("Z sonde extè. lit") |
#define MSG_BLTOUCH _UxGT("BLTouch") |
#define MSG_BLTOUCH_SELFTEST _UxGT("Autotest BLTouch") |
#define MSG_BLTOUCH_RESET _UxGT("RaZ BLTouch") |
#define MSG_BLTOUCH_DEPLOY _UxGT("Déployer BLTouch") |
@ -201,13 +269,19 @@ |
#define MSG_INFO_MENU _UxGT("Infos imprimante") |
#define MSG_INFO_PRINTER_MENU _UxGT("Infos imprimante") |
#define MSG_3POINT_LEVELING _UxGT("Niveau à 3 points") |
#define MSG_LINEAR_LEVELING _UxGT("Niveau linéaire") |
#define MSG_BILINEAR_LEVELING _UxGT("Niveau bilinéaire") |
#define MSG_UBL_LEVELING _UxGT("Niveau lit unifié") |
#define MSG_MESH_LEVELING _UxGT("Niveau maillage") |
#define MSG_INFO_STATS_MENU _UxGT("Stats. imprimante") |
#define MSG_INFO_BOARD_MENU _UxGT("Infos carte") |
#define MSG_INFO_THERMISTOR_MENU _UxGT("Thermistors") |
#define MSG_INFO_EXTRUDERS _UxGT("Extrudeurs") |
#define MSG_INFO_BAUDRATE _UxGT("Baud") |
#define MSG_INFO_PROTOCOL _UxGT("Protocole") |
#define MSG_CASE_LIGHT _UxGT("Lumière") |
#define MSG_CASE_LIGHT _UxGT("Lumière caisson") |
#define MSG_CASE_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS _UxGT("Luminosité") |
#if LCD_WIDTH >= 20 |
#define MSG_INFO_PRINT_COUNT _UxGT("Nbre impressions") |
@ -239,32 +313,32 @@ |
#if LCD_HEIGHT >= 4 |
// Up to 3 lines allowed
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INIT_1 _UxGT("Attente Démarrage") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INIT_2 _UxGT("du filament") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INIT_3 _UxGT("changer") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_1 _UxGT("attente de") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_2 _UxGT("décharger filament") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INSERT_1 _UxGT("insérer filament") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INSERT_2 _UxGT("et app. bouton") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INSERT_3 _UxGT("pour continuer...") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEAT_1 _UxGT("Appuyer sur le bouton...") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEAT_2 _UxGT("Pour chauffer la buse.") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEATING_1 _UxGT("Buse en chauffe") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEATING_2 _UxGT("Patientez SVP...") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_1 _UxGT("attente de") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_2 _UxGT("chargement filament") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_EXTRUDE_1 _UxGT("attente de") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_EXTRUDE_2 _UxGT("extrusion filament") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_RESUME_1 _UxGT("attente impression") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_RESUME_2 _UxGT("pour reprendre") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INIT_1 _UxGT("Attente Démarrage") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INIT_2 _UxGT("du filament") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INIT_3 _UxGT("changer") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_1 _UxGT("attente de") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_2 _UxGT("décharger filament") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INSERT_1 _UxGT("insérer filament") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INSERT_2 _UxGT("et app. bouton") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INSERT_3 _UxGT("pour continuer...") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEAT_1 _UxGT("Presser le bouton...") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEAT_2 _UxGT("Pr chauffer la buse") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEATING_1 _UxGT("Buse en chauffe") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEATING_2 _UxGT("Patientez SVP...") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_1 _UxGT("attente de") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_2 _UxGT("chargement filament") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_EXTRUDE_1 _UxGT("attente de") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_EXTRUDE_2 _UxGT("extrusion filament") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_RESUME_1 _UxGT("attente impression") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_RESUME_2 _UxGT("pour reprendre") |
#else // LCD_HEIGHT < 4
// Up to 2 lines allowed
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INIT_1 _UxGT("Patientez...") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_1 _UxGT("Ejection...") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INSERT_1 _UxGT("Insérer et clic") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_1 _UxGT("Chargement...") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_EXTRUDE_1 _UxGT("Extrusion...") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_RESUME_1 _UxGT("Reprise...") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INIT_1 _UxGT("Patientez...") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_1 _UxGT("Ejection...") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INSERT_1 _UxGT("Insérer et clic") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_1 _UxGT("Chargement...") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_EXTRUDE_1 _UxGT("Extrusion...") |
#define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_RESUME_1 _UxGT("Reprise...") |
#endif // LCD_HEIGHT < 4
#endif // LANGUAGE_FR_H