From d41e6e5773e0edea1ea406548a0aa529cdefa34e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sergey Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2021 14:09:12 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] update --- .github/FUNDING.yml | 3 + .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml | 157 ++ .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml | 20 + .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.yml | 44 + .github/ | 46 + .github/ | 143 ++ .github/ | 35 + .github/ | 33 + .github/workflows/bump-date.yml | 35 + .github/workflows/check-pr.yml | 32 + .github/workflows/clean-closed.yml | 39 + .github/workflows/close-stale.yml | 9 +- .github/workflows/lock-closed.yml | 2 +- .github/workflows/test-builds.yml | 142 ++ Marlin/src/inc/SanityCheck.h | 32 +- Marlin/src/lcd/marlinui.cpp | 1848 ++++++++--------- .../src/pins/lpc1769/pins_BTT_SKR_E3_TURBO.h | 10 +- 17 files changed, 1690 insertions(+), 940 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .github/FUNDING.yml create mode 100644 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml create mode 100644 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml create mode 100644 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.yml create mode 100644 .github/ create mode 100644 .github/ create mode 100644 .github/ create mode 100644 .github/ create mode 100644 .github/workflows/bump-date.yml create mode 100644 .github/workflows/check-pr.yml create mode 100644 .github/workflows/clean-closed.yml create mode 100644 .github/workflows/test-builds.yml diff --git a/.github/FUNDING.yml b/.github/FUNDING.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a973242932 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/FUNDING.yml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +github: [thinkyhead] +patreon: thinkyhead +custom: [""] diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d1eb861058 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +name: 🪲 Report a bug +description: Create a bug report to help improve Marlin Firmware +title: "[BUG] (bug summary)" +body: + - type: markdown + attributes: + value: > + Do you want to ask a question? Are you looking for support? Please use one of the [support links]( + + - type: markdown + attributes: + value: | + **Thank you for reporting a bug in Marlin Firmware!** + + ## Before Reporting a Bug + + - Read and understand Marlin's [Code of Conduct]( You are expected to comply with it, including treating everyone with respect. + + - Test with the [`bugfix-2.0.x` branch]( to see whether the issue still exists. + + ## Instructions + + Please follow the instructions below. Failure to do so may result in your issue being closed. See [Contributing to Marlin]( for additional guidelines. + + 1. Provide a good title starting with [BUG]. + 2. Fill out all sections of this bug report form. + 3. Always attach configuration files so we can build and test your setup. + + - type: dropdown + attributes: + label: Did you test the latest `bugfix-2.0.x` code? + description: >- + Always try the latest code to make sure the issue you are reporting is not already fixed. To download + the latest code just [click this link]( + options: + - Yes, and the problem still exists. + - No, but I will test it now! + validations: + required: true + + - type: markdown + attributes: + value: | + # Bug Details + + - type: textarea + attributes: + label: Bug Description + description: >- + Describe the bug in this section. Tell us what you were trying to do and what + happened that you did not expect. Provide a clear and concise description of the + problem and include as many details as possible. + placeholder: | + Marlin doesn't work. + validations: + required: true + + - type: input + attributes: + label: Bug Timeline + description: Is this a new bug or an old issue? When did it first start? + + - type: textarea + attributes: + label: Expected behavior + description: >- + What did you expect to happen? + placeholder: I expected it to move left. + + - type: textarea + attributes: + label: Actual behavior + description: What actually happened instead? + placeholder: It moved right instead of left. + + - type: textarea + attributes: + label: Steps to Reproduce + description: >- + Please describe the steps needed to reproduce the issue. + placeholder: | + 1. [First Step] ... + 2. [Second Step] ... + 3. [and so on] ... + + - type: markdown + attributes: + value: | + # Your Setup + + - type: input + attributes: + label: Version of Marlin Firmware + description: "See the About Menu on the LCD or the output of `M115`. NOTE: For older releases we only patch critical bugs." + validations: + required: true + + - type: input + attributes: + label: Printer model + description: Creality Ender 3, Prusa mini, or Kossel Delta? + + - type: input + attributes: + label: Electronics + description: Stock electronics, upgrade board, or something else? + + - type: input + attributes: + label: Add-ons + description: Please list any hardware add-ons that could be involved. + + - type: dropdown + attributes: + label: Your Slicer + description: Do you use Slic3r, Prusa Slicer, Simplify3D, IdeaMaker...? + options: + - Slic3r + - Simplify3D + - Prusa Slicer + - IdeaMaker + - Cura + - Other (explain below) + + - type: dropdown + attributes: + label: Host Software + description: Do you use OctoPrint, Repetier Host, Pronterface...? + options: + - SD Card (headless) + - Repetier Host + - OctoPrint + - Pronterface + - Cura + - Same as my slicer + - Other (explain below) + + - type: markdown + attributes: + value: >- + ## Other things to include + + Please also be sure to include these items to help with troubleshooting: + + * **A ZIP file** containing your `Configuration.h` and `Configuration_adv.h`. + (Please don't paste lengthy configuration text here.) + * **Log output** from the host. (`M111 S247` for maximum logging.) + * **Images or videos** demonstrating the problem, if it helps to make it clear. + * **A G-Code file** that exposes the problem, if not affecting _all_ G-code. + + If you've made any other modifications to the firmware, please describe them in detail in the space provided. + + When pasting formatted text into the box below don't forget to put ` ``` ` (on its own line) before and after to make it readable. + + - type: textarea + attributes: + label: Additional information & file uploads diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3f5d6fe551 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +blank_issues_enabled: false +contact_links: + - name: 📖 Marlin Documentation + url: + about: Lots of documentation on installing and using Marlin. + - name: 👤 MarlinFirmware Facebook group + url: + about: Please ask and answer questions here. + - name: 🕹 Marlin on Discord + url: + about: Join the Discord server for support and discussion. + - name: 🔗 Marlin Discussion Forum + url: + about: A searchable web forum hosted by RepRap dot org. + - name: 📺 Marlin Videos on YouTube + url: + about: Tutorials and more from Marlin users all around the world. Great for new users! + - name: 💸 Want to donate? + url: + about: Please take a look at the various options to support Marlin Firmware's development financially! diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.yml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..df1938ccd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.yml @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +name: ✨ Request a feature +description: Request a new Marlin Firmware feature +title: "[FR] (feature summary)" +labels: 'T: Feature Request' +body: + - type: markdown + attributes: + value: > + Do you want to ask a question? Are you looking for support? Please use one of the [support links]( + + - type: markdown + attributes: + value: > + **Thank you for requesting a new Marlin Firmware feature!** + + ## Before Requesting a Feature + + - Read and understand Marlin's [Code of Conduct]( You are expected to comply with it, including treating everyone with respect. + + - Check the latest [`bugfix-2.0.x` branch]( to see if the feature already exists. + + - Before you proceed with your request, please consider if it is necessary to make it into a firmware feature, or if it may be better suited for a slicer or host feature. + + - type: textarea + attributes: + label: Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. + description: A clear description of the problem (e.g., "I need X but Marlin can't do it [...]"). + + - type: textarea + attributes: + label: Are you looking for hardware support? + description: Tell us the printer, board, or peripheral that needs support. + + - type: textarea + attributes: + label: Describe the feature you want + description: A clear description of the feature and how you think it should work. + validations: + required: true + + - type: textarea + attributes: + label: Additional context + description: Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here. diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..854fed4ec4 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct + +## Our Pledge + +In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include: + +* Using welcoming and inclusive language +* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences +* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism +* Focusing on what is best for the community +* Showing empathy towards other community members + +Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances +* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +* Public or private harassment +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting + +## Our Responsibilities + +Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. + +Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the project team at []( All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. + +Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the project's leadership. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, available at [][version] + +[homepage]: +[version]: diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6bc7b5a005 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +# Contributing to Marlin + +Thanks for your interest in contributing to Marlin Firmware! + +The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to Marlin, hosted by the [MarlinFirmware Organization]( on GitHub. These are mostly guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a Pull Request. + +#### Table Of Contents + +[Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct) + +[I don't want to read this whole thing, I just have a question!!!](#i-dont-want-to-read-this-whole-thing-i-just-have-a-question) + +[How Can I Contribute?](#how-can-i-contribute) + * [Reporting Bugs](#reporting-bugs) + * [Suggesting Features or Changes](#suggesting-features-or-changes) + * [Your First Code Contribution](#your-first-code-contribution) + * [Pull Requests](#pull-requests) + +[Styleguides](#styleguides) + * [Git Commit Messages](#git-commit-messages) + * [C++ Coding Standards](#c++-coding-standards) + * [Documentation Styleguide](#documentation) + +[Additional Notes](#additional-notes) + * [Issue and Pull Request Labels](#issue-and-pull-request-labels) + +## Code of Conduct + +This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the [Marlin Code of Conduct]( By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to []( + +## I don't want to read this whole thing I just have a question!!! + +> **Note:** Please don't file an issue to ask a question. You'll get faster results by using the resources below. + +We have a Message Board and a Facebook group where our knowledgable user community can provide helpful advice if you have questions. + +* [Marlin RepRap forum]( +* [MarlinFirmware on Facebook]( + +If chat is more your speed, you can join the MarlinFirmware Discord server: + +* Use the link to join up as a General User. +* Even though our Discord is pretty active, it may take a while for community members to respond — please be patient! +* Use the `#general` channel for general questions or discussion about Marlin. +* Other channels exist for certain topics or are limited to Patrons. Check the channel list. + +## How Can I Contribute? + +### Reporting Bugs + +This section guides you through submitting a Bug Report for Marlin. Following these guidelines helps maintainers and the community understand your report, reproduce the behavior, and find related reports. + +Before creating a Bug Report, please test the "nightly" development branch, as you might find out that you don't need to create one. When you are creating a Bug Report, please [include as many details as possible](#how-do-i-submit-a-good-bug-report). Fill out [the required template](, the information it asks for helps us resolve issues faster. + +> **Note:** Regressions can happen. If you find a **Closed** issue that seems like your issue, go ahead and open a new issue and include a link to the original issue in the body of your new one. All you need to create a link is the issue number, preceded by #. For example, #8888. + +#### How Do I Submit A (Good) Bug Report? + +Bugs are tracked as [GitHub issues]( Use the New Issue button to create an issue and provide the following information by filling in [the template]( + +Explain the problem and include additional details to help maintainers reproduce the problem: + +* **Use a clear and descriptive title** for the issue to identify the problem. +* **Describe the exact steps which reproduce the problem** in as many details as possible. For example, start by explaining how you started Marlin, e.g. which command exactly you used in the terminal, or how you started Marlin otherwise. When listing steps, **don't just say what you did, but explain how you did it**. For example, if you moved the cursor to the end of a line, explain if you used the mouse, or a keyboard shortcut or an Marlin command, and if so which one? +* **Provide specific examples to demonstrate the steps**. Include links to files or GitHub projects, or copy/pasteable snippets, which you use in those examples. If you're providing snippets or log output in the issue, use [Markdown code blocks]( +* **Describe the behavior you observed after following the steps** and point out what exactly is the problem with that behavior. +* **Explain which behavior you expected to see instead and why.** +* **Include detailed log output** especially for probing and leveling. See below for usage of `DEBUG_LEVELING_FEATURE`. +* **Include screenshots, links to videos, etc.** which clearly demonstrate the problem. +* **Include G-code** (if relevant) that reliably causes the problem to show itself. +* **If the problem wasn't triggered by a specific action**, describe what you were doing before the problem happened and share more information using the guidelines below. + +Provide more context: + +* **Can you reproduce the problem with a minimum of options enabled?** +* **Did the problem start happening recently** (e.g. after updating to a new version of Marlin) or was this always a problem? +* If the problem started happening recently, **can you reproduce the problem in an older version of Marlin?** What's the most recent version in which the problem doesn't happen? You can download older versions of Marlin from [the releases page]( +* **Can you reliably reproduce the issue?** If not, provide details about how often the problem happens and under which conditions it normally happens. + +Include details about your configuration and environment: + +* **Which version of Marlin are you using?** Marlin's exact version and build date can be seen in the startup message when a host connects to Marlin, or in the LCD Info menu (if enabled). +* **What kind of 3D Printer and electronics are you using**? +* **What kind of add-ons (probe, filament sensor) do you have**? +* **Include your Configuration files.** Make a ZIP file containing `Configuration.h` and `Configuration_adv.h` and drop it on your reply. + +### Suggesting Features or Changes + +This section guides you through submitting a suggestion for Marlin, including completely new features and minor improvements to existing functionality. Following these guidelines helps maintainers and the community understand your suggestion and find related suggestions. + +Before creating a suggestion, please check [this list](#before-submitting-a-suggestion) as you might find out that you don't need to create one. When you are creating an enhancement suggestion, please [include as many details as possible](#how-do-i-submit-a-good-enhancement-suggestion). Fill in [the template](, including the steps that you imagine you would take if the feature you're requesting existed. + +#### Before Submitting a Feature Request + +* **Check the [Marlin website](** for tips — you might discover that the feature is already included. Most importantly, check if you're using [the latest version of Marlin]( and if you can get the desired behavior by changing [Marlin's config settings]( +* **Perform a [cursory search](** to see if the enhancement