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package test
import (
var _ cache.Provider = NewProviderMock(&testing.T{})
// OptionMock configure mock.
type OptionMock func(*ProviderMock)
// WithDelete sets delete method.
func WithDelete(f func(t *testing.T) func(ctx context.Context, item *cache.Item) error) OptionMock {
return func(pm *ProviderMock) { pm.operations[cache.OperationDelete] = f }
// WithGet sets get method.
func WithGet(f func(t *testing.T) func(ctx context.Context, item *cache.Item) error) OptionMock {
return func(pm *ProviderMock) { pm.operations[cache.OperationGet] = f }
// WithSet sets set method.
func WithSet(f func(t *testing.T) func(ctx context.Context, item *cache.Item) error) OptionMock {
return func(pm *ProviderMock) { pm.operations[cache.OperationSet] = f }
// NewProviderMock create new mock provider.
func NewProviderMock(t *testing.T, opts ...OptionMock) cache.Provider {
pm := &ProviderMock{
t: t,
operations: make(map[string]func(t *testing.T) func(ctx context.Context, item *cache.Item) error, 3),
for _, o := range opts {
return func(ctx context.Context, operation string, item *cache.Item) error {
if m, ok := pm.operations[operation]; ok {
return m(pm.t)(ctx, item)
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", cache.ErrOperationNotAllwed, operation)
// ProviderMock mock.
type ProviderMock struct {
t *testing.T
operations map[string]func(t *testing.T) func(ctx context.Context, item *cache.Item) error