You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package console
import (
// WithOutput sets outpu,^ by default output os.Stdout.
func WithOutput(out output.Output) func(*App) {
return func(a *App) {
a.out = out
// WithInput sets input, by default creates inpur by os.Args.
func WithInput(in input.Input) func(*App) {
return func(a *App) { = in
// WithSkipArgs sets how many arguments are passed. For example, you don't need to pass the name of a single command.
func WithSkipArgs(l int) func(*App) {
return WithInput(input.NewArgs(l))
// WithExit sets exit callback by default os.Exit.
func WithExit(f func(int)) func(*App) {
return func(a *App) {
a.exit = f
// New creates and configure new console app.
func New(opts ...func(*App)) *App {
app := &App{
out: output.Stdout(),
exit: os.Exit,
in: input.NewArgs(0),
for _, opt := range opts {
return app
// App is collection of command and configure env.
type App struct {
cmds []*Command
out output.Output
in input.Input
exit func(int)
// Add add or replace command.
func (a *App) Add(cmds ...*Command) *App {
a.cmds = append(a.cmds, cmds...)
return a
// Execute run the command by name and arguments.
func (a *App) Execute(ctx context.Context) {
for _, cmd := range a.cmds {
cmd, err := a.find(ctx)
if err != nil {
a.printError(ctx, err)
if err := a.list(ctx); err != nil {
a.printError(ctx, err)
a.exec(ctx, cmd)
func (a *App) exec(ctx context.Context, cmd *Command) {
if err := Run(ctx, cmd,, a.out); err != nil {
a.printError(ctx, err)
func (a *App) find(_ context.Context) (*Command, error) {
if len(os.Args) < 2 || os.Args[1][1] == '-' {
return Find(CommandList)
name := os.Args[1]
return Find(name)
func (a *App) list(ctx context.Context) error {
cmd, err := Find(CommandHelp)
if err != nil {
return err
arr := &input.Array{}
arr.SetArgument(ArgumentCommandName, value.New(CommandList))
in := input.Chain(arr,
return Run(ctx, cmd, in, a.out)
func (a *App) printError(ctx context.Context, err error) {
ansi(ctx,, a.out).Println(ctx, "<error>\n\n ", err, "\n</error>")