12 years ago
17 changed files with 2410 additions and 1481 deletions
File diff suppressed because it is too large
@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ |
Servo.cpp - Interrupt driven Servo library for Arduino using 16 bit timers- Version 2 |
Copyright (c) 2009 Michael Margolis. All right reserved. |
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public |
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
Lesser General Public License for more details. |
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public |
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software |
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA |
*/ |
A servo is activated by creating an instance of the Servo class passing the desired pin to the attach() method. |
The servos are pulsed in the background using the value most recently written using the write() method |
Note that analogWrite of PWM on pins associated with the timer are disabled when the first servo is attached. |
Timers are seized as needed in groups of 12 servos - 24 servos use two timers, 48 servos will use four. |
The methods are: |
Servo - Class for manipulating servo motors connected to Arduino pins. |
attach(pin ) - Attaches a servo motor to an i/o pin. |
attach(pin, min, max ) - Attaches to a pin setting min and max values in microseconds |
default min is 544, max is 2400 |
write() - Sets the servo angle in degrees. (invalid angle that is valid as pulse in microseconds is treated as microseconds) |
writeMicroseconds() - Sets the servo pulse width in microseconds |
read() - Gets the last written servo pulse width as an angle between 0 and 180. |
readMicroseconds() - Gets the last written servo pulse width in microseconds. (was read_us() in first release) |
attached() - Returns true if there is a servo attached. |
detach() - Stops an attached servos from pulsing its i/o pin. |
*/ |
#ifdef NUM_SERVOS |
#include <avr/interrupt.h> |
#include <Arduino.h> |
#include "Servo.h" |
#define usToTicks(_us) (( clockCyclesPerMicrosecond()* _us) / 8) // converts microseconds to tick (assumes prescale of 8) // 12 Aug 2009
#define ticksToUs(_ticks) (( (unsigned)_ticks * 8)/ clockCyclesPerMicrosecond() ) // converts from ticks back to microseconds
#define TRIM_DURATION 2 // compensation ticks to trim adjust for digitalWrite delays // 12 August 2009
static servo_t servos[MAX_SERVOS]; // static array of servo structures
static volatile int8_t Channel[_Nbr_16timers ]; // counter for the servo being pulsed for each timer (or -1 if refresh interval)
uint8_t ServoCount = 0; // the total number of attached servos
// convenience macros
#define SERVO_INDEX_TO_TIMER(_servo_nbr) ((timer16_Sequence_t)(_servo_nbr / SERVOS_PER_TIMER)) // returns the timer controlling this servo
#define SERVO_INDEX_TO_CHANNEL(_servo_nbr) (_servo_nbr % SERVOS_PER_TIMER) // returns the index of the servo on this timer
#define SERVO_INDEX(_timer,_channel) ((_timer*SERVOS_PER_TIMER) + _channel) // macro to access servo index by timer and channel
#define SERVO(_timer,_channel) (servos[SERVO_INDEX(_timer,_channel)]) // macro to access servo class by timer and channel
#define SERVO_MIN() (MIN_PULSE_WIDTH - this->min * 4) // minimum value in uS for this servo
#define SERVO_MAX() (MAX_PULSE_WIDTH - this->max * 4) // maximum value in uS for this servo
/************ static functions common to all instances ***********************/ |
static inline void handle_interrupts(timer16_Sequence_t timer, volatile uint16_t *TCNTn, volatile uint16_t* OCRnA) |
{ |
if( Channel[timer] < 0 ) |
*TCNTn = 0; // channel set to -1 indicated that refresh interval completed so reset the timer
else{ |
if( SERVO_INDEX(timer,Channel[timer]) < ServoCount && SERVO(timer,Channel[timer]).Pin.isActive == true ) |
digitalWrite( SERVO(timer,Channel[timer]).Pin.nbr,LOW); // pulse this channel low if activated
} |
Channel[timer]++; // increment to the next channel
if( SERVO_INDEX(timer,Channel[timer]) < ServoCount && Channel[timer] < SERVOS_PER_TIMER) { |
*OCRnA = *TCNTn + SERVO(timer,Channel[timer]).ticks; |
if(SERVO(timer,Channel[timer]).Pin.isActive == true) // check if activated
digitalWrite( SERVO(timer,Channel[timer]).Pin.nbr,HIGH); // its an active channel so pulse it high
} |
else { |
// finished all channels so wait for the refresh period to expire before starting over
if( ((unsigned)*TCNTn) + 4 < usToTicks(REFRESH_INTERVAL) ) // allow a few ticks to ensure the next OCR1A not missed
*OCRnA = (unsigned int)usToTicks(REFRESH_INTERVAL); |
else |
*OCRnA = *TCNTn + 4; // at least REFRESH_INTERVAL has elapsed
Channel[timer] = -1; // this will get incremented at the end of the refresh period to start again at the first channel
} |
} |
