package console_test import ( "context" "strings" "sync/atomic" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) //nolint: gochecknoinits func init() { console.MustRegister(Command().With(console.WithName("fdevs:console:test"))) console.MustRegister(command.Args()) } func Command() *console.Command { return &console.Command{ Name: "test:command", Description: "test command", Execute: func(ctx context.Context, in input.Input, out output.Output) error { out.Print(ctx, "test argument:", in.Argument(ctx, "test_argument").String(), "\n", "bool option:", in.Option(ctx, "bool").Bool(), "\n", "duration option with default:", in.Option(ctx, "duration").Duration(), "\n", "array string:[", strings.Join(in.Option(ctx, "string").Strings(), ","), "]\n", ) return nil }, Configure: func(ctx context.Context, def *input.Definition) error { def. SetArguments( argument.New("test_argument", "test argument"), ). SetOptions( option.New("string", "array string", option.Array), option.Bool("bool", "test bool option"), option.Duration("duration", "test duration with default", option.Default(time.Second)), ) return nil }, } } func TestChainPrepare(t *testing.T) { var cnt int32 ctx := context.Background() def := input.NewDefinition() prepare := func(ctx context.Context, def *input.Definition, n console.Configure) error { atomic.AddInt32(&cnt, 1) return n(ctx, def) } configure := func(context.Context, *input.Definition) error { return nil } for i := range []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} { prepares := make([]console.Prepare, i) for p := 0; p < i; p++ { prepares[p] = prepare } cnt = 0 chain := console.ChainPrepare(prepares...) if err := chain(ctx, def, configure); err != nil { t.Errorf("expected nil err, got: %s", err) } if cnt != int32(i) { t.Fatalf("expected: call prepare 1, got: %d ", cnt) } } } func TestChainHandle(t *testing.T) { var cnt int32 ctx := context.Background() in := array.New() out := writer.Stdout() handle := func(ctx context.Context, in input.Input, out output.Output, next console.Action) error { atomic.AddInt32(&cnt, 1) return next(ctx, in, out) } action := func(context.Context, input.Input, output.Output) error { return nil } for i := range []int{0, 1, 2, 30, 40, 50} { handles := make([]console.Handle, i) for p := 0; p < i; p++ { handles[p] = handle } cnt = 0 chain := console.ChainHandle(handles...) if err := chain(ctx, in, out, action); err != nil { t.Errorf("expected nil err, got: %s", err) } if cnt != int32(i) { t.Fatalf("expected: call prepare 1, got: %d ", cnt) } } }