has already been suggested. If it has, add a comment to the existing issue instead of opening a new one. + +#### How Do I Submit A (Good) Feature Request? + +Feature Requests are tracked as [GitHub issues]( Please follow these guidelines in your request: + +* **Use a clear and descriptive title** for the issue to identify the suggestion. +* **Provide a step-by-step description of the requested feature** in as much detail as possible. +* **Provide specific examples to demonstrate the steps**. +* **Describe the current behavior** and **explain which behavior you expected to see instead** and why. +* **Include screenshots and links to videos** which demonstrate the feature or point out the part of Marlin to which the request is related. +* **Explain why this feature would be useful** to most Marlin users. +* **Name other firmwares that have this feature, if any.** + +### Your First Code Contribution + +Unsure where to begin contributing to Marlin? You can start by looking through these `good-first-issue` and `help-wanted` issues: + +* [Beginner issues][good-first-issue] - issues which should only require a few lines of code, and a test or two. +* [Help Wanted issues][help-wanted] - issues which should be a bit more involved than `beginner` issues. + +### Pull Requests + +Pull Requests should always be targeted to working branches (e.g., `bugfix-1.1.x` and/or `bugfix-2.0.x`) and never to release branches (e.g., `1.1.x`). If this is your first Pull Request, please read our [Guide to Pull Requests]( and Github's [Pull Request]( documentation. + +* Fill in [the required template]( +* Don't include issue numbers in the PR title. +* Include pictures, diagrams, and links to videos in your Pull Request to demonstrate your changes, if needed. +* Follow the [Coding Standards]( posted on our website. +* Document new code with clear and concise comments. +* End all files with a newline. + +## Styleguides + +### Git Commit Messages + +* Use the present tense ("Add feature" not "Added feature"). +* Use the imperative mood ("Move cursor to..." not "Moves cursor to..."). +* Limit the first line to 72 characters or fewer. +* Reference issues and Pull Requests liberally after the first line. + +### C++ Coding Standards + +* Please read and follow the [Coding Standards]( posted on our website. Failure to follow these guidelines will delay evaluation and acceptance of Pull Requests. + +### Documentation + +* Guidelines for documentation are still under development. In-general, be clear, concise, and to-the-point. diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6cb34b8f58 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ + + +### Description + + + +### Steps to Reproduce + + + +1. [First Step] +2. [Second Step] +3. [and so on...] + +**Expected behavior:** [What you expect to happen] + +**Actual behavior:** [What actually happens] + +#### Additional Information + +* Include a ZIP file containing your `Configuration.h` and `Configuration_adv.h` files. +* Provide pictures or links to videos that clearly demonstrate the issue. +* See [How Can I Contribute](#how-can-i-contribute) for additional guidelines. diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cd5158b3ce --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ + + +### Description + + + +### Requirements + + + +### Benefits + + + +### Configurations + + + +### Related Issues + + diff --git a/.github/workflows/bump-date.yml b/.github/workflows/bump-date.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..54902da8c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/bump-date.yml @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# +# bump-date.yml +# Bump the distribution date once per day +# + +name: Bump Distribution Date + +on: + schedule: + - cron: '0 0 * * *' + +jobs: + bump_date: + name: Bump Distribution Date + if: github.repository == 'MarlinFirmware/Marlin' + + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + + steps: + + - name: Check out bugfix-2.0.x + uses: actions/checkout@v2 + with: + ref: bugfix-2.0.x + + - name: Bump Distribution Date + run: | + # Inline Bump Script + DIST=$( date +"%Y-%m-%d" ) + eval "sed -E -i 's/(#define +STRING_DISTRIBUTION_DATE) .*$/\1 \"$DIST\"/g' Marlin/src/inc/Version.h" && \ + git config "${GITHUB_ACTOR}" && \ + git config "${GITHUB_ACTOR}" && \ + git add . && \ + git commit -m "[cron] Bump distribution date ($DIST)" && \ + git push diff --git a/.github/workflows/check-pr.yml b/.github/workflows/check-pr.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b30513f7cc --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/check-pr.yml @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +# +# check-pr.yml +# Close PRs directed at release branches +# + +name: PR Bad Target + +on: + pull_request: + branches: + - 1.0.x + - 1.1.x + - 2.0.x + +jobs: + bad_target: + name: PR Bad Target + if: github.repository == 'MarlinFirmware/Marlin' + + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + + steps: + - uses: superbrothers/close-pull-request@v3 + with: + comment: > + Thanks for your contribution! Unfortunately we can't accept PRs directed at release branches. We make patches to the bugfix branches and only later do we push them out as releases. + + Please redo this PR starting with the `bugfix-2.0.x` branch and be careful to target `bugfix-2.0.x` when resubmitting the PR. + + It may help to set your fork's default branch to `bugfix-2.0.x`. + + See [this page]( for full instructions. diff --git a/.github/workflows/clean-closed.yml b/.github/workflows/clean-closed.