#ifndef WIRING // Wiring pre-defines signal handlers so don't define any if compiling for the Wiring platform
// Interrupt handlers for Arduino
#if defined(_useTimer1) |
{ |
handle_interrupts(_timer1, &TCNT1, &OCR1A); |
} |
#endif |
#if defined(_useTimer3) |
{ |
handle_interrupts(_timer3, &TCNT3, &OCR3A); |
} |
#endif |
#if defined(_useTimer4) |
{ |
handle_interrupts(_timer4, &TCNT4, &OCR4A); |
} |
#endif |
#if defined(_useTimer5) |
{ |
handle_interrupts(_timer5, &TCNT5, &OCR5A); |
} |
#endif |
#elif defined WIRING |
// Interrupt handlers for Wiring
#if defined(_useTimer1) |
void Timer1Service() |
{ |
handle_interrupts(_timer1, &TCNT1, &OCR1A); |
} |
#endif |
#if defined(_useTimer3) |
void Timer3Service() |
{ |
handle_interrupts(_timer3, &TCNT3, &OCR3A); |
} |
#endif |
#endif |
static void initISR(timer16_Sequence_t timer) |
{ |
#if defined (_useTimer1) |
if(timer == _timer1) { |
TCCR1A = 0; // normal counting mode
TCCR1B = _BV(CS11); // set prescaler of 8
TCNT1 = 0; // clear the timer count
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__)|| defined(__AVR_ATmega128__) |
TIFR |= _BV(OCF1A); // clear any pending interrupts;
TIMSK |= _BV(OCIE1A) ; // enable the output compare interrupt
#else |
// here if not ATmega8 or ATmega128
TIFR1 |= _BV(OCF1A); // clear any pending interrupts;
TIMSK1 |= _BV(OCIE1A) ; // enable the output compare interrupt
#endif |
#if defined(WIRING) |
timerAttach(TIMER1OUTCOMPAREA_INT, Timer1Service); |
#endif |
} |
#endif |
#if defined (_useTimer3) |
if(timer == _timer3) { |
TCCR3A = 0; // normal counting mode
TCCR3B = _BV(CS31); // set prescaler of 8
TCNT3 = 0; // clear the timer count
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega128__) |
TIFR |= _BV(OCF3A); // clear any pending interrupts;
ETIMSK |= _BV(OCIE3A); // enable the output compare interrupt
#else |
TIFR3 = _BV(OCF3A); // clear any pending interrupts;
TIMSK3 = _BV(OCIE3A) ; // enable the output compare interrupt
#endif |
#if defined(WIRING) |
timerAttach(TIMER3OUTCOMPAREA_INT, Timer3Service); // for Wiring platform only
#endif |
} |
#endif |
#if defined (_useTimer4) |
if(timer == _timer4) { |
TCCR4A = 0; // normal counting mode
TCCR4B = _BV(CS41); // set prescaler of 8
TCNT4 = 0; // clear the timer count
TIFR4 = _BV(OCF4A); // clear any pending interrupts;
TIMSK4 = _BV(OCIE4A) ; // enable the output compare interrupt
} |
#endif |
#if defined (_useTimer5) |
if(timer == _timer5) { |
TCCR5A = 0; // normal counting mode
TCCR5B = _BV(CS51); // set prescaler of 8
TCNT5 = 0; // clear the timer count
TIFR5 = _BV(OCF5A); // clear any pending interrupts;
TIMSK5 = _BV(OCIE5A) ; // enable the output compare interrupt
} |
#endif |
} |
static void finISR(timer16_Sequence_t timer) |
{ |
//disable use of the given timer
#if defined WIRING // Wiring
if(timer == _timer1) { |
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1281__)||defined(__AVR_ATmega2561__) |
TIMSK1 &= ~_BV(OCIE1A) ; // disable timer 1 output compare interrupt
#else |
TIMSK &= ~_BV(OCIE1A) ; // disable timer 1 output compare interrupt
#endif |
} |
else if(timer == _timer3) { |
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1281__)||defined(__AVR_ATmega2561__) |
TIMSK3 &= ~_BV(OCIE3A); // disable the timer3 output compare A interrupt
#else |
ETIMSK &= ~_BV(OCIE3A); // disable the timer3 output compare A interrupt
#endif |
} |
#else |
//For arduino - in future: call here to a currently undefined function to reset the timer
#endif |
} |
static boolean isTimerActive(timer16_Sequence_t timer) |
{ |
// returns true if any servo is active on this timer
for(uint8_t channel=0; channel < SERVOS_PER_TIMER; channel++) { |
if(SERVO(timer,channel).Pin.isActive == true) |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
/****************** end of static functions ******************************/ |
Servo::Servo() |
{ |
if( ServoCount < MAX_SERVOS) { |
this->servoIndex = ServoCount++; // assign a servo index to this instance
servos[this->servoIndex].ticks = usToTicks(DEFAULT_PULSE_WIDTH); // store default values - 12 Aug 2009
} |
else |
this->servoIndex = INVALID_SERVO ; // too many servos
} |
uint8_t Servo::attach(int pin) |
{ |
return this->attach(pin, MIN_PULSE_WIDTH, MAX_PULSE_WIDTH); |
} |
uint8_t Servo::attach(int pin, int min, int max) |
{ |
if(this->servoIndex < MAX_SERVOS ) { |
pinMode( pin, OUTPUT) ; // set servo pin to output
servos[this->servoIndex].Pin.nbr = pin; |
// todo min/max check: abs(min - MIN_PULSE_WIDTH) /4 < 128
this->min = (MIN_PULSE_WIDTH - min)/4; //resolution of min/max is 4 uS
this->max = (MAX_PULSE_WIDTH - max)/4; |
// initialize the timer if it has not already been initialized
timer16_Sequence_t timer = SERVO_INDEX_TO_TIMER(servoIndex); |
if(isTimerActive(timer) == false) |
initISR(timer); |
servos[this->servoIndex].Pin.isActive = true; // this must be set after the check for isTimerActive
