/** * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware * Copyright (c) 2020 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin] * * Based on Sprinter and grbl. * Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ #include "../../inc/MarlinConfigPre.h" #if HAS_UI_320x240 #include "ui_common.h" #include "../marlinui.h" #include "../menu/menu.h" #include "../../libs/numtostr.h" #include "../../sd/cardreader.h" #include "../../module/temperature.h" #include "../../module/printcounter.h" #include "../../module/planner.h" #include "../../module/motion.h" #if DISABLED(LCD_PROGRESS_BAR) && BOTH(FILAMENT_LCD_DISPLAY, SDSUPPORT) #include "../../feature/filwidth.h" #include "../../gcode/parser.h" #endif #if ENABLED(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL) #include "../../feature/bedlevel/bedlevel.h" #endif void MarlinUI::tft_idle() { #if ENABLED(TOUCH_SCREEN) if (draw_menu_navigation) { add_control(48, 206, PAGE_UP, imgPageUp, encoderTopLine > 0); add_control(240, 206, PAGE_DOWN, imgPageDown, encoderTopLine + LCD_HEIGHT < screen_items); add_control(144, 206, BACK, imgBack); draw_menu_navigation = false; } #endif tft.queue.async(); TERN_(TOUCH_SCREEN, touch.idle()); } #if ENABLED(SHOW_BOOTSCREEN) void MarlinUI::show_bootscreen() { tft.queue.reset(); tft.canvas(0, 0, TFT_WIDTH, TFT_HEIGHT); #if ENABLED(BOOT_MARLIN_LOGO_SMALL) #define BOOT_LOGO_W 195 // MarlinLogo195x59x16 #define BOOT_LOGO_H 59 #define SITE_URL_Y (TFT_HEIGHT - 46) tft.set_background(COLOR_BACKGROUND); #else #define BOOT_LOGO_W TFT_WIDTH // MarlinLogo320x240x16 #define BOOT_LOGO_H TFT_HEIGHT #define SITE_URL_Y (TFT_HEIGHT - 52) #endif tft.add_image((TFT_WIDTH - BOOT_LOGO_W) / 2, (TFT_HEIGHT - BOOT_LOGO_H) / 2, imgBootScreen); #ifdef WEBSITE_URL tft_string.set(WEBSITE_URL); tft.add_text(tft_string.center(TFT_WIDTH), SITE_URL_Y, COLOR_WEBSITE_URL, tft_string); #endif tft.queue.sync(); safe_delay(BOOTSCREEN_TIMEOUT); clear_lcd(); } #endif void MarlinUI::draw_kill_screen() { tft.queue.reset(); tft.fill(0, 0, TFT_WIDTH, TFT_HEIGHT, COLOR_KILL_SCREEN_BG); tft.canvas(0, 60, TFT_WIDTH, 20); tft.set_background(COLOR_KILL_SCREEN_BG); tft_string.set(status_message); tft_string.trim(); tft.add_text(tft_string.center(TFT_WIDTH), 0, COLOR_KILL_SCREEN_TEXT, tft_string); tft.canvas(0, 120, TFT_WIDTH, 20); tft.set_background(COLOR_KILL_SCREEN_BG); tft_string.set(GET_TEXT(MSG_HALTED)); tft_string.trim(); tft.add_text(tft_string.center(TFT_WIDTH), 0, COLOR_KILL_SCREEN_TEXT, tft_string); tft.canvas(0, 160, TFT_WIDTH, 20); tft.set_background(COLOR_KILL_SCREEN_BG); tft_string.set(GET_TEXT(MSG_PLEASE_RESET)); tft_string.trim(); tft.add_text(tft_string.center(TFT_WIDTH), 0, COLOR_KILL_SCREEN_TEXT, tft_string); tft.queue.sync(); } void draw_heater_status(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, const int8_t Heater) { MarlinImage image = imgHotEnd; uint16_t Color; float currentTemperature, targetTemperature; if (Heater >= 0) { // HotEnd currentTemperature = thermalManager.degHotend(Heater); targetTemperature = thermalManager.degTargetHotend(Heater); } #if HAS_HEATED_BED else if (Heater == H_BED) { currentTemperature = thermalManager.degBed(); targetTemperature = thermalManager.degTargetBed(); } #endif #if HAS_TEMP_CHAMBER else if (Heater == H_CHAMBER) { currentTemperature = thermalManager.degChamber(); #if HAS_HEATED_CHAMBER targetTemperature = thermalManager.degTargetChamber(); #else targetTemperature = ABSOLUTE_ZERO; #endif } #endif #if HAS_TEMP_COOLER else if (Heater == H_COOLER) { currentTemperature = thermalManager.degCooler(); targetTemperature = TERN(HAS_COOLER, thermalManager.degTargetCooler(), ABSOLUTE_ZERO); } #endif else return; TERN_(TOUCH_SCREEN, if (targetTemperature >= 0) touch.add_control(HEATER, x, y, 64, 100, Heater)); tft.canvas(x, y, 64, 100); tft.set_background(COLOR_BACKGROUND); Color = currentTemperature < 0 ? COLOR_INACTIVE : COLOR_COLD; if (Heater >= 0) { // HotEnd if (currentTemperature >= 50) Color = COLOR_HOTEND; } #if HAS_HEATED_BED else if (Heater == H_BED) { if (currentTemperature >= 50) Color = COLOR_HEATED_BED; image = targetTemperature > 0 ? imgBedHeated : imgBed; } #endif #if HAS_TEMP_CHAMBER else if (Heater == H_CHAMBER) { if (currentTemperature >= 50) Color = COLOR_CHAMBER; image = targetTemperature > 0 ? imgChamberHeated : imgChamber; } #endif #if HAS_TEMP_COOLER else if (Heater == H_COOLER) { if (currentTemperature <= 26) Color = COLOR_COLD; if (currentTemperature > 26) Color = COLOR_RED; image = targetTemperature > 26 ? imgCoolerHot : imgCooler; } #endif tft.add_image(0, 18, image, Color); tft_string.set((uint8_t *)i16tostr3rj(currentTemperature + 0.5)); tft_string.add(LCD_STR_DEGREE); tft_string.trim(); tft.add_text(tft_string.center(64) + 2, 72, Color, tft_string); if (targetTemperature >= 0) { tft_string.set((uint8_t *)i16tostr3rj(targetTemperature + 0.5)); tft_string.add(LCD_STR_DEGREE); tft_string.trim(); tft.add_text(tft_string.center(64) + 2, 8, Color, tft_string); } } void draw_fan_status(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, const bool blink) { TERN_(TOUCH_SCREEN, touch.add_control(FAN, x, y, 64, 100)); tft.canvas(x, y, 64, 100); tft.set_background(COLOR_BACKGROUND); uint8_t fanSpeed = thermalManager.fan_speed[0]; MarlinImage image; if (fanSpeed >= 127) image = blink ? imgFanFast1 : imgFanFast0; else if (fanSpeed > 0) image = blink ? imgFanSlow1 : imgFanSlow0; else image = imgFanIdle; tft.add_image(0, 10, image, COLOR_FAN); tft_string.set((uint8_t *)ui8tostr4pctrj(thermalManager.fan_speed[0])); tft_string.trim(); tft.add_text(tft_string.center(64) + 6, 72, COLOR_FAN, tft_string); } void MarlinUI::draw_status_screen() { const bool blink = get_blink(); TERN_(TOUCH_SCREEN, touch.clear()); // heaters and fan uint16_t i, x, y = TFT_STATUS_TOP_Y; for (i = 0 ; i < ITEMS_COUNT; i++) { x = (320 / ITEMS_COUNT - 64) / 2 + (320 * i / ITEMS_COUNT); switch (i) { #ifdef ITEM_E0 case ITEM_E0: draw_heater_status(x, y, H_E0); break; #endif #ifdef ITEM_E1 case ITEM_E1: draw_heater_status(x, y, H_E1); break; #endif #ifdef ITEM_E2 case ITEM_E2: draw_heater_status(x, y, H_E2); break; #endif #ifdef ITEM_BED case ITEM_BED: draw_heater_status(x, y, H_BED); break; #endif #ifdef ITEM_CHAMBER case ITEM_CHAMBER: draw_heater_status(x, y, H_CHAMBER); break; #endif #ifdef ITEM_FAN case ITEM_FAN: draw_fan_status(x, y, blink); break; #endif } } // coordinates tft.canvas(4, 103, 312, 24); tft.set_background(COLOR_BACKGROUND); tft.add_rectangle(0, 0, 312, 24, COLOR_AXIS_HOMED); tft.add_text( 10, 3, COLOR_AXIS_HOMED , "X"); tft.add_text(127, 3, COLOR_AXIS_HOMED , "Y"); tft.add_text(219, 3, COLOR_AXIS_HOMED , "Z"); bool not_homed = axis_should_home(X_AXIS); tft_string.set(blink && not_homed ? "?" : ftostr4sign(LOGICAL_X_POSITION(current_position.x))); tft.add_text( 68 - tft_string.width(), 3, not_homed ? COLOR_AXIS_NOT_HOMED : COLOR_AXIS_HOMED, tft_string); not_homed = axis_should_home(Y_AXIS); tft_string.set(blink && not_homed ? "?" : ftostr4sign(LOGICAL_Y_POSITION(current_position.y))); tft.add_text(185 - tft_string.width(), 3, not_homed ? COLOR_AXIS_NOT_HOMED : COLOR_AXIS_HOMED, tft_string); not_homed = axis_should_home(Z_AXIS); uint16_t offset = 25; if (blink && not_homed) tft_string.set("?"); else { const float z = LOGICAL_Z_POSITION(current_position.z); tft_string.set(ftostr52sp((int16_t)z)); tft_string.rtrim(); offset += tft_string.width(); tft_string.set(ftostr52sp(z)); offset -= tft_string.width(); } tft.add_text(301 - tft_string.width() - offset, 3, not_homed ? COLOR_AXIS_NOT_HOMED : COLOR_AXIS_HOMED, tft_string); // feed rate tft.canvas(70, 136, 80, 32); tft.set_background(COLOR_BACKGROUND); uint16_t color = feedrate_percentage == 100 ? COLOR_RATE_100 : COLOR_RATE_ALTERED; tft.add_image(0, 0, imgFeedRate, color); tft_string.set(i16tostr3rj(feedrate_percentage)); tft_string.add('%'); tft.add_text(32, 6, color , tft_string); TERN_(TOUCH_SCREEN, touch.add_control(FEEDRATE, 70, 136, 80, 32)); // flow rate tft.canvas(170, 136, 80, 32); tft.set_background(COLOR_BACKGROUND); color = planner.flow_percentage[0] == 100 ? COLOR_RATE_100 : COLOR_RATE_ALTERED; tft.add_image(0, 0, imgFlowRate, color); tft_string.set(i16tostr3rj(planner.flow_percentage[active_extruder])); tft_string.add('%'); tft.add_text(32, 6, color , tft_string); TERN_(TOUCH_SCREEN, touch.add_control(FLOWRATE, 170, 136, 80, 32, active_extruder)); // print duration char buffer[14]; duration_t elapsed = print_job_timer.duration(); elapsed.toDigital(buffer); tft.canvas(96, 176, 128, 20); tft.set_background(COLOR_BACKGROUND); tft_string.set(buffer); tft.add_text(tft_string.center(128), 0, COLOR_PRINT_TIME, tft_string); // progress bar const uint8_t progress = ui.get_progress_percent(); tft.canvas(4, 198, 312, 9); tft.set_background(COLOR_PROGRESS_BG); tft.add_rectangle(0, 0, 312, 9, COLOR_PROGRESS_FRAME); if (progress) tft.add_bar(1, 1, (310 * progress) / 100, 7, COLOR_PROGRESS_BAR); // status