Marlin 2.0 for Flying Bear 4S/5
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# Convenience script to apply customizations to CPP flags
# Add CPU frequency as a compile time constant instead of a runtime variable
def add_cpu_freq():
if 'BOARD_F_CPU' in env:
env['BUILD_FLAGS'].append('-DBOARD_F_CPU=' + env['BOARD_F_CPU'])
# Useful for JTAG debugging
# It will separe release and debug build folders.
# It useful when we need keep two live versions: one debug, for debugging,
# other release, for flashing.
# Without this, PIO will recompile everything twice for any small change.
if env.GetBuildType() == "debug":
# On some platform, F_CPU is a runtime variable. Since it's used to convert from ns
# to CPU cycles, this adds overhead preventing small delay (in the order of less than
# 30 cycles) to be generated correctly. By using a compile time constant instead
# the compiler will perform the computation and this overhead will be avoided