} |
return this->servoIndex ; |
} |
void Servo::detach() |
{ |
servos[this->servoIndex].Pin.isActive = false; |
timer16_Sequence_t timer = SERVO_INDEX_TO_TIMER(servoIndex); |
if(isTimerActive(timer) == false) { |
finISR(timer); |
} |
} |
void Servo::write(int value) |
{ |
if(value < MIN_PULSE_WIDTH) |
{ // treat values less than 544 as angles in degrees (valid values in microseconds are handled as microseconds)
if(value < 0) value = 0; |
if(value > 180) value = 180; |
value = map(value, 0, 180, SERVO_MIN(), SERVO_MAX()); |
} |
this->writeMicroseconds(value); |
} |
void Servo::writeMicroseconds(int value) |
{ |
// calculate and store the values for the given channel
byte channel = this->servoIndex; |
if( (channel < MAX_SERVOS) ) // ensure channel is valid
{ |
if( value < SERVO_MIN() ) // ensure pulse width is valid
value = SERVO_MIN(); |
else if( value > SERVO_MAX() ) |
value = SERVO_MAX(); |
value = value - TRIM_DURATION; |
value = usToTicks(value); // convert to ticks after compensating for interrupt overhead - 12 Aug 2009
uint8_t oldSREG = SREG; |
cli(); |
servos[channel].ticks = value; |
SREG = oldSREG; |
} |
} |
int Servo::read() // return the value as degrees
{ |
return map( this->readMicroseconds()+1, SERVO_MIN(), SERVO_MAX(), 0, 180); |
} |
int Servo::readMicroseconds() |
{ |
unsigned int pulsewidth; |
if( this->servoIndex != INVALID_SERVO ) |
pulsewidth = ticksToUs(servos[this->servoIndex].ticks) + TRIM_DURATION ; // 12 aug 2009
else |
pulsewidth = 0; |
return pulsewidth; |
} |
bool Servo::attached() |
{ |
return servos[this->servoIndex].Pin.isActive ; |
} |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ |
Servo.h - Interrupt driven Servo library for Arduino using 16 bit timers- Version 2 |
Copyright (c) 2009 Michael Margolis. All right reserved. |
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public |
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
Lesser General Public License for more details. |
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public |
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software |
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA |
*/ |
A servo is activated by creating an instance of the Servo class passing the desired pin to the attach() method. |
The servos are pulsed in the background using the value most recently written using the write() method |
Note that analogWrite of PWM on pins associated with the timer are disabled when the first servo is attached. |
Timers are seized as needed in groups of 12 servos - 24 servos use two timers, 48 servos will use four. |
The sequence used to sieze timers is defined in timers.h |
The methods are: |
Servo - Class for manipulating servo motors connected to Arduino pins. |
attach(pin ) - Attaches a servo motor to an i/o pin. |
attach(pin, min, max ) - Attaches to a pin setting min and max values in microseconds |
default min is 544, max is 2400 |
write() - Sets the servo angle in degrees. (invalid angle that is valid as pulse in microseconds is treated as microseconds) |
writeMicroseconds() - Sets the servo pulse width in microseconds |
read() - Gets the last written servo pulse width as an angle between 0 and 180. |
readMicroseconds() - Gets the last written servo pulse width in microseconds. (was read_us() in first release) |
attached() - Returns true if there is a servo attached. |
detach() - Stops an attached servos from pulsing its i/o pin. |
*/ |
#ifndef Servo_h |
#define Servo_h |
#include <inttypes.h> |
* Defines for 16 bit timers used with Servo library |
* |
* If _useTimerX is defined then TimerX is a 16 bit timer on the curent board |
* timer16_Sequence_t enumerates the sequence that the timers should be allocated |
* _Nbr_16timers indicates how many 16 bit timers are available. |
* |
*/ |
// Say which 16 bit timers can be used and in what order
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) |
#define _useTimer5 |
//#define _useTimer1
#define _useTimer3 |
#define _useTimer4 |
//typedef enum { _timer5, _timer1, _timer3, _timer4, _Nbr_16timers } timer16_Sequence_t ;
typedef enum { _timer5, _timer3, _timer4, _Nbr_16timers } timer16_Sequence_t ; |
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__) |
//#define _useTimer1
#define _useTimer3 |
//typedef enum { _timer1, _Nbr_16timers } timer16_Sequence_t ;
typedef enum { _timer3, _Nbr_16timers } timer16_Sequence_t ; |
#elif defined(__AVR_AT90USB646__) || defined(__AVR_AT90USB1286__) |
#define _useTimer3 |
//#define _useTimer1
//typedef enum { _timer3, _timer1, _Nbr_16timers } timer16_Sequence_t ;
typedef enum { _timer3, _Nbr_16timers } timer16_Sequence_t ; |
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega128__) ||defined(__AVR_ATmega1281__)||defined(__AVR_ATmega2561__) |
