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3 years ago
package field
import (
type Key string
//nolint: gocyclo, funlen
func (k Key) Any(value interface{}) Field {
switch v := value.(type) {
case string:
return k.String(v)
case *string:
return k.Stringp(v)
case []string:
return k.Strings(v...)
case bool:
return k.Bool(v)
case *bool:
return k.Boolp(v)
case []bool:
return k.Bools(v...)
case int8:
return k.Int8(v)
case []int8:
return k.Int8s(v...)
case *int8:
return k.Int8p(v)
case int16:
return k.Int16(v)
case []int16:
return k.Int16s(v...)
case *int16:
return k.Int16p(v)
case int32:
return k.Int32(v)
case []int32:
return k.Int32s(v...)
case *int32:
return k.Int32p(v)
case int64:
return k.Int64(v)
case []int64:
return k.Int64s(v...)
case *int64:
return k.Int64p(v)
case uint:
return k.Uint(v)
case []uint:
return k.Uints(v...)
case *uint:
return k.Uintp(v)
case uint8:
return k.Uint8(v)
case *uint8:
return k.Uint8p(v)
case uint16:
return k.Uint16(v)
case []uint16:
return k.Uint16s(v...)
case *uint16:
return k.Uint16p(v)
case uint32:
return k.Uint32(v)
case []uint32:
return k.Uint32s(v...)
case *uint32:
return k.Uint32p(v)
case uint64:
return k.Uint64(v)
case []uint64:
return k.Uint64s(v...)
case *uint64:
return k.Uint64p(v)
case float32:
return k.Float32(v)
case []float32:
return k.Float32s(v...)
case *float32:
return k.Float32p(v)
case float64:
return k.Float64(v)
case []float64:
return k.Float64s(v...)
case *float64:
return k.Float64p(v)
case complex64:
return k.Complex64(v)
case []complex64:
return k.Complex64s(v...)
case *complex64:
return k.Complex64p(v)
case uintptr:
return k.Uintptr(v)
case []uintptr:
return k.Uintptrs(v...)
case *uintptr:
return k.Uintptrp(v)
case []byte:
return k.Bytes(v)
case time.Duration:
return k.Dureation(v)
case []time.Duration:
return k.Dureations(v)
case *time.Duration:
return k.Dureationp(v)
case time.Time:
return k.Time(v)
case []time.Time:
return k.Times(v...)
case *time.Time:
return k.Timep(v)
case error:
return k.Error(v)
case []error:
return k.Errors(v...)
return Field{
key: k,
value: Value{
value: value,
vtype: TypeAny,
func (k Key) String(value string) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: stringValue(value),
func (k Key) Strings(value ...string) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: stringsValue(value),
func (k Key) Stringp(value *string) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: stringpValue(value),
func (k Key) Bool(value bool) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: boolValue(value),
func (k Key) Bools(value ...bool) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: boolsValue(value),
func (k Key) Boolp(value *bool) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: boolpValue(value),
func (k Key) Int(value int) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: intValue(value),
func (k Key) Ints(value Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: intsValue(value),
func (k Key) Intp(value *int) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: intpValue(value),
func (k Key) Int8(value int8) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: int8Value(value),
func (k Key) Int8s(value ...int8) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: int8sValue(value),
func (k Key) Int8p(value *int8) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: int8pValue(value),
func (k Key) Int16(value int16) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: int16Value(value),
func (k Key) Int16s(value ...int16) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: int16sValue(value),
func (k Key) Int16p(value *int16) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: int16pValue(value),
func (k Key) Int32(value int32) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: int32Value(value),
func (k Key) Int32s(value ...int32) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: int32sValue(value),
func (k Key) Int32p(value *int32) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: int32pValue(value),
func (k Key) Int64(value int64) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: int64Value(value),
func (k Key) Int64s(value ...int64) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: int64sValue(value),
func (k Key) Int64p(value *int64) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: int64pValue(value),
func (k Key) Uint(value uint) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: uintValue(value),
func (k Key) Uints(value ...uint) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: uintsValue(value),
func (k Key) Uintp(value *uint) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: uintpValue(value),
func (k Key) Uint8(value uint8) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: uint8Value(value),
func (k Key) Uint8s(value ...uint8) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: uint8sValue(value),
func (k Key) Uint8p(value *uint8) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: uint8pValue(value),
func (k Key) Uint16(value uint16) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: uint16Value(value),
func (k Key) Uint16s(value ...uint16) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: uint16sValue(value),
func (k Key) Uint16p(value *uint16) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: uint16pValue(value),
func (k Key) Uint32(value uint32) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: uint32Value(value),
func (k Key) Uint32s(value ...uint32) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: uint32sValue(value),
func (k Key) Uint32p(value *uint32) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: uint32pValue(value),
func (k Key) Uint64(value uint64) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: uint64Value(value),
func (k Key) Uint64s(value ...uint64) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: uint64sValue(value),
func (k Key) Uint64p(value *uint64) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: uint64pValue(value),
func (k Key) Float32(value float32) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: float32Value(value),
func (k Key) Float32s(value ...float32) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: float32sValue(value),
func (k Key) Float32p(value *float32) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: float32pValue(value),
func (k Key) Float64(value float64) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: float64Value(value),
func (k Key) Float64s(value ...float64) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: float64sValue(value),
func (k Key) Float64p(value *float64) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: float64pValue(value),
func (k Key) Complex64(value complex64) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: complex64Value(value),
func (k Key) Complex64s(value ...complex64) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: complex64sValue(value),
func (k Key) Complex64p(value *complex64) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: complex64pValue(value),
func (k Key) Complex128(value complex128) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: complex128Value(value),
func (k Key) Complex128s(value []complex128) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: complex128sValue(value),
func (k Key) Complex128p(value *complex128) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: complex128pValue(value),
func (k Key) Uintptr(value uintptr) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: uintptrValue(value),
func (k Key) Uintptrs(value ...uintptr) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: uintptrsValue(value),
func (k Key) Uintptrp(value *uintptr) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: uintptrpValue(value),
func (k Key) Bytes(value []byte) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: bytesValue(value),
func (k Key) Dureation(value time.Duration) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: durationValue(value),
func (k Key) Dureations(value []time.Duration) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: durationsValue(value),
func (k Key) Dureationp(value *time.Duration) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: durationpValue(value),
func (k Key) Time(value time.Time) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: timeValue(value),
func (k Key) Times(value ...time.Time) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: timesValue(value),
func (k Key) Timep(value *time.Time) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: timepValue(value),
func (k Key) FormatTime(format string, value time.Time) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: formatTimeValue(format, value),
func (k Key) FormatTimes(format string, value ...time.Time) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: formatTimesValue(format, value),
func (k Key) FormatTimep(format string, value *time.Time) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: formatTimepValue(format, value),
func (k Key) Error(value error) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: errorValue(value),
func (k Key) Errors(value ...error) Field {
return Field{
key: k,
value: errorsValue(value),