message tft.canvas(0, 216, 320, 20); tft.set_background(COLOR_BACKGROUND); tft_string.set(status_message); tft_string.trim(); tft.add_text(tft_string.center(TFT_WIDTH), 0, COLOR_STATUS_MESSAGE, tft_string); #if ENABLED(TOUCH_SCREEN) add_control(256, 130, menu_main, imgSettings); TERN_(SDSUPPORT, add_control(0, 130, menu_media, imgSD, !printingIsActive(), COLOR_CONTROL_ENABLED, card.isMounted() && printingIsActive() ? COLOR_BUSY : COLOR_CONTROL_DISABLED)); #endif } // Low-level draw_edit_screen can be used to draw an edit screen from anyplace void MenuEditItemBase::draw_edit_screen(PGM_P const pstr, const char* const value/*=nullptr*/) { ui.encoder_direction_normal(); TERN_(TOUCH_SCREEN, touch.clear()); uint16_t line = 1; menu_line(line++); tft_string.set(pstr, itemIndex, itemString); tft_string.trim(); tft.add_text(tft_string.center(TFT_WIDTH), MENU_TEXT_Y_OFFSET, COLOR_MENU_TEXT, tft_string); TERN_(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL, if (ui.external_control) line++); // ftostr52() will overwrite *value so *value has to be displayed first menu_line(line); tft_string.set(value); tft_string.trim(); tft.add_text(tft_string.center(TFT_WIDTH), MENU_TEXT_Y_OFFSET, COLOR_MENU_VALUE, tft_string); #if ENABLED(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL) if (ui.external_control) { menu_line(line - 1); tft_string.set(X_LBL); tft.add_text(52, MENU_TEXT_Y_OFFSET, COLOR_MENU_TEXT, tft_string); tft_string.set(ftostr52(LOGICAL_X_POSITION(current_position.x))); tft_string.trim(); tft.add_text(144 - tft_string.width(), MENU_TEXT_Y_OFFSET, COLOR_MENU_VALUE, tft_string); tft_string.set(Y_LBL); tft.add_text(176, MENU_TEXT_Y_OFFSET, COLOR_MENU_TEXT, tft_string); tft_string.set(ftostr52(LOGICAL_X_POSITION(current_position.y))); tft_string.trim(); tft.add_text(268 - tft_string.width(), MENU_TEXT_Y_OFFSET, COLOR_MENU_VALUE, tft_string); } #endif extern screenFunc_t _manual_move_func_ptr; if (ui.currentScreen != _manual_move_func_ptr && !ui.external_control) { #define SLIDER_LENGTH 224 #define SLIDER_Y_POSITION 140 tft.canvas((TFT_WIDTH - SLIDER_LENGTH) / 2, SLIDER_Y_POSITION, SLIDER_LENGTH, 16); tft.set_background(COLOR_BACKGROUND); int16_t position = (SLIDER_LENGTH - 2) * ui.encoderPosition / maxEditValue; tft.add_bar(0, 7, 1, 2, ui.encoderPosition == 0 ? COLOR_SLIDER_INACTIVE : COLOR_SLIDER); tft.add_bar(1, 6, position, 4, COLOR_SLIDER); tft.add_bar(position + 1, 6, SLIDER_LENGTH - 2 - position, 4, COLOR_SLIDER_INACTIVE); tft.add_bar(SLIDER_LENGTH - 1, 7, 1, 2, int32_t(ui.encoderPosition) == maxEditValue ? COLOR_SLIDER : COLOR_SLIDER_INACTIVE); #if ENABLED(TOUCH_SCREEN) tft.add_image((SLIDER_LENGTH - 8) * ui.encoderPosition / maxEditValue, 0, imgSlider, COLOR_SLIDER); touch.add_control(SLIDER, (TFT_WIDTH - SLIDER_LENGTH) / 2, SLIDER_Y_POSITION - 8, SLIDER_LENGTH, 32, maxEditValue); #endif } tft.draw_edit_screen_buttons(); } void TFT::draw_edit_screen_buttons() { #if ENABLED(TOUCH_SCREEN) add_control(32, 