#define _useTimer3 |
//#define _useTimer1
//typedef enum { _timer3, _timer1, _Nbr_16timers } timer16_Sequence_t ;
typedef enum { _timer3, _Nbr_16timers } timer16_Sequence_t ; |
#else // everything else
//#define _useTimer1
//typedef enum { _timer1, _Nbr_16timers } timer16_Sequence_t ;
typedef enum { _Nbr_16timers } timer16_Sequence_t ; |
#endif |
#define Servo_VERSION 2 // software version of this library
#define MIN_PULSE_WIDTH 544 // the shortest pulse sent to a servo
#define MAX_PULSE_WIDTH 2400 // the longest pulse sent to a servo
#define DEFAULT_PULSE_WIDTH 1500 // default pulse width when servo is attached
#define REFRESH_INTERVAL 20000 // minumim time to refresh servos in microseconds
#define SERVOS_PER_TIMER 12 // the maximum number of servos controlled by one timer
#define MAX_SERVOS (_Nbr_16timers * SERVOS_PER_TIMER) |
#define INVALID_SERVO 255 // flag indicating an invalid servo index
typedef struct { |
uint8_t nbr :6 ; // a pin number from 0 to 63
uint8_t isActive :1 ; // true if this channel is enabled, pin not pulsed if false
} ServoPin_t ; |
typedef struct { |
ServoPin_t Pin; |
unsigned int ticks; |
} servo_t; |
class Servo |
{ |
public: |
Servo(); |
uint8_t attach(int pin); // attach the given pin to the next free channel, sets pinMode, returns channel number or 0 if failure
uint8_t attach(int pin, int min, int max); // as above but also sets min and max values for writes.
void detach(); |
void write(int value); // if value is < 200 its treated as an angle, otherwise as pulse width in microseconds
void writeMicroseconds(int value); // Write pulse width in microseconds
int read(); // returns current pulse width as an angle between 0 and 180 degrees
int readMicroseconds(); // returns current pulse width in microseconds for this servo (was read_us() in first release)
bool attached(); // return true if this servo is attached, otherwise false
private: |
uint8_t servoIndex; // index into the channel data for this servo
int8_t min; // minimum is this value times 4 added to MIN_PULSE_WIDTH
int8_t max; // maximum is this value times 4 added to MAX_PULSE_WIDTH
}; |
#endif |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
@ -1,223 +1,227 @@ |
-------- |
The configuration is now split in two files |
Configuration.h for the normal settings |
Configuration_adv.h for the advanced settings |
Gen7T is not supported. |
Quick Information |
=================== |
This RepRap firmware is a mashup between <a href="https://github.com/kliment/Sprinter">Sprinter</a>, <a href="https://github.com/simen/grbl/tree">grbl</a> and many original parts. |
Derived from Sprinter and Grbl by Erik van der Zalm. |
Sprinters lead developers are Kliment and caru. |
Grbls lead developer is Simen Svale Skogsrud. Sonney Jeon (Chamnit) improved some parts of grbl |
A fork by bkubicek for the Ultimaker was merged, and further development was aided by him. |
Some features have been added by: |
Lampmaker, Bradley Feldman, and others... |
Features: |
* Interrupt based movement with real linear acceleration |
* High steprate |
* Look ahead (Keep the speed high when possible. High cornering speed) |
* Interrupt based temperature protection |
* preliminary support for Matthew Roberts advance algorithm |
For more info see: http://reprap.org/pipermail/reprap-dev/2011-May/003323.html |
* Full endstop support |
* SD Card support |
* SD Card folders (works in pronterface) |
* SD Card autostart support |
* LCD support (ideally 20x4) |
* LCD menu system for autonomous SD card printing, controlled by an click-encoder. |
* EEPROM storage of e.g. max-velocity, max-acceleration, and similar variables |
* many small but handy things originating from bkubicek's fork. |
* Arc support |
* Temperature oversampling |
* Dynamic Temperature setpointing aka "AutoTemp" |
* Support for QTMarlin, a very beta GUI for PID-tuning and velocity-acceleration testing. https://github.com/bkubicek/QTMarlin |
* Endstop trigger reporting to the host software. |
* Updated sdcardlib |
* Heater power reporting. Useful for PID monitoring. |
* PID tuning |
* CoreXY kinematics (www.corexy.com/theory.html) |
* Configurable serial port to support connection of wireless adaptors. |
The default baudrate is 250000. This baudrate has less jitter and hence errors than the usual 115200 baud, but is less supported by drivers and host-environments. |
Differences and additions to the already good Sprinter firmware: |
================================================================ |
*Look-ahead:* |
Marlin has look-ahead. While sprinter has to break and re-accelerate at each corner, |
lookahead will only decelerate and accelerate to a velocity, |
so that the change in vectorial velocity magnitude is less than the xy_jerk_velocity. |
