# # buildroot/share/PlatformIO/scripts/mks_encrypt.py # # Apply encryption and save as 'build.firmware' for these environments: # - env:mks_robin_stm32 # - env:flsun_hispeedv1 # - env:mks_robin_nano35_stm32 # Import("env") from SCons.Script import DefaultEnvironment board = DefaultEnvironment().BoardConfig() if 'firmware' in board.get("build").keys(): import marlin # Encrypt ${PROGNAME}.bin and save it as build.firmware def encrypt(source, target, env): marlin.encrypt_mks(source, target, env, "build.firmware") marlin.add_post_action(encrypt); else: import sys print("You need to define output file via board_build.firmware = 'filename' parameter", file=sys.stderr) env.Exit(1);