/** * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware * Copyright (c) 2020 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin] * * Based on Sprinter and grbl. * Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ /** * G29.cpp - Mesh Bed Leveling */ #include "../../../inc/MarlinConfig.h" #if ENABLED(MESH_BED_LEVELING) #include "../../../feature/bedlevel/bedlevel.h" #include "../../gcode.h" #include "../../queue.h" #include "../../../libs/buzzer.h" #include "../../../lcd/marlinui.h" #include "../../../module/motion.h" #include "../../../module/planner.h" #if ENABLED(EXTENSIBLE_UI) #include "../../../lcd/extui/ui_api.h" #elif ENABLED(DWIN_LCD_PROUI) #include "../../../lcd/e3v2/proui/dwin.h" #endif #define DEBUG_OUT ENABLED(DEBUG_LEVELING_FEATURE) #include "../../../core/debug_out.h" // Save 130 bytes with non-duplication of PSTR inline void echo_not_entered(const char c) { SERIAL_CHAR(c); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(" not entered."); } /** * G29: Mesh-based Z probe, probes a grid and produces a * mesh to compensate for variable bed height * * Parameters With MESH_BED_LEVELING: * * S0 Report the current mesh values * S1 Start probing mesh points * S2 Probe the next mesh point * S3 In Jn Zn.nn Manually modify a single point * S4 Zn.nn Set z offset. Positive away from bed, negative closer to bed. * S5 Reset and disable mesh */ void GcodeSuite::G29() { DEBUG_SECTION(log_G29, "G29", true); // G29 Q is also available if debugging #if ENABLED(DEBUG_LEVELING_FEATURE) const bool seenQ = parser.seen_test('Q'); if (seenQ || DEBUGGING(LEVELING)) { log_machine_info(); if (seenQ) return; } #endif static int mbl_probe_index = -1; MeshLevelingState state = (MeshLevelingState)parser.byteval('S', (int8_t)MeshReport); if (!WITHIN(state, 0, 5)) { SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("S out of range (0-5)."); return; } TERN_(FULL_REPORT_TO_HOST_FEATURE, set_and_report_grblstate(M_PROBE)); int8_t ix, iy; ix = iy = 0; switch (state) { case MeshReport: SERIAL_ECHOPGM("Mesh Bed Leveling "); if (leveling_is_valid()) { serialprintln_onoff(planner.leveling_active); bedlevel.report_mesh(); } else SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("has no data."); break; case MeshStart: bedlevel.reset(); mbl_probe_index = 0; if (!ui.wait_for_move) { queue.inject(parser.seen_test('N') ? F("G28" TERN(CAN_SET_LEVELING_AFTER_G28, "L0", "") "\nG29S2") : F("G29S2")); TERN_(EXTENSIBLE_UI, ExtUI::onLevelingStart()); TERN_(DWIN_LCD_PROUI, DWIN_LevelingStart()); // Position bed horizontally and Z probe vertically. #if defined(SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_X) || defined(SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_Y) || defined(SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_Z) \ || defined(SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_I) || defined(SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_J) || defined(SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_K) \ || defined(SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_U) || defined(SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_V) || defined(SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_W) xyze_pos_t safe_position = current_position; #ifdef SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_X safe_position.x = SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_X; #endif #ifdef SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_Y safe_position.y = SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_Y; #endif #ifdef SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_Z safe_position.z = SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_Z; #endif #ifdef SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_I safe_position.i = SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_I; #endif #ifdef SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_J safe_position.j = SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_J; #endif #ifdef SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_K safe_position.k = SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_K; #endif #ifdef SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_U safe_position.u = SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_U; #endif #ifdef SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_V safe_position.v = SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_V; #endif #ifdef SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_W safe_position.w = SAFE_BED_LEVELING_START_W; #endif do_blocking_move_to(safe_position); #endif return; } state = MeshNext; case MeshNext: if (mbl_probe_index < 0) { SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Start mesh probing with \"G29 S1\" first."); return; } // For each G29 S2... if (mbl_probe_index == 0) { // Move close to the bed before the first point do_blocking_move_to_z( #ifdef MANUAL_PROBE_START_Z MANUAL_PROBE_START_Z #else 0.4f #endif ); } else { // Save Z for the previous mesh position bedlevel.set_zigzag_z(mbl_probe_index - 1, current_position.z); TERN_(EXTENSIBLE_UI, ExtUI::onMeshUpdate(ix, iy, current_position.z)); TERN_(DWIN_LCD_PROUI, DWIN_MeshUpdate(_MIN(mbl_probe_index, GRID_MAX_POINTS), int(GRID_MAX_POINTS), current_position.z)); SET_SOFT_ENDSTOP_LOOSE(false); } // If there's another point to sample, move there with optional lift. if (mbl_probe_index < (GRID_MAX_POINTS)) { // Disable software endstops to allow manual adjustment // If G29 is left hanging without completion they won't be re-enabled! SET_SOFT_ENDSTOP_LOOSE(true); bedlevel.zigzag(mbl_probe_index++, ix, iy); _manual_goto_xy({ bedlevel.index_to_xpos[ix], bedlevel.index_to_ypos[iy] }); } else { // Move to the after probing position current_position.z = ( #ifdef Z_AFTER_PROBING Z_AFTER_PROBING #else Z_CLEARANCE_BETWEEN_MANUAL_PROBES #endif ); line_to_current_position(); planner.synchronize(); // After recording the last point, activate home and activate mbl_probe_index = -1; SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Mesh probing done."); TERN_(HAS_STATUS_MESSAGE, LCD_MESSAGE(MSG_MESH_DONE)); OKAY_BUZZ(); home_all_axes(); set_bed_leveling_enabled(true); #if ENABLED(MESH_G28_REST_ORIGIN) current_position.z = 0; line_to_current_position(homing_feedrate(Z_AXIS)); planner.synchronize(); #endif TERN_(LCD_BED_LEVELING, ui.wait_for_move = false); TERN_(EXTENSIBLE_UI, ExtUI::onLevelingDone()); } break; case MeshSet: if (parser.seenval('I')) { ix = parser.value_int(); if (!WITHIN(ix, 0, (GRID_MAX_POINTS_X) - 1)) { SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("I out of range (0-", (GRID_MAX_POINTS_X) - 1, ")"); return; } } else return echo_not_entered('J'); if (parser.seenval('J')) { iy = parser.value_int(); if (!WITHIN(iy, 0, (GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y) - 1)) { SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("J out of range (0-", (GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y) - 1, ")"); return; } } else return echo_not_entered('J'); if (parser.seenval('Z')) { bedlevel.z_values[ix][iy] = parser.value_linear_units(); TERN_(EXTENSIBLE_UI, ExtUI::onMeshUpdate(ix, iy, bedlevel.z_values[ix][iy])); TERN_(DWIN_LCD_PROUI, DWIN_MeshUpdate(ix, iy, bedlevel.z_values[ix][iy])); } else return echo_not_entered('Z'); break; case MeshSetZOffset: if (parser.seenval('Z')) bedlevel.z_offset = parser.value_linear_units(); else return echo_not_entered('Z'); break; case MeshReset: reset_bed_level(); break; } // switch(state) if (state == MeshNext) { SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("MBL G29 point ", _MIN(mbl_probe_index, GRID_MAX_POINTS), " of ", GRID_MAX_POINTS); if (mbl_probe_index > 0) TERN_(HAS_STATUS_MESSAGE, ui.status_printf(0, F(S_FMT " %i/%i"), GET_TEXT(MSG_PROBING_POINT), _MIN(mbl_probe_index, GRID_MAX_POINTS), int(GRID_MAX_POINTS))); } report_current_position(); TERN_(FULL_REPORT_TO_HOST_FEATURE, set_and_report_grblstate(M_IDLE)); } #endif // MESH_BED_LEVELING