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..befec4498f --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/clean-closed.yml @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +# +# clean-closed.yml +# Remove obsolete labels when an Issue or PR is closed +# + +name: Clean Closed + +on: + pull_request: + types: [closed] + issues: + types: [closed] + +jobs: + remove_label: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + + strategy: + matrix: + label: + - "S: Don't Merge" + - "S: Hold for 2.1" + - "S: Please Merge" + - "S: Please Test" + - "help wanted" + - "Needs: Discussion" + - "Needs: Documentation" + - "Needs: More Data" + - "Needs: Patch" + - "Needs: Testing" + - "Needs: Work" + + steps: + - uses: actions/checkout@v2 + - name: Remove Labels + uses: actions-ecosystem/action-remove-labels@v1 + with: + github_token: ${{ github.token }} + labels: ${{ matrix.label }} diff --git a/.github/workflows/close-stale.yml b/.github/workflows/close-stale.yml index 083e844e90..f017907d29 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/close-stale.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/close-stale.yml @@ -20,8 +20,9 @@ jobs: - uses: actions/stale@v3 with: repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - stale-issue-message: 'This issue is stale because it has been open 30 days with no activity. Remove stale label / comment or this will be closed in 5 days.' - days-before-stale: 30 - days-before-close: 5 + stale-issue-message: 'This issue has had no activity in the last 60 days. Please add a reply if you want to keep this issue active, otherwise it will be automatically closed within 10 days.' + days-before-stale: 60 + days-before-close: 10 stale-issue-label: 'stale-closing-soon' - exempt-issue-labels: 'T: Feature Request' + exempt-all-assignees: true + exempt-issue-labels: 'Bug: Confirmed !,T: Feature Request,Needs: Discussion,Needs: Documentation,Needs: More Data,Needs: Patch,Needs: Work,Needs: Testing,help wanted,no-locking' diff --git a/.github/workflows/lock-closed.yml b/.github/workflows/lock-closed.yml index 8cdcd7a836..8114568828 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/lock-closed.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/lock-closed.yml @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ jobs: github-token: ${{ github.token }} process-only: 'issues' issue-lock-inactive-days: '60' - issue-exclude-created-before: '' + issue-exclude-created-before: '2017-07-01T00:00:00Z' issue-exclude-labels: 'no-locking' issue-lock-labels: '' issue-lock-comment: > diff --git a/.github/workflows/test-builds.yml b/.github/workflows/test-builds.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5429f3eb95 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/test-builds.yml @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +# +# test-builds.yml +# Do test builds to catch compile errors +# + +name: CI + +on: + pull_request: + branches: + - bugfix-2.0.x + paths-ignore: + - config/** + - data/** + - docs/** + - '**/*.md' + push: + branches: + - bugfix-2.0.x + paths-ignore: + - config/** + - data/** + - docs/** + - '**/*.md' + +jobs: + test_builds: + name: Run All Tests + if: github.repository == 'MarlinFirmware/Marlin' + + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + + strategy: + matrix: + test-platform: + # Base Environments + + - DUE + - DUE_archim + - esp32 + - linux_native + - mega2560 + - at90usb1286_dfu + - teensy31 + - teensy35 + - teensy41 + - SAMD51_grandcentral_m4 + + # Extended AVR Environments + + - FYSETC_F6 + - mega1280 + - rambo + - sanguino1284p + - sanguino644p + + # STM32F1 (Maple) Environments + + #- STM32F103RC_btt_maple + - STM32F103RC_btt_USB_maple + - STM32F103RC_fysetc + - STM32F103RC_meeb + - jgaurora_a5s_a1 + - STM32F103VE_longer + #- mks_robin_maple + - mks_robin_lite + - mks_robin_pro + #- mks_robin_nano35_maple + #- STM32F103RET6_creality_maple + + # STM32 (ST) Environments + + - STM32F103RC_btt + #- STM32F103RC_btt_USB + - STM32F103RE_btt + - STM32F103RE_btt_USB + - STM32F103RET6_creality + - STM32F407VE_black + - STM32F401VE_STEVAL + - BIGTREE_BTT002 + - BIGTREE_SKR_PRO + - BIGTREE_GTR_V1_0 + - mks_robin + - ARMED + - FYSETC_S6 + - STM32F070CB_malyan + - STM32F070RB_malyan + - malyan_M300 + - FLYF407ZG + - rumba32 + - LERDGEX + - LERDGEK + - mks_robin_nano35 + - NUCLEO_F767ZI + - REMRAM_V1 + - BTT_SKR_SE_BX + - chitu_f103 + + # Put lengthy tests last + + - LPC1768 + - LPC1769 + + # Non-working environment tests + #- at90usb1286_cdc + #- STM32F103CB_malyan + #- STM32F103RE + #- mks_robin_mini + + steps: + + - name: Check out the PR + uses: actions/checkout@v2 + + - name: Cache pip + uses: actions/cache@v2 + with: + path: ~/.cache/pip + key: ${{ runner.os }}-pip-${{ hashFiles('**/requirements.txt') }} + restore-keys: | + ${{ runner.os }}-pip- + + - name: Cache PlatformIO + uses: actions/cache@v2 + with: + path: ~/.platformio + key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('**/lockfiles') }} + + - name: Select Python 3.7 + uses: actions/setup-python@v2 + with: + python-version: '3.7' # Version range or exact version of a Python version to use, using semvers version range syntax. + architecture: 'x64' # optional x64 or x86. Defaults to x64 if not specified + + - name: Install PlatformIO + run: | + pip install -U + platformio update + + - name: Run ${{ matrix.test-platform }} Tests + run: | + make tests-single-ci TEST_TARGET=${{ matrix.test-platform }} diff --git a/Marlin/src/inc/SanityCheck.h b/Marlin/src/inc/SanityCheck.h index 224729d35f..36ccbee9b9 100644 --- a/Marlin/src/inc/SanityCheck.h +++ b/Marlin/src/inc/SanityCheck.h @@ -593,24 +593,29 @@ static_assert(COUNT(arm) == LOGICAL_AXES, "AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES must contain " _L #endif #ifdef PTC_SAMPLE_START - constexpr int _ptc_sample_start = PTC_SAMPLE_START; - static_assert(_test_ptc_sample_start != PTC_SAMPLE_START, "PTC_SAMPLE_START must be a whole number."); + constexpr auto _ptc_sample_start = PTC_SAMPLE_START; + constexpr decltype(_ptc_sample_start) _test_ptc_sample_start = 12.3f; + static_assert(_test_ptc_sample_start != 12.3f, "PTC_SAMPLE_START must be a whole number."); #endif #ifdef PTC_SAMPLE_RES - constexpr int _ptc_sample_res = PTC_SAMPLE_END; - static_assert(_test_ptc_sample_res != PTC_SAMPLE_END, "PTC_SAMPLE_RES must be a whole number."); + constexpr auto _ptc_sample_res = PTC_SAMPLE_RES; + constexpr decltype(_ptc_sample_res) _test_ptc_sample_res = 12.3f; + static_assert(_test_ptc_sample_res != 12.3f, "PTC_SAMPLE_RES must be a whole number."); #endif #ifdef BTC_SAMPLE_START - constexpr int _btc_sample_start = BTC_SAMPLE_START; - static_assert(_test_btc_sample_start != BTC_SAMPLE_START, "BTC_SAMPLE_START must be a whole number."); + constexpr auto _btc_sample_start = BTC_SAMPLE_START; + constexpr decltype(_btc_sample_start) _test_btc_sample_start = 12.3f; + static_assert(_test_btc_sample_start != 12.3f, "BTC_SAMPLE_START must be a whole number."); #endif #ifdef BTC_SAMPLE_RES - constexpr int _btc_sample_res = BTC_SAMPLE_END; - static_assert(_test_btc_sample_res != BTC_SAMPLE_END, "BTC_SAMPLE_RES must be a whole number."); + constexpr _btc_sample_res = BTC_SAMPLE_RES; + constexpr decltype(_btc_sample_res) _test_btc_sample_res = 12.3f; + static_assert(_test_btc_sample_res != 12.3f, "BTC_SAMPLE_RES must be a whole number."); #endif #ifdef BTC_PROBE_TEMP - constexpr int _btc_probe_temp = BTC_PROBE_TEMP; - static_assert(_test_btc_probe_temp != BTC_PROBE_TEMP, "BTC_PROBE_TEMP must be a whole number."); + constexpr auto _btc_probe_temp = BTC_PROBE_TEMP; + constexpr decltype(_btc_probe_temp) _test_btc_probe_temp = 12.3f; + static_assert(_test_btc_probe_temp != 12.3f, "BTC_PROBE_TEMP must be a whole number."); #endif #endif @@ -3583,6 +3588,13 @@ static_assert( _ARR_TEST(3,0) && _ARR_TEST(3,1) && _ARR_TEST(3,2) #error "Either enable MEATPACK_ON_SERIAL_PORT_* or BINARY_FILE_TRANSFER, not both." #endif +/** + * Sanity Check for Slim LCD Menus and Probe Offset Wizard + */ +#if BOTH(SLIM_LCD_MENUS, PROBE_OFFSET_WIZARD) + #error "SLIM_LCD_MENUS disables \"Advanced Settings > Probe Offsets > PROBE_OFFSET_WIZARD.\"" +#endif + /** * Sanity check for unique start and stop values in NOZZLE_CLEAN_FEATURE */ diff --git a/Marlin/src/lcd/marlinui.cpp b/Marlin/src/lcd/marlinui.cpp index 9019cdbf17..a9d4241cba 100644 --- a/Marlin/src/lcd/marlinui.cpp +++ b/Marlin/src/lcd/marlinui.cpp @@ -120,1169 +120,1169 @@ constexpr uint8_t epps = ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP; } #endif -#if HAS_WIRED_LCD - -#if HAS_MARLINUI_U8GLIB - #include "dogm/marlinui_DOGM.h" +#if EITHER(HAS_LCD_MENU, EXTENSIBLE_UI) + bool MarlinUI::lcd_clicked; #endif -#include "lcdprint.h" - -#include "../sd/cardreader.h" - -#include "../module/temperature.h" -#include "../module/planner.h" -#include "../module/motion.h" - -#if HAS_LCD_MENU - #include "../module/settings.h" -#endif +#if HAS_WIRED_LCD -#if ENABLED(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL) - #include "../feature/bedlevel/bedlevel.h" -#endif + #if HAS_MARLINUI_U8GLIB + #include "dogm/marlinui_DOGM.h" + #endif -#if HAS_TRINAMIC_CONFIG - #include "../feature/tmc_util.h" -#endif + #include "lcdprint.h" -#if HAS_ADC_BUTTONS - #include "../module/thermistor/thermistors.h" -#endif + #include "../sd/cardreader.h" -#if HAS_POWER_MONITOR - #include "../feature/power_monitor.h" -#endif + #include "../module/temperature.h" + #include "../module/planner.h" + #include "../module/motion.h" -#if HAS_ENCODER_ACTION - volatile uint8_t MarlinUI::buttons; - #if HAS_SLOW_BUTTONS - volatile uint8_t MarlinUI::slow_buttons; + #if HAS_LCD_MENU + #include "../module/settings.h" #endif - #if HAS_TOUCH_BUTTONS - #include "touch/touch_buttons.h" - bool MarlinUI::on_edit_screen = false; + + #if ENABLED(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL) + #include "../feature/bedlevel/bedlevel.h" #endif -#endif -#if SCREENS_CAN_TIME_OUT - bool MarlinUI::defer_return_to_status; - millis_t MarlinUI::return_to_status_ms = 0; -#endif + #if HAS_TRINAMIC_CONFIG + #include "../feature/tmc_util.h" + #endif -uint8_t MarlinUI::lcd_status_update_delay = 1; // First update one loop delayed + #if HAS_ADC_BUTTONS + #include "../module/thermistor/thermistors.h" + #endif -#if BOTH(FILAMENT_LCD_DISPLAY, SDSUPPORT) - millis_t MarlinUI::next_filament_display; // = 0 -#endif + #if HAS_POWER_MONITOR + #include "../feature/power_monitor.h" + #endif -millis_t MarlinUI::next_button_update_ms; // = 0 + #if HAS_ENCODER_ACTION + volatile uint8_t MarlinUI::buttons; + #if HAS_SLOW_BUTTONS + volatile uint8_t MarlinUI::slow_buttons; + #endif + #if HAS_TOUCH_BUTTONS + #include "touch/touch_buttons.h" + bool MarlinUI::on_edit_screen = false; + #endif + #endif -#if HAS_MARLINUI_U8GLIB - bool MarlinUI::drawing_screen, MarlinUI::first_page; // = false -#endif + #if SCREENS_CAN_TIME_OUT + bool MarlinUI::defer_return_to_status; + millis_t MarlinUI::return_to_status_ms = 0; + #endif -// Encoder Handling -#if HAS_ENCODER_ACTION - uint32_t MarlinUI::encoderPosition; - volatile int8_t encoderDiff; // Updated in update_buttons, added to encoderPosition every LCD update -#endif + uint8_t MarlinUI::lcd_status_update_delay = 1; // First update one loop delayed -#if ENABLED(SDSUPPORT) + #if BOTH(FILAMENT_LCD_DISPLAY, SDSUPPORT) + millis_t MarlinUI::next_filament_display; // = 0 + #endif - #include "../sd/cardreader.h" + millis_t MarlinUI::next_button_update_ms; // = 0 - #if MARLINUI_SCROLL_NAME - uint8_t MarlinUI::filename_scroll_pos, MarlinUI::filename_scroll_max; + #if