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package memory
import (
const defaultShards = 255
// NewMap creates new map cache.
func NewMap() cache.Provider {
m := sync.Map{}
return func(ctx context.Context, op string, item *cache.Item) error {
switch op {
case cache.OperationDelete:
return nil
case cache.OperationSet:
m.Store(item.Key, newEntry(item))
return nil
case cache.OperationGet:
e, ok := m.Load(item.Key)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: map", cache.ErrCacheMiss)
return resolveEntry(e.(entry), item)
return fmt.Errorf("%w: map", cache.ErrOperationNotAllwed)
func resolveEntry(e entry, item *cache.Item) error {
if !e.expired.IsZero() {
item.TTL = time.Until(e.expired)
if item.IsExpired() {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: map", cache.ErrCacheExpired)
if err := cache.TypeAssert(, item.Value); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: map", err)
return nil
func newEntry(item *cache.Item) entry {
e := entry{data: item.Value}
if item.TTL > 0 {
e.expired = item.Expired()
return e
type entry struct {
data interface{}
expired time.Time
type settings struct {
numShards uint64
hashString func(in cache.Key) uint64
type Option func(*settings)
func WithNumShards(num uint64) Option {
return func(s *settings) {
s.numShards = num
func WithHashKey(f func(in cache.Key) uint64) Option {
return func(s *settings) {
s.hashString = f
//nolint: gochecknoglobals
var table = crc64.MakeTable(crc64.ISO)
func hashString(in cache.Key) uint64 {
switch k := in.Key.(type) {
case int64:
return uint64(k)
case int32:
return uint64(k)
case int:
return uint64(k)
case uint64:
return k
case uint32:
return uint64(k)
case uint:
return uint64(k)
return crc64.Checksum([]byte(in.String()), table)
func NewMapShard(opts ...Option) cache.Provider {
s := settings{
numShards: defaultShards,
hashString: hashString,
for _, opt := range opts {
items := make([]*sync.Map, s.numShards)
for i := range items {
items[i] = &sync.Map{}
return func(ctx context.Context, operation string, item *cache.Item) error {
idx := s.hashString(item.Key)
switch operation {
case cache.OperationDelete:
return nil
case cache.OperationSet:
items[idx%s.numShards].Store(item.Key, newEntry(item))
return nil
case cache.OperationGet:
e, ok := items[idx%s.numShards].Load(item.Key)
if !ok {
return wrapShardErr(cache.ErrCacheMiss)
return resolveEntry(e.(entry), item)
return wrapShardErr(cache.ErrOperationNotAllwed)
func wrapShardErr(err error) error {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: memory shards", err)