/** * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware * Copyright (C) 2019 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin] * * Based on Sprinter and grbl. * Copyright (C) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "../../../inc/MarlinConfigPre.h" #if ENABLED(MARLIN_INVADERS) #include "game.h" // 11x8 const unsigned char invader[3][2][16] PROGMEM = { { { B00000110,B00000000, B00001111,B00000000, B00011111,B10000000, B00110110,B11000000, B00111111,B11000000, B00001001,B00000000, B00010110,B10000000, B00101001,B01000000 }, { B00000110,B00000000, B00001111,B00000000, B00011111,B10000000, B00110110,B11000000, B00111111,B11000000, B00010110,B10000000, B00100000,B01000000, B00010000,B10000000 } }, { { B00010000,B01000000, B00001000,B10000000, B00011111,B11000000, B00110111,B01100000, B01111111,B11110000, B01011111,B11010000, B01010000,B01010000, B00001101,B10000000 }, { B00010000,B01000000, B01001000,B10010000, B01011111,B11010000, B01110111,B01110000, B01111111,B11110000, B00011111,B11000000, B00010000,B01000000, B00100000,B00100000 } }, { { B00001111,B00000000, B01111111,B11100000, B11111111,B11110000, B11100110,B01110000, B11111111,B11110000, B00011001,B10000000, B00110110,B11000000, B11000000,B00110000 }, { B00001111,B00000000, B01111111,B11100000, B11111111,B11110000, B11100110,B01110000, B11111111,B11110000, B00011001,B10000000, B00110110,B11000000, B00011001,B10000000 } } }; const unsigned char cannon[] PROGMEM = { B00000100,B00000000, B00001110,B00000000, B00001110,B00000000, B01111111,B11000000, B11111111,B11100000, B11111111,B11100000, B11111111,B11100000, B11111111,B11100000 }; const unsigned char life[] PROGMEM = { B00010000, B01111100, B11111110, B11111110, B11111110 }; const unsigned char explosion[] PROGMEM = { B01000100,B01000000, B00100100,B10000000, B00000000,B00000000, B00110001,B10000000, B00000000,B00000000, B00100100,B10000000, B01000100,B01000000 }; const unsigned char ufo[] PROGMEM = { B00011111,B11000000, B01111111,B11110000, B11011101,B11011000, B11111111,B11111000, B01111111,B11110000 }; #define INVASION_SIZE 3 #if INVASION_SIZE == 3 #define INVADER_COLS 5 #elif INVASION_SIZE == 4 #define INVADER_COLS 6 #else #define INVADER_COLS 8 #undef INVASION_SIZE #define INVASION_SIZE 5 #endif #define INVADER_ROWS INVASION_SIZE constexpr uint8_t inv_type[] = { #if INVADER_ROWS == 5 0, 1, 1, 2, 2 #elif INVADER_ROWS == 4 0, 1, 1, 2 #elif INVADER_ROWS == 3 0, 1, 2 #else #error "INVASION_SIZE must be 3, 4, or 5." #endif }; #define INVADER_RIGHT ((INVADER_COLS) * (COL_W)) #define CANNON_W 11 #define CANNON_H 8 #define CANNON_VEL 4 #define CANNON_Y (LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT - 1 - CANNON_H) #define COL_W 14 #define INVADER_H 8 #define ROW_H (INVADER_H + 2) #define INVADER_VEL 3 #define INVADER_TOP MENU_FONT_ASCENT #define INVADERS_WIDE ((COL_W) * (INVADER_COLS)) #define INVADERS_HIGH ((ROW_H) * (INVADER_ROWS)) #define UFO_H 5 #define UFO_W 13 #define LASER_H 4 #define SHOT_H 3 #define EXPL_W 11 #define LIFE_W 8 #define LIFE_H 5 #define INVADER_COL(X) ((X - invaders_x) / (COL_W)) #define INVADER_ROW(Y) ((Y - invaders_y + 2) / (ROW_H)) #define INV_X_LEFT(C,T) (invaders_x + (C) * (COL_W) + inv_off[T]) #define INV_X_CTR(C,T) (INV_X_LEFT(C,T) + inv_wide[T] / 2) #define INV_Y_BOT(R) (invaders_y + (R + 1) * (ROW_H) - 2) typedef struct { int8_t x, y, v; } laser_t; uint8_t cannons_left; int8_t cannon_x; laser_t explod, laser, bullet[10]; constexpr uint8_t inv_off[] = { 2, 1, 0 }, inv_wide[] = { 8, 11, 12 }; int8_t invaders_x, invaders_y, invaders_dir, leftmost, rightmost, botmost; uint8_t invader_count, quit_count, bugs[INVADER_ROWS], shooters[(INVADER_ROWS) * (INVADER_COLS)]; inline void update_invader_data() { uint8_t inv_mask = 0; // Get a list of all active invaders uint8_t sc = 0; LOOP_L_N(y, INVADER_ROWS) { uint8_t