#!/usr/bin/env python # # Create a Configuration from marlin_config.json # import json import sys import shutil opt_output = '--opt' in sys.argv output_suffix = '.sh' if opt_output else '' if '--bare-output' in sys.argv else '.gen' try: with open('marlin_config.json', 'r') as infile: conf = json.load(infile) for key in conf: # We don't care about the hash when restoring here if key == '__INITIAL_HASH': continue if key == 'VERSION': for k, v in sorted(conf[key].items()): print(k + ': ' + v) continue # The key is the file name, so let's build it now outfile = open('Marlin/' + key + output_suffix, 'w') for k, v in sorted(conf[key].items()): # Make define line now if opt_output: if v != '': if '"' in v: v = "'%s'" % v elif ' ' in v: v = '"%s"' % v define = 'opt_set ' + k + ' ' + v + '\n' else: define = 'opt_enable ' + k + '\n' else: define = '#define ' + k + ' ' + v + '\n' outfile.write(define) outfile.close() # Try to apply changes to the actual configuration file (in order to keep useful comments) if output_suffix != '': # Move the existing configuration so it doesn't interfere shutil.move('Marlin/' + key, 'Marlin/' + key + '.orig') infile_lines = open('Marlin/' + key + '.orig', 'r').read().split('\n') outfile = open('Marlin/' + key, 'w') for line in infile_lines: sline = line.strip(" \t\n\r") if sline[:7] == "#define": # Extract the key here (we don't care about the value) kv = sline[8:].strip().split(' ') if kv[0] in conf[key]: outfile.write('#define ' + kv[0] + ' ' + conf[key][kv[0]] + '\n') # Remove the key from the dict, so we can still write all missing keys at the end of the file del conf[key][kv[0]] else: outfile.write(line + '\n') else: outfile.write(line + '\n') # Process any remaining defines here for k, v in sorted(conf[key].items()): define = '#define ' + k + ' ' + v + '\n' outfile.write(define) outfile.close() print('Output configuration written to: ' + 'Marlin/' + key + output_suffix) except: print('No marlin_config.json found.')