This is only possible, if some future moves are already processed, hence the name. |
It leads to less over-deposition at corners, especially at flat angles. |
*Arc support:* |
Slic3r can find curves that, although broken into segments, were ment to describe an arc. |
Marlin is able to print those arcs. The advantage is the firmware can choose the resolution, |
and can perform the arc with nearly constant velocity, resulting in a nice finish. |
Also, less serial communication is needed. |
*Temperature Oversampling:* |
To reduce noise and make the PID-differential term more useful, 16 ADC conversion results are averaged. |
*AutoTemp:* |
If your gcode contains a wide spread of extruder velocities, or you realtime change the building speed, the temperature should be changed accordingly. |
Usually, higher speed requires higher temperature. |
This can now be performed by the AutoTemp function |
By calling M109 S<mintemp> T<maxtemp> F<factor> you enter the autotemp mode. |
You can leave it by calling M109 without any F. |
If active, the maximal extruder stepper rate of all buffered moves will be calculated, and named "maxerate" [steps/sec]. |
The wanted temperature then will be set to t=tempmin+factor*maxerate, while being limited between tempmin and tempmax. |
If the target temperature is set manually or by gcode to a value less then tempmin, it will be kept without change. |
Ideally, your gcode can be completely free of temperature controls, apart from a M109 S T F in the start.gcode, and a M109 S0 in the end.gcode. |
If you know your PID values, the acceleration and max-velocities of your unique machine, you can set them, and finally store them in the EEPROM. |
After each reboot, it will magically load them from EEPROM, independent what your Configuration.h says. |
*LCD Menu:* |
If your hardware supports it, you can build yourself a LCD-CardReader+Click+encoder combination. It will enable you to realtime tune temperatures, |
accelerations, velocities, flow rates, select and print files from the SD card, preheat, disable the steppers, and do other fancy stuff. |
One working hardware is documented here: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:12663 |
Also, with just a 20x4 or 16x2 display, useful data is shown. |
*SD card folders:* |
If you have an SD card reader attached to your controller, also folders work now. Listing the files in pronterface will show "/path/subpath/file.g". |
You can write to file in a subfolder by specifying a similar text using small letters in the path. |
Also, backup copies of various operating systems are hidden, as well as files not ending with ".g". |
*SD card folders:* |
If you place a file auto[0-9].g into the root of the sd card, it will be automatically executed if you boot the printer. The same file will be executed by selecting "Autostart" from the menu. |
First *0 will be performed, than *1 and so on. That way, you can heat up or even print automatically without user interaction. |
*Endstop trigger reporting:* |
If an endstop is hit while moving towards the endstop, the location at which the firmware thinks that the endstop was triggered is outputed on the serial port. |
This is useful, because the user gets a warning message. |
However, also tools like QTMarlin can use this for finding acceptable combinations of velocity+acceleration. |
*Coding paradigm:* |
Not relevant from a user side, but Marlin was split into thematic junks, and has tried to partially enforced private variables. |
This is intended to make it clearer, what interacts which what, and leads to a higher level of modularization. |
We think that this is a useful prestep for porting this firmware to e.g. an ARM platform in the future. |
A lot of RAM (with enabled LCD ~2200 bytes) was saved by storing char []="some message" in Program memory. |
In the serial communication, a #define based level of abstraction was enforced, so that it is clear that |
some transfer is information (usually beginning with "echo:"), an error "error:", or just normal protocol, |
necessary for backwards compatibility. |
*Interrupt based temperature measurements:* |
An interrupt is used to manage ADC conversions, and enforce checking for critical temperatures. |
This leads to less blocking in the heater management routine. |
Non-standard M-Codes, different to an old version of sprinter: |
============================================================== |
Movement: |
* G2 - CW ARC |
* G3 - CCW ARC |
General: |
* M17 - Enable/Power all stepper motors. Compatibility to ReplicatorG. |
* M18 - Disable all stepper motors; same as M84.Compatibility to ReplicatorG. |
* M30 - Print time since last M109 or SD card start to serial |
* M42 - Change pin status via gcode |
* M80 - Turn on Power Supply |