m = bugs[y]; if (m) botmost = y + 1; inv_mask |= m; for (uint8_t x = 0; x < INVADER_COLS; ++x) if (TEST(m, x)) shooters[sc++] = (y << 4) | x; } leftmost = 0; LOOP_L_N(i, INVADER_COLS) { if (TEST(inv_mask, i)) break; leftmost -= COL_W; } rightmost = LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - (INVADERS_WIDE); for (uint8_t i = INVADER_COLS; i--;) { if (TEST(inv_mask, i)) break; rightmost += COL_W; } if (invader_count == 2) invaders_dir = invaders_dir > 0 ? INVADER_VEL + 1 : -(INVADER_VEL + 1); } inline void reset_bullets() { LOOP_L_N(i, COUNT(bullet)) bullet[i].v = 0; } inline void reset_invaders() { invaders_x = 0; invaders_y = INVADER_TOP; invaders_dir = INVADER_VEL; invader_count = (INVADER_COLS) * (INVADER_ROWS); LOOP_L_N(i, INVADER_ROWS) bugs[i] = _BV(INVADER_COLS) - 1; update_invader_data(); reset_bullets(); } int8_t ufox, ufov; inline void spawn_ufo() { ufov = random(0, 2) ? 1 : -1; ufox = ufov > 0 ? -(UFO_W) : LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 1; } inline void reset_player() { cannon_x = 0; ui.encoderPosition = 0; } inline void fire_cannon() { laser.x = cannon_x + CANNON_W / 2; laser.y = LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT - CANNON_H - (LASER_H); laser.v = -(LASER_H); } inline void explode(const int8_t x, const int8_t y, const int8_t v=4) { explod.x = x - (EXPL_W) / 2; explod.y = y; explod.v = v; } inline void kill_cannon(uint8_t &game_state, const uint8_t st) { reset_bullets(); explode(cannon_x + (CANNON_W) / 2, CANNON_Y, 6); _BUZZ(1000, 10); if (--cannons_left) { laser.v = 0; game_state = st; reset_player(); } else game_state = 0; } void InvadersGame::game_screen() { static bool game_blink; ui.refresh(LCDVIEW_CALL_NO_REDRAW); // Call as often as possible // Run game logic once per full screen if (ui.first_page) { // Update Cannon Position int32_t ep = (int32_t)ui.encoderPosition; ep = constrain(ep, 0, (LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - (CANNON_W)) / (CANNON_VEL)); ui.encoderPosition = ep; ep *= (CANNON_VEL); if (ep > cannon_x) { cannon_x += CANNON_VEL - 1; if (ep - cannon_x < 2) cannon_x = ep; } if (ep < cannon_x) { cannon_x -= CANNON_VEL - 1; if (cannon_x - ep < 2) cannon_x = ep; } // Run the game logic if (game_state) do { // Move the UFO, if any if (ufov) { ufox += ufov; if (!WITHIN(ufox, -(UFO_W), LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 1)) ufov = 0; } if (game_state > 1) { if (--game_state == 2) { reset_invaders(); } else if (game_state == 100) { game_state = 1; } break; } static uint8_t blink_count; const bool did_blink = (++blink_count > invader_count >> 1); if (did_blink) { game_blink = !game_blink; blink_count = 0; } if (invader_count && did_blink) { const int8_t newx = invaders_x + invaders_dir; if (!WITHIN(newx, leftmost, rightmost)) { // Invaders reached the edge? invaders_dir *= -1; // Invaders change direction invaders_y += (ROW_H) / 2; // Invaders move down invaders_x -= invaders_dir; // ...and only move down this time. if (invaders_y + botmost * (ROW_H) - 2 >= CANNON_Y) // Invaders reached the bottom? kill_cannon(game_state, 20); // Kill the cannon. Reset invaders. } invaders_x += invaders_dir; // Invaders take one step left/right // Randomly shoot if invaders are listed if (invader_count && !random(0, 20)) { // Find a free bullet laser_t *b = NULL; LOOP_L_N(i, COUNT(bullet)) if (!bullet[i].v) { b = &bullet[i]; break; } if (b) { // Pick a random shooter and update the bullet //SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("free bullet found"); const uint8_t inv = shooters[random(0, invader_count + 1)], col = inv & 0x0F, row = inv >> 4, type = inv_type[row]; b->x = INV_X_CTR(col, type); b->y = INV_Y_BOT(row); b->v = 2 + random(0, 2); } } } // Update the laser position if (laser.v) { laser.y += laser.v; if (laser.y < 0) laser.v = 0; } // Did the