HAS_MARLINUI_U8GLIB + bool MarlinUI::drawing_screen, MarlinUI::first_page; // = false #endif - const char * MarlinUI::scrolled_filename(CardReader &theCard, const uint8_t maxlen, uint8_t hash, const bool doScroll) { - const char *outstr = theCard.longest_filename(); - if (theCard.longFilename[0]) { - #if MARLINUI_SCROLL_NAME - if (doScroll) { - for (uint8_t l = FILENAME_LENGTH; l--;) - hash = ((hash << 1) | (hash >> 7)) ^ theCard.filename[l]; // rotate, xor - static uint8_t filename_scroll_hash; - if (filename_scroll_hash != hash) { // If the hash changed... - filename_scroll_hash = hash; // Save the new hash - filename_scroll_max = _MAX(0, utf8_strlen(theCard.longFilename) - maxlen); // Update the scroll limit - filename_scroll_pos = 0; // Reset scroll to the start - lcd_status_update_delay = 8; // Don't scroll right away - } - // Advance byte position corresponding to filename_scroll_pos char position - outstr += TERN(UTF_FILENAME_SUPPORT, utf8_byte_pos_by_char_num(outstr, filename_scroll_pos), filename_scroll_pos); - } - #else - theCard.longFilename[ - TERN(UTF_FILENAME_SUPPORT, utf8_byte_pos_by_char_num(theCard.longFilename, maxlen), maxlen) - ] = '\0'; // cutoff at screen edge - #endif - } - return outstr; - } - -#endif + // Encoder Handling + #if HAS_ENCODER_ACTION + uint32_t MarlinUI::encoderPosition; + volatile int8_t encoderDiff; // Updated in update_buttons, added to encoderPosition every LCD update + #endif -#if EITHER(HAS_LCD_MENU, EXTENSIBLE_UI) - bool MarlinUI::lcd_clicked; -#endif + #if ENABLED(SDSUPPORT) -#if HAS_LCD_MENU - #include "menu/menu.h" + #include "../sd/cardreader.h" - screenFunc_t MarlinUI::currentScreen; // Initialized in CTOR - bool MarlinUI::screen_changed; + #if MARLINUI_SCROLL_NAME + uint8_t MarlinUI::filename_scroll_pos, MarlinUI::filename_scroll_max; + #endif - #if ENABLED(ENCODER_RATE_MULTIPLIER) - bool MarlinUI::encoderRateMultiplierEnabled; - millis_t MarlinUI::lastEncoderMovementMillis = 0; - void MarlinUI::enable_encoder_multiplier(const bool onoff) { - encoderRateMultiplierEnabled = onoff; - lastEncoderMovementMillis = 0; + const char * MarlinUI::scrolled_filename(CardReader &theCard, const uint8_t maxlen, uint8_t hash, const bool doScroll) { + const char *outstr = theCard.longest_filename(); + if (theCard.longFilename[0]) { + #if MARLINUI_SCROLL_NAME + if (doScroll) { + for (uint8_t l = FILENAME_LENGTH; l--;) + hash = ((hash << 1) | (hash >> 7)) ^ theCard.filename[l]; // rotate, xor + static uint8_t filename_scroll_hash; + if (filename_scroll_hash != hash) { // If the hash changed... + filename_scroll_hash = hash; // Save the new hash + filename_scroll_max = _MAX(0, utf8_strlen(theCard.longFilename) - maxlen); // Update the scroll limit + filename_scroll_pos = 0; // Reset scroll to the start + lcd_status_update_delay = 8; // Don't scroll right away + } + // Advance byte position corresponding to filename_scroll_pos char position + outstr += TERN(UTF_FILENAME_SUPPORT, utf8_byte_pos_by_char_num(outstr, filename_scroll_pos), filename_scroll_pos); + } + #else + theCard.longFilename[ + TERN(UTF_FILENAME_SUPPORT, utf8_byte_pos_by_char_num(theCard.longFilename, maxlen), maxlen) + ] = '\0'; // cutoff at screen edge + #endif + } + return outstr; } - #endif - #if EITHER(REVERSE_MENU_DIRECTION, REVERSE_SELECT_DIRECTION) - int8_t MarlinUI::encoderDirection = ENCODERBASE; #endif - #if HAS_TOUCH_BUTTONS - uint8_t MarlinUI::touch_buttons; - uint8_t MarlinUI::repeat_delay; - #endif + #if HAS_LCD_MENU + #include "menu/menu.h" - #if EITHER(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL, G26_MESH_VALIDATION) + screenFunc_t MarlinUI::currentScreen; // Initialized in CTOR + bool MarlinUI::screen_changed; - bool MarlinUI::external_control; // = false + #if ENABLED(ENCODER_RATE_MULTIPLIER) + bool MarlinUI::encoderRateMultiplierEnabled; + millis_t MarlinUI::lastEncoderMovementMillis = 0; + void MarlinUI::enable_encoder_multiplier(const bool onoff) { + encoderRateMultiplierEnabled = onoff; + lastEncoderMovementMillis = 0; + } + #endif - void MarlinUI::wait_for_release() { - while (button_pressed()) safe_delay(50); - safe_delay(50); - } + #if EITHER(REVERSE_MENU_DIRECTION, REVERSE_SELECT_DIRECTION) + int8_t MarlinUI::encoderDirection = ENCODERBASE; + #endif - #endif + #if HAS_TOUCH_BUTTONS + uint8_t MarlinUI::touch_buttons; + uint8_t MarlinUI::repeat_delay; + #endif - #if !HAS_GRAPHICAL_TFT + #if EITHER(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL, G26_MESH_VALIDATION) - void _wrap_string(uint8_t &col, uint8_t &row, const char * const string, read_byte_cb_t cb_read_byte, bool wordwrap/*=false*/) { - SETCURSOR(col, row); - if (!string) return; + bool MarlinUI::external_control; // = false - auto _newline = [&col, &row]{ - col = 0; row++; // Move col to string len (plus space) - SETCURSOR(0, row); // Simulate carriage return - }; + void MarlinUI::wait_for_release() { + while (button_pressed()) safe_delay(50); + safe_delay(50); + } + + #endif - uint8_t *p = (uint8_t*)string; - wchar_t ch; - if (wordwrap) { - uint8_t *wrd = nullptr, c = 0; - // find the end of the part - for (;;) { - if (!wrd) wrd = p; // Get word start /before/ advancing - p = get_utf8_value_cb(p, cb_read_byte, &ch); - const bool eol = !ch; // zero ends the string - // End or a break between phrases? - if (eol || ch == ' ' || ch == '-' || ch == '+' || ch == '.') { - if (!c && ch == ' ') { if (wrd) wrd++; continue; } // collapse extra spaces - // Past the right and the word is not too long? - if (col + c > LCD_WIDTH && col >= (LCD_WIDTH) / 4) _newline(); // should it wrap? - c += !eol; // +1 so the space will be printed - col += c; // advance col to new position - while (c) { // character