* M81 - Turn off Power Supply |
* M114 - Output current position to serial port |
* M119 - Output Endstop status to serial port |
Movement variables: |
* M202 - Set max acceleration in units/s^2 for travel moves (M202 X1000 Y1000) Unused in Marlin!! |
* M203 - Set maximum feedrate that your machine can sustain (M203 X200 Y200 Z300 E10000) in mm/sec |
* M204 - Set default acceleration: S normal moves T filament only moves (M204 S3000 T7000) im mm/sec^2 also sets minimum segment time in ms (B20000) to prevent buffer underruns and M20 minimum feedrate |
* M206 - set home offsets. This sets the X,Y,Z coordinates of the endstops (and is added to the {X,Y,Z}_HOME_POS configuration options (and is also added to the coordinates, if any, provided to G82, as with earlier firmware) |
* M220 - set build speed mulitplying S:factor in percent ; aka "realtime tuneing in the gcode". So you can slow down if you have islands in one height-range, and speed up otherwise. |
* M221 - set the extrude multiplying S:factor in percent |
* M400 - Finish all buffered moves. |
Temperature variables: |
* M301 - Set PID parameters P I and D |
* M302 - Allow cold extrudes |
* M303 - PID relay autotune S<temperature> sets the target temperature. (default target temperature = 150C) |
Advance: |
* M200 - Set filament diameter for advance |
* M205 - advanced settings: minimum travel speed S=while printing T=travel only, B=minimum segment time X= maximum xy jerk, Z=maximum Z jerk |
* M500 - stores paramters in EEPROM. This parameters are stored: axis_steps_per_unit, max_feedrate, max_acceleration ,acceleration,retract_acceleration, |
minimumfeedrate,mintravelfeedrate,minsegmenttime, jerk velocities, PID |
* M501 - reads parameters from EEPROM (if you need reset them after you changed them temporarily). |
* M502 - reverts to the default "factory settings". You still need to store them in EEPROM afterwards if you want to. |
* M503 - print the current settings (from memory not from eeprom) |
* M240 - Trigger a camera to take a photograph |
* M999 - Restart after being stopped by error |
Configuring and compilation: |
============================ |
Install the arduino software IDE/toolset v23 (Some configurations also work with 1.x.x) |
http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software |
For gen6/gen7 and sanguinololu the Sanguino directory in the Marlin dir needs to be copied to the arduino environment. |
copy ArduinoAddons\Arduino_x.x.x\sanguino <arduino home>\hardware\Sanguino |
Install Ultimaker's RepG 25 build |
http://software.ultimaker.com |
For SD handling and as better substitute (apart from stl manipulation) download |
the very nice Kliment's printrun/pronterface https://github.com/kliment/Printrun |
Copy the Ultimaker Marlin firmware |
https://github.com/ErikZalm/Marlin/tree/Marlin_v1 |
(Use the download button) |
Start the arduino IDE. |
Select Tools -> Board -> Arduino Mega 2560 or your microcontroller |
Select the correct serial port in Tools ->Serial Port |
Open Marlin.pde |
Click the Verify/Compile button |
Click the Upload button |
If all goes well the firmware is uploading |
Start Ultimaker's Custom RepG 25 |
Make sure Show Experimental Profiles is enabled in Preferences |
Select Sprinter as the Driver |
Press the Connect button. |
KNOWN ISSUES: RepG will display: Unknown: marlin x.y.z |
That's ok. Enjoy Silky Smooth Printing. |
========================== |
Marlin 3D Printer Firmware |
========================== |
Notes: |
----- |
The configuration is now split in two files: |
Configuration.h for the normal settings |
Configuration_adv.h for the advanced settings |
Gen7T is not supported. |
Quick Information |
=================== |
This RepRap firmware is a mashup between <a href="https://github.com/kliment/Sprinter">Sprinter</a>, <a href="https://github.com/simen/grbl/tree">grbl</a> and many original parts. |
Derived from Sprinter and Grbl by Erik van der Zalm. |
Sprinters lead developers are Kliment and caru. |
Grbls lead developer is Simen Svale Skogsrud. Sonney Jeon (Chamnit) improved some parts of grbl |
A fork by bkubicek for the Ultimaker was merged, and further development was aided by him. |
Some features have been added by: |
Lampmaker, Bradley Feldman, and others... |
Features: |
* Interrupt based movement with real linear acceleration |
* High steprate |
* Look ahead (Keep the speed high when possible. High cornering speed) |
* Interrupt based temperature protection |
* preliminary support for Matthew Roberts advance algorithm |
For more info see: http://reprap.org/pipermail/reprap-dev/2011-May/003323.html |
* Full endstop support |
* SD Card support |
* SD Card folders (works in pronterface) |
* SD Card autostart support |
* LCD support (ideally 20x4) |
