@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ char lcd_status_message[LCD_WIDTH+1] = WELCOME_MSG;
# endif
/** forward declerations **/
void copy_and_scalePID_i ( ) ;
void copy_and_scalePID_d ( ) ;
/* Different menus */
static void lcd_status_screen ( ) ;
@ -63,6 +67,14 @@ static void menu_action_setting_edit_float5(const char* pstr, float* ptr, float
static void menu_action_setting_edit_float51 ( const char * pstr , float * ptr , float minValue , float maxValue ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_float52 ( const char * pstr , float * ptr , float minValue , float maxValue ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_long5 ( const char * pstr , unsigned long * ptr , unsigned long minValue , unsigned long maxValue ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_callback_bool ( const char * pstr , bool * ptr , menuFunc_t callbackFunc ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_callback_int3 ( const char * pstr , int * ptr , int minValue , int maxValue , menuFunc_t callbackFunc ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_callback_float3 ( const char * pstr , float * ptr , float minValue , float maxValue , menuFunc_t callbackFunc ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_callback_float32 ( const char * pstr , float * ptr , float minValue , float maxValue , menuFunc_t callbackFunc ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_callback_float5 ( const char * pstr , float * ptr , float minValue , float maxValue , menuFunc_t callbackFunc ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_callback_float51 ( const char * pstr , float * ptr , float minValue , float maxValue , menuFunc_t callbackFunc ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_callback_float52 ( const char * pstr , float * ptr , float minValue , float maxValue , menuFunc_t callbackFunc ) ;
static void menu_action_setting_edit_callback_long5 ( const char * pstr , unsigned long * ptr , unsigned long minValue , unsigned long maxValue , menuFunc_t callbackFunc ) ;
@ -93,6 +105,7 @@ static void menu_action_setting_edit_long5(const char* pstr, unsigned long* ptr,
} while ( 0 )
# define MENU_ITEM_DUMMY() do { _menuItemNr++; } while(0)
# define MENU_ITEM_EDIT(type, label, args...) MENU_ITEM(setting_edit_ ## type, label, PSTR(label) , ## args )
# define MENU_ITEM_EDIT_CALLBACK(type, label, args...) MENU_ITEM(setting_edit_callback_ ## type, label, PSTR(label) , ## args )
# define END_MENU() \
if ( encoderPosition / ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM > = _menuItemNr ) encoderPosition = _menuItemNr * ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM - 1 ; \
if ( ( uint8_t ) ( encoderPosition / ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM ) > = currentMenuViewOffset + LCD_HEIGHT ) { currentMenuViewOffset = ( encoderPosition / ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM ) - LCD_HEIGHT + 1 ; lcdDrawUpdate = 1 ; _lineNr = currentMenuViewOffset - 1 ; _drawLineNr = - 1 ; } \
@ -123,6 +136,10 @@ uint16_t prevEncoderPosition;
const char * editLabel ;
void * editValue ;
int32_t minEditValue , maxEditValue ;
menuFunc_t callbackFunc ;
// placeholders for Ki and Kd edits
float raw_Ki , raw_Kd ;
/* Main status screen. It's up to the implementation specific part to show what is needed. As this is very display dependend */
static void lcd_status_screen ( )
@ -442,6 +459,10 @@ static void lcd_control_menu()
static void lcd_control_temperature_menu ( )
// set up temp variables - undo the default scaling
raw_Ki = unscalePID_i ( Ki ) ;
raw_Kd = unscalePID_d ( Kd ) ;
MENU_ITEM ( back , MSG_CONTROL , lcd_control_menu ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( int3 , MSG_NOZZLE , & target_temperature [ 0 ] , 0 , HEATER_0_MAXTEMP - 15 ) ;
@ -463,9 +484,9 @@ static void lcd_control_temperature_menu()
# endif
# ifdef PIDTEMP
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float52 , MSG_PID_P , & Kp , 1 , 9990 ) ;
//TODO, I and D should have a PID_dT multiplier (Ki = PID_I * PID_dT, Kd = PID_D / PID_dT)
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float52 , MSG_PID_I , & Ki , 1 , 9990 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float52 , MSG_PID_D , & Kd , 1 , 9990 ) ;
// i is typically a small value so allows values below 1
MENU_ITEM_EDIT_CALLBACK ( float52 , MSG_PID_I , & raw_Ki , 0.0 1, 9990 , copy_and_scalePID_i ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT_CALLBACK ( float52 , MSG_PID_D , & raw_ Kd, 1 , 9990 , copy_and_scalePID_d ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_PID_C , & Kc , 1 , 9990 ) ;
@ -511,16 +532,18 @@ static void lcd_control_motion_menu()
