- Free up 30 bytes of SRAM in UBL LCD code
- Fix BUILD_ABS_MESH temperature
- Fix UBL indentation in ultralcd.cpp
- UBL vars lowercase, "convert to positive" sensibly
* Misc. Clean Up
Mostly UBL related clean up.
- But fixed a bug in the thermistortables.
- Made G26 more responsive to user aborts.
- Added sanity checks for older name for UBL_MESH_VALIDATION.
- Made G29 P4 able to edit invalidated mesh points
- Restore a reasonable Fade Height for UBL when creating new state information
- Get UBL's Topology Map to look a little bit better
- Make sure the user doesn't see a blank screen when doing Mesh Editing.
* Huh??? GitHub Desktop screwed up!
* get the planner object in scope
* Fix out of scope z_fade_height
* Travis timed out...
I need a change so I can force a new commit and sync.
- fix broken `M421` due to less-than-careful optimization
- add HOME_AFTER_DEACTIVATE define to advanced config so not everyone has to rehome after steppers are deactivated
- misc. cleanups (remove unused label, unused variables)
add BLTouch-related messages in english and (rusty) french;
add missing endstops.h in ultralcd.cpp;
fix misc. compiler warnings;
fix lsf_reset - ZERO macro can't handle a pointer as it would only memset the size of the pointer, not the size of the entire struct
This is what I did yesterday:
- basicly gave the tests more comprehensive names; put all the
declarations at the top; got rid of the magic negative C-value (renamed
to P + A, O, T)
- "cos(RADIANS(180 + 30 * axis)) * (1 + circles * 0.1 * ((zig_zag) ? 1 :
-1)) * delta_calibration_radius" compiles wrong is zig_zag statement is
without brackets
- DELTA_TOWER_ANGLE_TRIM reset to 3 values (the calcs use the 3th value
to normalize will not compile otherwise)
-Wrote 3 dummies to keep EEPROM lenght the same
-Reset the configs to the 'original' with autocal + menu disabled (but
can be enabled of course)
Giving a negative number of probe points disables the tower angle
correction calibration ('4point' instead of '7point' solution)
EEPROM version updated
- Making M665 compatible with repetier (see
- M665 B also sets the radius for manual calibration menu
- Converting tower ajustment definitions to arrays - tower angle
corrections compatible with Esher 3D wizzard
- Only tower angles need to be adjustable with M665 and stored to EEPROM
- tower radius and diag rod can be adjusted in the FW only with #define
Configuration_store.cpp - changed a couple of print statements so the
values were printed. The old method resulted in the formula being
1) added support for R option to P4. Now probes all points unless R is
present and the number is greater than 0.
2) P2 - moved map print statement so it showed the point that was
currently being probed, The old location did this only for the first
3) P4 - Moved the map print for the same reason.
ultralcd.cpp - changed "Mesh Editor :" to "Mesh Editor" because the LCD
draw routine puts a ":" in automatically so you end up with an extra ":"
using the old message.
- On `DELTA` the `M665 H` option supplants `M206`
- On `DELTA` `NO_WORKSPACE_OFFSETS` only reverts `G92` behavior
- Spawn 4 conditionals based on `NO_WORKSPACE_OFFSETS`
- Optimize coordinate space conversion for `DELTA` workspace
- To keep EEPROM version, retain `home_offset[XYZ]`, just ignore XY
I use the movement options via LCD quite often. Especially to get the nozzle out of the way. I see no reason, why the 10mm option is disabled for the Z-Axis, this is why i always delete this line when i compile a new version.
If this is unwanted, please just close this PR