* LCD menu system for autonomous SD card printing, controlled by an click-encoder. |
* EEPROM storage of e.g. max-velocity, max-acceleration, and similar variables |
* many small but handy things originating from bkubicek's fork. |
* Arc support |
* Temperature oversampling |
* Dynamic Temperature setpointing aka "AutoTemp" |
* Support for QTMarlin, a very beta GUI for PID-tuning and velocity-acceleration testing. https://github.com/bkubicek/QTMarlin |
* Endstop trigger reporting to the host software. |
* Updated sdcardlib |
* Heater power reporting. Useful for PID monitoring. |
* PID tuning |
* CoreXY kinematics (www.corexy.com/theory.html) |
* Configurable serial port to support connection of wireless adaptors. |
* Automatic operation of extruder/cold-end cooling fans based on nozzle temperature |
The default baudrate is 250000. This baudrate has less jitter and hence errors than the usual 115200 baud, but is less supported by drivers and host-environments. |
Differences and additions to the already good Sprinter firmware: |
================================================================ |
*Look-ahead:* |
Marlin has look-ahead. While sprinter has to break and re-accelerate at each corner, |
lookahead will only decelerate and accelerate to a velocity, |
so that the change in vectorial velocity magnitude is less than the xy_jerk_velocity. |
This is only possible, if some future moves are already processed, hence the name. |
It leads to less over-deposition at corners, especially at flat angles. |
*Arc support:* |
Slic3r can find curves that, although broken into segments, were ment to describe an arc. |
Marlin is able to print those arcs. The advantage is the firmware can choose the resolution, |
and can perform the arc with nearly constant velocity, resulting in a nice finish. |
Also, less serial communication is needed. |
*Temperature Oversampling:* |
To reduce noise and make the PID-differential term more useful, 16 ADC conversion results are averaged. |
*AutoTemp:* |
If your gcode contains a wide spread of extruder velocities, or you realtime change the building speed, the temperature should be changed accordingly. |
Usually, higher speed requires higher temperature. |
This can now be performed by the AutoTemp function |
By calling M109 S<mintemp> T<maxtemp> F<factor> you enter the autotemp mode. |
You can leave it by calling M109 without any F. |
If active, the maximal extruder stepper rate of all buffered moves will be calculated, and named "maxerate" [steps/sec]. |
The wanted temperature then will be set to t=tempmin+factor*maxerate, while being limited between tempmin and tempmax. |
If the target temperature is set manually or by gcode to a value less then tempmin, it will be kept without change. |
Ideally, your gcode can be completely free of temperature controls, apart from a M109 S T F in the start.gcode, and a M109 S0 in the end.gcode. |
If you know your PID values, the acceleration and max-velocities of your unique machine, you can set them, and finally store them in the EEPROM. |
After each reboot, it will magically load them from EEPROM, independent what your Configuration.h says. |
*LCD Menu:* |
If your hardware supports it, you can build yourself a LCD-CardReader+Click+encoder combination. It will enable you to realtime tune temperatures, |
accelerations, velocities, flow rates, select and print files from the SD card, preheat, disable the steppers, and do other fancy stuff. |
One working hardware is documented here: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:12663 |
Also, with just a 20x4 or 16x2 display, useful data is shown. |
*SD card folders:* |
If you have an SD card reader attached to your controller, also folders work now. Listing the files in pronterface will show "/path/subpath/file.g". |
You can write to file in a subfolder by specifying a similar text using small letters in the path. |
Also, backup copies of various operating systems are hidden, as well as files not ending with ".g". |
*SD card folders:* |
If you place a file auto[0-9].g into the root of the sd card, it will be automatically executed if you boot the printer. The same file will be executed by selecting "Autostart" from the menu. |
First *0 will be performed, than *1 and so on. That way, you can heat up or even print automatically without user interaction. |
*Endstop trigger reporting:* |
If an endstop is hit while moving towards the endstop, the location at which the firmware thinks that the endstop was triggered is outputed on the serial port. |
This is useful, because the user gets a warning message. |
However, also tools like QTMarlin can use this for finding acceptable combinations of velocity+acceleration. |
*Coding paradigm:* |
