/** * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware * Copyright (c) 2020 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin] * * Based on Sprinter and grbl. * Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ /** * lcd/extui/ftdi_eve_touch_ui/ftdi_eve_extui.cpp */ #include "../../../inc/MarlinConfigPre.h" #if ENABLED(TOUCH_UI_FTDI_EVE) #include "screens/screens.h" namespace ExtUI { using namespace Theme; using namespace FTDI; void onStartup() { EventLoop::setup(); } void onIdle() { EventLoop::loop(); } void onPrinterKilled(PGM_P const error, PGM_P const component) { char str[strlen_P(error) + strlen_P(component) + 3]; sprintf_P(str, PSTR(S_FMT ": " S_FMT), error, component); KillScreen::show(str); } void onMediaInserted() { if (AT_SCREEN(StatusScreen)) StatusScreen::setStatusMessage(GET_TEXT_F(MSG_MEDIA_INSERTED)); sound.play(media_inserted, PLAY_ASYNCHRONOUS); } void onMediaRemoved() { if (isPrintingFromMedia()) { stopPrint(); InterfaceSoundsScreen::playEventSound(InterfaceSoundsScreen::PRINTING_FAILED); } else sound.play(media_removed, PLAY_ASYNCHRONOUS); if (AT_SCREEN(StatusScreen) || isPrintingFromMedia()) StatusScreen::setStatusMessage(GET_TEXT_F(MSG_MEDIA_REMOVED)); #if ENABLED(SDSUPPORT) if (AT_SCREEN(FilesScreen)) GOTO_SCREEN(StatusScreen); #endif } void onMediaError() { sound.play(sad_trombone, PLAY_ASYNCHRONOUS); AlertDialogBox::showError(F("Unable to read media.")); } void onStatusChanged(const char *lcd_msg) { StatusScreen::setStatusMessage(lcd_msg); } void onStatusChanged(progmem_str lcd_msg) { StatusScreen::setStatusMessage(lcd_msg); } void onPrintTimerStarted() { InterfaceSoundsScreen::playEventSound(InterfaceSoundsScreen::PRINTING_STARTED); } void onPrintTimerStopped() { InterfaceSoundsScreen::playEventSound(InterfaceSoundsScreen::PRINTING_FINISHED); } void onPrintTimerPaused() {} void onPrintFinished() {} void onFilamentRunout(const extruder_t extruder) { char lcd_msg[30]; sprintf_P(lcd_msg, PSTR("Extruder %d Filament Error"), extruder + 1); StatusScreen::setStatusMessage(lcd_msg); InterfaceSoundsScreen::playEventSound(InterfaceSoundsScreen::PRINTING_FAILED, FTDI::PLAY_SYNCHRONOUS); } void onHomingStart() {} void onHomingComplete() {} void onFactoryReset() { InterfaceSettingsScreen::defaultSettings(); } void onStoreSettings(char *buff) { InterfaceSettingsScreen::saveSettings(buff); } void onLoadSettings(const char *buff) { InterfaceSettingsScreen::loadSettings(buff); } void onPostprocessSettings() {} // Called after loading or resetting stored settings void onConfigurationStoreWritten(bool success) { #ifdef ARCHIM2_SPI_FLASH_EEPROM_BACKUP_SIZE if (success && InterfaceSettingsScreen::backupEEPROM()) { SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("EEPROM backed up to SPI Flash"); } #else UNUSED(success); #endif } void onConfigurationStoreRead(bool) {} void onPlayTone(const uint16_t frequency, const uint16_t duration) { sound.play_tone(frequency, duration); } void onUserConfirmRequired(const char * const msg) { if (msg) ConfirmUserRequestAlertBox::show(msg); else ConfirmUserRequestAlertBox::hide(); } #if HAS_LEVELING && HAS_MESH void onMeshLevelingStart() {} void onMeshUpdate(const int8_t x, const int8_t y, const_float_t val) { BedMeshViewScreen::onMeshUpdate(x, y, val); } void onMeshUpdate(const int8_t x, const int8_t y, const ExtUI::probe_state_t state) { BedMeshViewScreen::onMeshUpdate(x, y, state); } #endif #if ENABLED(POWER_LOSS_RECOVERY) void onPowerLossResume() {} // Called on resume from power-loss #endif #if HAS_PID_HEATING void onPidTuning(const result_t rst) { // Called for temperature PID tuning result //SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR("OnPidTuning:", rst); switch (rst) { case PID_BAD_EXTRUDER_NUM: StatusScreen::setStatusMessage(GET_TEXT_F(MSG_PID_BAD_EXTRUDER_NUM)); break; case PID_TEMP_TOO_HIGH: StatusScreen::setStatusMessage(GET_TEXT_F(MSG_PID_TEMP_TOO_HIGH)); break; case PID_TUNING_TIMEOUT: StatusScreen::setStatusMessage(GET_TEXT_F(MSG_PID_TIMEOUT)); break; case PID_DONE: StatusScreen::setStatusMessage(GET_TEXT_F(MSG_PID_AUTOTUNE_DONE)); break; } GOTO_SCREEN(StatusScreen); } #endif // HAS_PID_HEATING void onSteppersDisabled() {} void onSteppersEnabled() {} } #endif // TOUCH_UI_FTDI_EVE