package daemon import ( "context" "reflect" "runtime" "strings" "time" ) // Option configure job. type Option func(*Job) // Job run job by frequency. type Job struct { name string run Run stop Run sem chan struct{} err chan error timer Timer delay time.Duration freq func(time.Time) time.Duration handleErr func(error) } // WithName sets job name. func WithName(name string) Option { return func(j *Job) { = name } } // WithStop sets stop handle for job. func WithStop(stop Run) Option { return func(j *Job) { j.stop = stop } } // WithTimer sets time,r to job. func WithTimer(timer Timer) Option { return func(j *Job) { j.timer = timer } } // WithDelay sets delay Run job. func WithDelay(delay time.Duration) Option { return func(j *Job) { j.timer.Reset(delay) j.delay = delay } } // WithFreq sets frequency Run job.. func WithFreq(freq time.Duration) Option { return func(j *Job) { j.freq = func(time.Time) time.Duration { return freq } } } // WithSchedule set delay and frequency Run job. func WithSchedule(next func(time.Time) time.Duration) Option { return func(j *Job) { j.freq = next j.delay = next(time.Now()) j.timer.Reset(j.delay) } } // WithRunMiddleware added middleware for the run job. func WithRunMiddleware(fn ...Handle) Option { return func(j *Job) { run := = func(ctx context.Context) error { return chain(fn...)(ctx, run) } } } // WithStopMiddleware added middleware for the stop job. func WithStopMiddleware(fn ...Handle) Option { return func(j *Job) { stop := j.stop j.stop = func(ctx context.Context) error { return chain(fn...)(ctx, stop) } } } // WithHandleErr add error hanler. func WithHandleErr(fn func(error)) Option { return func(j *Job) { j.handleErr = fn } } // Run init function for the change state. type Run func(ctx context.Context) error // Handle middleware interface. type Handle func(ctx context.Context, next Run) error func stopJob(ctx context.Context) error { return nil } func handleErr(error) {} // NewJob creates new job. func NewJob(run Run, opts ...Option) *Job { j := Job{ delay: time.Nanosecond, sem: make(chan struct{}, 1), err: make(chan error, 1), timer: NewTicker(time.Nanosecond), freq: func(time.Time) time.Duration { return time.Second }, name: getFuncName(run), stop: stopJob, run: run, handleErr: handleErr, } j = j.With(opts...) return &j } // HandleErr handle returned error. func (j *Job) HandleErr(err error) { j.handleErr(err) } // Do run job. func (j *Job) Do(ctx context.Context) <-chan error { <-j.timer.Tick() j.sem <- struct{}{} err := <-j.sem switch tr := err.(type) { case *stop: case *delay: j.timer.Reset(tr.d) default: j.timer.Reset(j.freq(time.Now())) } j.err <- err return j.err } // Stop job. func (j *Job) Stop(ctx context.Context) error { return j.stop(ctx) } // String gets job name. func (j *Job) String() string { return } // With configure job. func (j Job) With(opts ...Option) Job { for _, o := range opts { o(&j) } return j } func getFuncName(i interface{}) string { callerName := runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(i).Pointer()).Name() if callerName == "" { return "-" } callerName = strings.NewReplacer("(*", "", ")", "").Replace(callerName) lastIndex := strings.LastIndex(callerName, "/") if lastIndex != -1 { callerName = callerName[lastIndex+1:] } return callerName } func chain(handleFunc ...Handle) Handle { n := len(handleFunc) if n > 1 { lastI := n - 1 return func(ctx context.Context, next Run) error { var ( chainHandler Run curI int ) chainHandler = func(currentCtx context.Context) error { if curI == lastI { return next(currentCtx) } curI++ err := handleFunc[curI](currentCtx, chainHandler) curI-- return err } return handleFunc[0](ctx, chainHandler) } } if n == 1 { return handleFunc[0] } return func(ctx context.Context, next Run) error { return next(ctx) } }