linters-settings: dupl: threshold: 100 funlen: lines: 100 statements: 50 goconst: min-len: 2 min-occurrences: 2 gocyclo: min-complexity: 15 golint: min-confidence: 0 govet: check-shadowing: true lll: line-length: 140 maligned: suggest-new: true misspell: locale: US varnamelen: min-name-length: 2 linters: enable-all: true disable: - varcheck - maligned - scopelint - nosnakecase - ifshort - golint - interfacer - structcheck - deadcode - exhaustivestruct - exhaustruct # is disabled because of generics. You can track the evolution of the generics support by following the - rowserrcheck - sqlclosecheck - wastedassign