# # buildroot/share/PlatformIO/scripts/STM32F103RC_MEEB_3DP.py # try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser import os Import("env", "projenv") config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read("platformio.ini") # # Upload actions # def before_upload(source, target, env): env.Execute("pwd") def after_upload(source, target, env): env.Execute("pwd") env.AddPreAction("upload", before_upload) env.AddPostAction("upload", after_upload) flash_size = 0 vect_tab_addr = 0 for define in env['CPPDEFINES']: if define[0] == "VECT_TAB_ADDR": vect_tab_addr = define[1] if define[0] == "STM32_FLASH_SIZE": flash_size = define[1] print('Use the {0:s} address as the marlin app entry point.'.format(vect_tab_addr)) print('Use the {0:d}KB flash version of stm32f103rct6 chip.'.format(flash_size)) import marlin marlin.custom_ld_script("STM32F103RC_MEEB_3DP.ld")