176, DECREASE, imgDecrease); add_control(224, 176, INCREASE, imgIncrease); add_control(128, 176, CLICK, imgConfirm); #endif } // The Select Screen presents a prompt and two "buttons" void MenuItem_confirm::draw_select_screen(PGM_P const yes, PGM_P const no, const bool yesno, PGM_P const pref, const char * const string/*=nullptr*/, PGM_P const suff/*=nullptr*/) { uint16_t line = 1; if (!string) line++; menu_line(line++); tft_string.set(pref); tft_string.trim(); tft.add_text(tft_string.center(TFT_WIDTH), MENU_TEXT_Y_OFFSET, COLOR_MENU_TEXT, tft_string); if (string) { menu_line(line++); tft_string.set(string); tft_string.trim(); tft.add_text(tft_string.center(TFT_WIDTH), MENU_TEXT_Y_OFFSET, COLOR_MENU_TEXT, tft_string); } if (suff) { menu_line(line); tft_string.set(suff); tft_string.trim(); tft.add_text(tft_string.center(TFT_WIDTH), MENU_TEXT_Y_OFFSET, COLOR_MENU_TEXT, tft_string); } #if ENABLED(TOUCH_SCREEN) add_control(48, 176, CANCEL, imgCancel, true, yesno ? HALF(COLOR_CONTROL_CANCEL) : COLOR_CONTROL_CANCEL); add_control(208, 176, CONFIRM, imgConfirm, true, yesno ? COLOR_CONTROL_CONFIRM : HALF(COLOR_CONTROL_CONFIRM)); #endif } #if ENABLED(ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE) void MarlinUI::draw_hotend_status(const uint8_t row, const uint8_t extruder) { #if ENABLED(TOUCH_SCREEN) touch.clear(); draw_menu_navigation = false; touch.add_control(RESUME_CONTINUE , 0, 0, 320, 240); #endif menu_line(row); tft_string.set(GET_TEXT(MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_NOZZLE)); tft_string.add('E'); tft_string.add((char)('1' + extruder)); tft_string.add(' '); tft_string.add(i16tostr3rj(thermalManager.degHotend(extruder))); tft_string.add(LCD_STR_DEGREE); tft_string.add(" / "); tft_string.add(i16tostr3rj(thermalManager.degTargetHotend(extruder))); tft_string.add(LCD_STR_DEGREE); tft_string.trim(); tft.add_text(tft_string.center(TFT_WIDTH), MENU_TEXT_Y_OFFSET, COLOR_MENU_TEXT, tft_string); } #endif // ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE #if ENABLED(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL) #define GRID_OFFSET_X 8 #define GRID_OFFSET_Y 8 #define GRID_WIDTH 144 #define GRID_HEIGHT 144 #define CONTROL_OFFSET 8 void MarlinUI::ubl_plot(const uint8_t x_plot, const uint8_t y_plot) { tft.canvas(GRID_OFFSET_X, GRID_OFFSET_Y, GRID_WIDTH, GRID_HEIGHT); tft.set_background(COLOR_BACKGROUND); tft.add_rectangle(0, 0, GRID_WIDTH, GRID_HEIGHT, COLOR_WHITE); for (uint16_t x = 0; x < GRID_MAX_POINTS_X ; x++) for (uint16_t y = 0; y < GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y ; y++) if (position_is_reachable({ ubl.mesh_index_to_xpos(x), ubl.mesh_index_to_ypos(y) })) tft.add_bar(1 + (x * 2 + 1) * (GRID_WIDTH - 4) / GRID_MAX_POINTS_X / 2, GRID_HEIGHT - 3 - ((y * 2 + 1) * (GRID_HEIGHT - 4) / GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y / 2), 2, 2, COLOR_UBL); tft.add_rectangle((x_plot * 2 + 1) * (GRID_WIDTH - 4) / GRID_MAX_POINTS_X / 2 - 1, GRID_HEIGHT - 5 - ((y_plot * 2 + 1) * (GRID_HEIGHT - 4) / GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y / 2), 6, 6, COLOR_UBL); const xy_pos_t pos = { ubl.mesh_index_to_xpos(x_plot), ubl.mesh_index_to_ypos(y_plot) }, lpos = pos.asLogical(); tft.canvas(216, GRID_OFFSET_Y + (GRID_HEIGHT - 32) / 2 - 32, 96, 32); tft.set_background(COLOR_BACKGROUND); tft_string.set(X_LBL); tft.add_text(0, MENU_TEXT_Y_OFFSET, COLOR_MENU_TEXT, tft_string); tft_string.set(ftostr52(lpos.x)); tft_string.trim(); tft.add_text(96 - tft_string.width(), MENU_TEXT_Y_OFFSET, COLOR_MENU_VALUE, tft_string); tft.canvas(216, GRID_OFFSET_Y + (GRID_HEIGHT - 32) / 2, 96, 32); tft.set_background(COLOR_BACKGROUND); tft_string.set(Y_LBL); tft.add_text(0, MENU_TEXT_Y_OFFSET, COLOR_MENU_TEXT, tft_string); tft_string.set(ftostr52(lpos.y)); tft_string.trim(); tft.add_text(96 - tft_string.width(), MENU_TEXT_Y_OFFSET, COLOR_MENU_VALUE, tft_string); tft.canvas(216, GRID_OFFSET_Y + (GRID_HEIGHT - 32) / 2 + 32, 96, 32); tft.set_background(COLOR_BACKGROUND); tft_string.set(Z_LBL); tft.add_text(0, MENU_TEXT_Y_OFFSET, COLOR_MENU_TEXT, tft_string); tft_string.set(isnan(ubl.z_values[x_plot][y_plot]) ? "-----" : ftostr43sign(ubl.z_values[x_plot][y_plot])); tft_string.trim(); tft.add_text(96 - tft_string.width(), MENU_TEXT_Y_OFFSET, COLOR_MENU_VALUE, tft_string); constexpr uint8_t w = (TFT_WIDTH) / 10; tft.canvas(GRID_OFFSET_X + (GRID_WIDTH - w) / 2, GRID_OFFSET_Y + GRID_HEIGHT + CONTROL_OFFSET - 1, w, 32); tft.set_background(COLOR_BACKGROUND); tft_string.set(ui8tostr3rj(x_plot)); tft_string.trim(); tft.add_text(tft_string.center(w), MENU_TEXT_Y_OFFSET, COLOR_MENU_VALUE, tft_string); tft.canvas(GRID_OFFSET_X + GRID_WIDTH + CONTROL_OFFSET, GRID_OFFSET_Y + (GRID_HEIGHT - 27) / 2, w, 32); tft.set_background(COLOR_BACKGROUND); tft_string.set(ui8tostr3rj(y_plot)); tft_string.trim(); tft.add_text(tft_string.center(w), MENU_TEXT_Y_OFFSET, COLOR_MENU_VALUE, tft_string); #if ENABLED(TOUCH_SCREEN) touch.clear(); draw_menu_navigation = false; add_control(GRID_OFFSET_X + GRID_WIDTH + CONTROL_OFFSET, GRID_OFFSET_Y + CONTROL_OFFSET, UBL, ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM * GRID_MAX_POINTS_X, imgUp); add_control(GRID_OFFSET_X + GRID_WIDTH + CONTROL_OFFSET, GRID_OFFSET_Y + GRID_HEIGHT - CONTROL_OFFSET - 32, UBL, - ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM * GRID_MAX_POINTS_X, imgDown); add_control(GRID_OFFSET_X + CONTROL_OFFSET, GRID_OFFSET_Y + GRID_HEIGHT + CONTROL_OFFSET, UBL, - ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM, imgLeft); add_control(GRID_OFFSET_X + GRID_WIDTH - CONTROL_OFFSET - 32, GRID_OFFSET_Y + GRID_HEIGHT + CONTROL_OFFSET, UBL, ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM, imgRight); add_control(224, GRID_OFFSET_Y + GRID_HEIGHT + CONTROL_OFFSET, CLICK, imgLeveling); add_control(144, 206, BACK, imgBack); #endif } #endif // AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL void MarlinUI::move_axis_screen() { } #endif // HAS_UI_320x240