laser collide with an invader? if (laser.v && WITHIN(laser.y, invaders_y, invaders_y + INVADERS_HIGH - 1)) { const int8_t col = INVADER_COL(laser.x); if (WITHIN(col, 0, INVADER_COLS - 1)) { const int8_t row = INVADER_ROW(laser.y); if (WITHIN(row, 0, INVADER_ROWS - 1)) { const uint8_t mask = _BV(col); if (bugs[row] & mask) { const uint8_t type = inv_type[row]; const int8_t invx = INV_X_LEFT(col, type); if (WITHIN(laser.x, invx, invx + inv_wide[type] - 1)) { // Turn off laser laser.v = 0; // Remove the invader! bugs[row] &= ~mask; // Score! score += INVADER_ROWS - row; // Explode sound! _BUZZ(40, 10); // Explosion bitmap! explode(invx + inv_wide[type] / 2, invaders_y + row * (ROW_H)); // If invaders are gone, go to reset invaders state if (--invader_count) update_invader_data(); else { game_state = 20; reset_bullets(); } } // laser x hit } // invader exists } // good row } // good col } // laser in invader zone // Handle alien bullets LOOP_L_N(s, COUNT(bullet)) { laser_t *b = &bullet[s]; if (b->v) { // Update alien bullet position b->y += b->v; if (b->y >= LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT) b->v = 0; // Offscreen else if (b->y >= CANNON_Y && WITHIN(b->x, cannon_x, cannon_x + CANNON_W - 1)) kill_cannon(game_state, 120); // Hit the cannon } } // Randomly spawn a UFO if (!ufov && !random(0,500)) spawn_ufo(); // Did the laser hit a ufo? if (laser.v && ufov && laser.y < UFO_H + 2 && WITHIN(laser.x, ufox, ufox + UFO_W - 1)) { // Turn off laser and UFO laser.v = ufov = 0; // Score! score += 10; // Explode! _BUZZ(40, 10); // Explosion bitmap explode(ufox + (UFO_W) / 2, 1); } } while (false); } // Click-and-hold to abort if (ui.button_pressed()) --quit_count; else quit_count = 10; // Click to fire or exit if (ui.use_click()) { if (!game_state) quit_count = 0; else if (game_state == 1 && !laser.v) fire_cannon(); } if (!quit_count) exit_game(); u8g.setColorIndex(1); // Draw invaders if (PAGE_CONTAINS(invaders_y, invaders_y + botmost * (ROW_H) - 2 - 1)) { int8_t yy = invaders_y; for (uint8_t y = 0; y < INVADER_ROWS; ++y) { const uint8_t type = inv_type[y]; if (PAGE_CONTAINS(yy, yy + INVADER_H - 1)) { int8_t xx = invaders_x; for (uint8_t x = 0; x < INVADER_COLS; ++x) { if (TEST(bugs[y], x)) u8g.drawBitmapP(xx, yy, 2, INVADER_H, invader[type][game_blink]); xx += COL_W; } } yy += ROW_H; } } // Draw UFO if (ufov && PAGE_UNDER(UFO_H + 2)) u8g.drawBitmapP(ufox, 2, 2, UFO_H, ufo); // Draw cannon if (game_state && PAGE_CONTAINS(CANNON_Y, CANNON_Y + CANNON_H - 1) && (game_state < 2 || (game_state & 0x02))) u8g.drawBitmapP(cannon_x, CANNON_Y, 2, CANNON_H, cannon); // Draw laser if (laser.v && PAGE_CONTAINS(laser.y, laser.y + LASER_H - 1)) u8g.drawVLine(laser.x, laser.y, LASER_H); // Draw invader bullets LOOP_L_N (i, COUNT(bullet)) { if (bullet[i].v && PAGE_CONTAINS(bullet[i].y - (SHOT_H - 1), bullet[i].y)) u8g.drawVLine(bullet[i].x, bullet[i].y - (SHOT_H - 1), SHOT_H); } // Draw explosion if (explod.v && PAGE_CONTAINS(explod.y, explod.y + 7 - 1)) { u8g.drawBitmapP(explod.x, explod.y, 2, 7, explosion); --explod.v; } // Blink GAME OVER when game is over if (!game_state) draw_game_over(); if (PAGE_UNDER(MENU_FONT_ASCENT - 1)) { // Draw Score //const uint8_t sx = (LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - (score >= 10 ? score >= 100 ? score >= 1000 ? 4 : 3 : 2 : 1) * MENU_FONT_WIDTH) / 2; constexpr uint8_t sx = 0; lcd_moveto(sx, MENU_FONT_ASCENT - 1); lcd_put_int(score); // Draw lives if (cannons_left) for (uint8_t i = 1; i <= cannons_left; ++i) u8g.drawBitmapP(LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - i * (LIFE_W), 6 - (LIFE_H), 1, LIFE_H, life); } } void InvadersGame::enter_game() { init_game(20, game_screen); // countdown to reset invaders cannons_left = 3; quit_count = 10; laser.v = 0; reset_invaders(); reset_player(); } #endif // MARLIN_INVADERS