Import("env") import os import random import struct import uuid # Relocate firmware from 0x08000000 to 0x08008800 env['CPPDEFINES'].remove(("VECT_TAB_ADDR", "0x8000000")) env['CPPDEFINES'].append(("VECT_TAB_ADDR", "0x08008800")) custom_ld_script = os.path.abspath("buildroot/share/PlatformIO/ldscripts/chitu_f103.ld") for i, flag in enumerate(env["LINKFLAGS"]): if "-Wl,-T" in flag: env["LINKFLAGS"][i] = "-Wl,-T" + custom_ld_script elif flag == "-T": env["LINKFLAGS"][i + 1] = custom_ld_script def calculate_crc(contents, seed): accumulating_xor_value = seed; for i in range(0, len(contents), 4): value = struct.unpack('> ip # load a byte into IP ip = r0[loop_counter] # XOR the seed with r7 xor_seed = xor_seed ^ r7 # and then with IP xor_seed = xor_seed ^ ip #Now store the byte back r1[loop_counter] = xor_seed & 0xFF #increment the loop_counter loop_counter = loop_counter + 1 def encrypt_file(input, output_file, file_length): input_file = bytearray( block_size = 0x800 key_length = 0x18 uid_value = uuid.uuid4() file_key = int(uid_value.hex[0:8], 16) xor_crc = 0xef3d4323; # the input file is exepcted to be in chunks of 0x800 # so round the size while len(input_file) % block_size != 0: input_file.extend(b'0x0') # write the file header output_file.write(struct.pack(">I", 0x443D2D3F)) # encrypt the contents using a known file header key # write the file_key output_file.write(struct.pack("