Not relevant from a user side, but Marlin was split into thematic junks, and has tried to partially enforced private variables. |
This is intended to make it clearer, what interacts which what, and leads to a higher level of modularization. |
We think that this is a useful prestep for porting this firmware to e.g. an ARM platform in the future. |
A lot of RAM (with enabled LCD ~2200 bytes) was saved by storing char []="some message" in Program memory. |
In the serial communication, a #define based level of abstraction was enforced, so that it is clear that |
some transfer is information (usually beginning with "echo:"), an error "error:", or just normal protocol, |
necessary for backwards compatibility. |
*Interrupt based temperature measurements:* |
An interrupt is used to manage ADC conversions, and enforce checking for critical temperatures. |
This leads to less blocking in the heater management routine. |
Non-standard M-Codes, different to an old version of sprinter: |
============================================================== |
Movement: |
* G2 - CW ARC |
* G3 - CCW ARC |
General: |
* M17 - Enable/Power all stepper motors. Compatibility to ReplicatorG. |
* M18 - Disable all stepper motors; same as M84.Compatibility to ReplicatorG. |
* M30 - Print time since last M109 or SD card start to serial |
* M42 - Change pin status via gcode |
* M80 - Turn on Power Supply |
* M81 - Turn off Power Supply |
* M114 - Output current position to serial port |
* M119 - Output Endstop status to serial port |
Movement variables: |
* M202 - Set max acceleration in units/s^2 for travel moves (M202 X1000 Y1000) Unused in Marlin!! |
* M203 - Set maximum feedrate that your machine can sustain (M203 X200 Y200 Z300 E10000) in mm/sec |
* M204 - Set default acceleration: S normal moves T filament only moves (M204 S3000 T7000) im mm/sec^2 also sets minimum segment time in ms (B20000) to prevent buffer underruns and M20 minimum feedrate |
* M206 - set home offsets. This sets the X,Y,Z coordinates of the endstops (and is added to the {X,Y,Z}_HOME_POS configuration options (and is also added to the coordinates, if any, provided to G82, as with earlier firmware) |
* M220 - set build speed mulitplying S:factor in percent ; aka "realtime tuneing in the gcode". So you can slow down if you have islands in one height-range, and speed up otherwise. |
* M221 - set the extrude multiplying S:factor in percent |
* M400 - Finish all buffered moves. |
Temperature variables: |
* M301 - Set PID parameters P I and D |
* M302 - Allow cold extrudes |
* M303 - PID relay autotune S<temperature> sets the target temperature. (default target temperature = 150C) |
Advance: |
* M200 - Set filament diameter for advance |
* M205 - advanced settings: minimum travel speed S=while printing T=travel only, B=minimum segment time X= maximum xy jerk, Z=maximum Z jerk |
* M500 - stores paramters in EEPROM. This parameters are stored: axis_steps_per_unit, max_feedrate, max_acceleration ,acceleration,retract_acceleration, |
minimumfeedrate,mintravelfeedrate,minsegmenttime, jerk velocities, PID |
* M501 - reads parameters from EEPROM (if you need reset them after you changed them temporarily). |
* M502 - reverts to the default "factory settings". You still need to store them in EEPROM afterwards if you want to. |
* M503 - print the current settings (from memory not from eeprom) |
* M240 - Trigger a camera to take a photograph |
* M999 - Restart after being stopped by error |
Configuring and compilation: |
============================ |
Install the arduino software IDE/toolset v23 (Some configurations also work with 1.x.x) |
http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software |
For gen6/gen7 and sanguinololu the Sanguino directory in the Marlin dir needs to be copied to the arduino environment. |
copy ArduinoAddons\Arduino_x.x.x\sanguino <arduino home>\hardware\Sanguino |
Install Ultimaker's RepG 25 build |
http://software.ultimaker.com |
For SD handling and as better substitute (apart from stl manipulation) download |
the very nice Kliment's printrun/pronterface https://github.com/kliment/Printrun |
Copy the Ultimaker Marlin firmware |
https://github.com/ErikZalm/Marlin/tree/Marlin_v1 |
(Use the download button) |
Start the arduino IDE. |
Select Tools -> Board -> Arduino Mega 2560 or your microcontroller |
Select the correct serial port in Tools ->Serial Port |
Open Marlin.pde |
Click the Verify/Compile button |
Click the Upload button |
If all goes well the firmware is uploading |
Start Ultimaker's Custom RepG 25 |
Make sure Show Experimental Profiles is enabled in Preferences |
Select Sprinter as the Driver |
Press the Connect button. |
KNOWN ISSUES: RepG will display: Unknown: marlin x.y.z |
That's ok. Enjoy Silky Smooth Printing. |
Reference in new issue