Marlin 2.0 for Flying Bear 4S/5
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# Builds custom upload command
# 1) Run platformio as a subprocess to find a COM port
# 2) Build the upload command
# 3) Exit and let upload tool do the work
# This script runs between completion of the library/dependencies installation and compilation.
# Will continue on if a COM port isn't found so that the compilation can be done.
import sys
from SCons.Script import DefaultEnvironment
import platform
current_OS = platform.system()
env = DefaultEnvironment()
if current_OS == 'Windows':
avrdude_conf_path = env.get("PIOHOME_DIR") + '\\packages\\toolchain-atmelavr\\etc\\avrdude.conf'
source_path = env.get("PROJECTBUILD_DIR") + '\\' + env.get("PIOENV") + '\\firmware.hex'
upload_string = 'avrdude -p usb1286 -c flip1 -C ' + avrdude_conf_path + ' -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
source_path = env.get("PROJECTBUILD_DIR") + '/' + env.get("PIOENV") + '/firmware.hex'
upload_string = 'avrdude -p usb1286 -c flip1 -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
UPLOADCMD = upload_string,