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3 years ago
package closer
import (
// nolint: gochecknoglobals
var closer = &priority.Closer{}
// SetTimeout before close func.
func SetTimeout(t time.Duration) {
// SetErrHandler before close func.
func SetErrHandler(eh func(error)) {
// Add add closed func.
func Add(f ...func() error) {
// AddByPriority add close by priority 255 its close first 0 - last.
func AddByPriority(priority uint8, f ...func() error) {
closer.AddByPriority(priority, f...)
// AddLast add closer which execute at the end.
func AddLast(f ...func() error) {
// AddFirst add closer which execute at the begin.
func AddFirst(f ...func() error) {
// Close all func.
// nolint: wrapcheck
func Close() error {
return closer.Close()
// Wait cancel ctx or signal.
func Wait(ctx context.Context, sig ...os.Signal) {
closer.Wait(ctx, sig...)