MENU_ITEM ( back , MSG_CONTROL , lcd_control_menu ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float5 , MSG_ACC , & acceleration , 500 , 99000 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_VXY_JERK , & max_xy_jerk , 1 , 990 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float52 , MSG_VZ_JERK , & max_z_jerk , 0.1 , 990 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_VE_JERK , & max_e_jerk , 1 , 990 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_VMAX MSG_X , & max_feedrate [ X_AXIS ] , 1 , 999 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_VMAX MSG_Y , & max_feedrate [ Y_AXIS ] , 1 , 999 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_VMAX MSG_Z , & max_feedrate [ Z_AXIS ] , 1 , 999 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_VMAX MSG_E , & max_feedrate [ E_AXIS ] , 1 , 999 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_VMIN , & minimumfeedrate , 0 , 999 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float3 , MSG_VTRAV_MIN , & mintravelfeedrate , 0 , 999 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( long5 , MSG_AMAX MSG_X , & max_acceleration_units_per_sq_second [ X_AXIS ] , 100 , 99000 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( long5 , MSG_AMAX MSG_Y , & max_acceleration_units_per_sq_second [ Y_AXIS ] , 100 , 99000 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( long5 , MSG_AMAX MSG_Z , & max_acceleration_units_per_sq_second [ Z_AXIS ] , 100 , 99000 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( long5 , MSG_AMAX MSG_E , & max_acceleration_units_per_sq_second [ E_AXIS ] , 100 , 99000 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT_CALLBACK ( long5 , MSG_AMAX MSG_X , & max_acceleration_units_per_sq_second [ X_AXIS ] , 100 , 99000 , reset_acceleration_rates ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT_CALLBACK ( long5 , MSG_AMAX MSG_Y , & max_acceleration_units_per_sq_second [ Y_AXIS ] , 100 , 99000 , reset_acceleration_rates ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT_CALLBACK ( long5 , MSG_AMAX MSG_Z , & max_acceleration_units_per_sq_second [ Z_AXIS ] , 100 , 99000 , reset_acceleration_rates ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT_CALLBACK ( long5 , MSG_AMAX MSG_E , & max_acceleration_units_per_sq_second [ E_AXIS ] , 100 , 99000 , reset_acceleration_rates ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float5 , MSG_A_RETRACT , & retract_acceleration , 100 , 99000 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float52 , MSG_XSTEPS , & axis_steps_per_unit [ X_AXIS ] , 5 , 9999 ) ;
MENU_ITEM_EDIT ( float52 , MSG_YSTEPS , & axis_steps_per_unit [ Y_AXIS ] , 5 , 9999 ) ;
@ -610,6 +633,23 @@ void lcd_sdcard_menu()
encoderPosition = prevEncoderPosition ; \
} \
} \
void menu_edit_callback_ # # _name ( ) \
{ \
if ( ( int32_t ) encoderPosition < minEditValue ) \
encoderPosition = minEditValue ; \
if ( ( int32_t ) encoderPosition > maxEditValue ) \
encoderPosition = maxEditValue ; \
if ( lcdDrawUpdate ) \
lcd_implementation_drawedit ( editLabel , _strFunc ( ( ( _type ) encoderPosition ) / scale ) ) ; \
if ( LCD_CLICKED ) \
{ \
* ( ( _type * ) editValue ) = ( ( _type ) encoderPosition ) / scale ; \
lcd_quick_feedback ( ) ; \
currentMenu = prevMenu ; \
encoderPosition = prevEncoderPosition ; \
( * callbackFunc ) ( ) ; \
} \
} \
static void menu_action_setting_edit_ # # _name ( const char * pstr , _type * ptr , _type minValue , _type maxValue ) \
{ \
prevMenu = currentMenu ; \
@ -623,6 +663,21 @@ void lcd_sdcard_menu()
minEditValue = minValue * scale ; \
maxEditValue = maxValue * scale ; \
encoderPosition = ( * ptr ) * scale ; \
} \
static void menu_action_setting_edit_callback_ # # _name ( const char * pstr , _type * ptr , _type minValue , _type maxValue , menuFunc_t callback ) \
{ \
prevMenu = currentMenu ; \
prevEncoderPosition = encoderPosition ; \
lcdDrawUpdate = 2 ; \
currentMenu = menu_edit_callback_ # # _name ; \
editLabel = pstr ; \
editValue = ptr ; \
minEditValue = minValue * scale ; \
maxEditValue = maxValue * scale ; \
encoderPosition = ( * ptr ) * scale ; \
callbackFunc = callback ; \
menu_edit_type ( int , int3 , itostr3 , 1 )
menu_edit_type ( float , float3 , ftostr3 , 1 )
@ -1070,4 +1125,20 @@ char *ftostr52(const float &x)
return conv ;
// Callback for after editing PID i value
// grab the pid i value out of the temp variable; scale it; then update the PID driver
void copy_and_scalePID_i ( )
Ki = scalePID_i ( raw_Ki ) ;
updatePID ( ) ;
// Callback for after editing PID d value
// grab the pid d value out of the temp variable; scale it; then update the PID driver
void copy_and_scalePID_d ( )
Kd = scalePID_d ( raw_Kd ) ;
updatePID ( ) ;
# endif //ULTRA_LCD