countdown - --c; // count down to zero - wrd = get_utf8_value_cb(wrd, cb_read_byte, &ch); // get characters again - lcd_put_wchar(ch); // character to the LCD + #if !HAS_GRAPHICAL_TFT + + void _wrap_string(uint8_t &col, uint8_t &row, const char * const string, read_byte_cb_t cb_read_byte, bool wordwrap/*=false*/) { + SETCURSOR(col, row); + if (!string) return; + + auto _newline = [&col, &row]{ + col = 0; row++; // Move col to string len (plus space) + SETCURSOR(0, row); // Simulate carriage return + }; + + uint8_t *p = (uint8_t*)string; + wchar_t ch; + if (wordwrap) { + uint8_t *wrd = nullptr, c = 0; + // find the end of the part + for (;;) { + if (!wrd) wrd = p; // Get word start /before/ advancing + p = get_utf8_value_cb(p, cb_read_byte, &ch); + const bool eol = !ch; // zero ends the string + // End or a break between phrases? + if (eol || ch == ' ' || ch == '-' || ch == '+' || ch == '.') { + if (!c && ch == ' ') { if (wrd) wrd++; continue; } // collapse extra spaces + // Past the right and the word is not too long? + if (col + c > LCD_WIDTH && col >= (LCD_WIDTH) / 4) _newline(); // should it wrap? + c += !eol; // +1 so the space will be printed + col += c; // advance col to new position + while (c) { // character countdown + --c; // count down to zero + wrd = get_utf8_value_cb(wrd, cb_read_byte, &ch); // get characters again + lcd_put_wchar(ch); // character to the LCD + } + if (eol) break; // all done! + wrd = nullptr; // set up for next word } - if (eol) break; // all done! - wrd = nullptr; // set up for next word + else c++; // count word characters } - else c++; // count word characters } - } - else { - for (;;) { - p = get_utf8_value_cb(p, cb_read_byte, &ch); - if (!ch) break; - lcd_put_wchar(ch); - col++; - if (col >= LCD_WIDTH) _newline(); + else { + for (;;) { + p = get_utf8_value_cb(p, cb_read_byte, &ch); + if (!ch) break; + lcd_put_wchar(ch); + col++; + if (col >= LCD_WIDTH) _newline(); + } } } - } - void MarlinUI::draw_select_screen_prompt(PGM_P const pref, const char * const string/*=nullptr*/, PGM_P const suff/*=nullptr*/) { - const uint8_t plen = utf8_strlen_P(pref), slen = suff ? utf8_strlen_P(suff) : 0; - uint8_t col = 0, row = 0; - if (!string && plen + slen <= LCD_WIDTH) { - col = (LCD_WIDTH - plen - slen) / 2; - row = LCD_HEIGHT > 3 ? 1 : 0; - } - wrap_string_P(col, row, pref, true); - if (string) { - if (col) { col = 0; row++; } // Move to the start of the next line - wrap_string(col, row, string); + void MarlinUI::draw_select_screen_prompt(PGM_P const pref, const char * const string/*=nullptr*/, PGM_P const suff/*=nullptr*/) { + const uint8_t plen = utf8_strlen_P(pref), slen = suff ? utf8_strlen_P(suff) : 0; + uint8_t col = 0, row = 0; + if (!string && plen + slen <= LCD_WIDTH) { + col = (LCD_WIDTH - plen - slen) / 2; + row = LCD_HEIGHT > 3 ? 1 : 0; + } + wrap_string_P(col, row, pref, true); + if (string) { + if (col) { col = 0; row++; } // Move to the start of the next line + wrap_string(col, row, string); + } + if (suff) wrap_string_P(col, row, suff); } - if (suff) wrap_string_P(col, row, suff); - } - #endif // !HAS_GRAPHICAL_TFT + #endif // !HAS_GRAPHICAL_TFT -#endif // HAS_LCD_MENU + #endif // HAS_LCD_MENU -void MarlinUI::init() { + void MarlinUI::init() { - init_lcd(); + init_lcd(); - #if HAS_DIGITAL_BUTTONS - #if BUTTON_EXISTS(EN1) - SET_INPUT_PULLUP(BTN_EN1); - #endif - #if BUTTON_EXISTS(EN2) - SET_INPUT_PULLUP(BTN_EN2); - #endif - #if BUTTON_EXISTS(ENC) - SET_INPUT_PULLUP(BTN_ENC); - #endif - #if BUTTON_EXISTS(ENC_EN) - SET_INPUT_PULLUP(BTN_ENC_EN); - #endif - #if BUTTON_EXISTS(BACK) - SET_INPUT_PULLUP(BTN_BACK); - #endif - #if BUTTON_EXISTS(UP) - SET_INPUT(BTN_UP); - #endif - #if BUTTON_EXISTS(DWN) - SET_INPUT(BTN_DWN); - #endif - #if BUTTON_EXISTS(LFT) - SET_INPUT(BTN_LFT); - #endif - #if BUTTON_EXISTS(RT) - SET_INPUT(BTN_RT); + #if HAS_DIGITAL_BUTTONS + #if BUTTON_EXISTS(EN1) + SET_INPUT_PULLUP(BTN_EN1); + #endif + #if BUTTON_EXISTS(EN2) + SET_INPUT_PULLUP(BTN_EN2); + #endif + #if BUTTON_EXISTS(ENC) + SET_INPUT_PULLUP(BTN_ENC); + #endif + #if BUTTON_EXISTS(ENC_EN) + SET_INPUT_PULLUP(BTN_ENC_EN); + #endif + #if BUTTON_EXISTS(BACK) + SET_INPUT_PULLUP(BTN_BACK); + #endif + #if BUTTON_EXISTS(UP) + SET_INPUT(BTN_UP); + #endif + #if BUTTON_EXISTS(DWN) + SET_INPUT(BTN_DWN); + #endif + #if BUTTON_EXISTS(LFT) + SET_INPUT(BTN_LFT); + #endif + #if BUTTON_EXISTS(RT) + SET_INPUT(BTN_RT); + #endif #endif - #endif - #if HAS_SHIFT_ENCODER + #if HAS_SHIFT_ENCODER - #if ENABLED(SR_LCD_2W_NL) // Non latching 2 wire shift register + #if ENABLED(SR_LCD_2W_NL) // Non latching 2 wire shift register - SET_OUTPUT(SR_DATA_PIN); - SET_OUTPUT(SR_CLK_PIN); + SET_OUTPUT(SR_DATA_PIN); + SET_OUTPUT(SR_CLK_PIN); - #elif PIN_EXISTS(SHIFT_CLK) + #elif PIN_EXISTS(SHIFT_CLK) - SET_OUTPUT(SHIFT_CLK_PIN); - OUT_WRITE(SHIFT_LD_PIN, HIGH); - #if PIN_EXISTS(SHIFT_EN) - OUT_WRITE(SHIFT_EN_PIN, LOW); - #endif - SET_INPUT_PULLUP(SHIFT_OUT_PIN); + SET_OUTPUT(SHIFT_CLK_PIN); + OUT_WRITE(SHIFT_LD_PIN, HIGH); + #if PIN_EXISTS(SHIFT_EN) + OUT_WRITE(SHIFT_EN_PIN, LOW); + #endif + SET_INPUT_PULLUP(SHIFT_OUT_PIN); - #endif + #endif - #endif // HAS_SHIFT_ENCODER + #endif // HAS_SHIFT_ENCODER - #if BOTH(HAS_ENCODER_ACTION, HAS_SLOW_BUTTONS) - slow_buttons = 0; - #endif + #if BOTH(HAS_ENCODER_ACTION, HAS_SLOW_BUTTONS) + slow_buttons = 0; + #endif - update_buttons(); + update_buttons(); - TERN_(HAS_ENCODER_ACTION, encoderDiff = 0); -} + TERN_(HAS_ENCODER_ACTION, encoderDiff = 0); + } -bool MarlinUI::get_blink() { - static uint8_t blink = 0; - static millis_t next_blink_ms = 0; - millis_t ms = millis(); - if (ELAPSED(ms, next_blink_ms)) { - blink ^= 0xFF; - next_blink_ms = ms + 1000 - (LCD_UPDATE_INTERVAL) / 2; + bool MarlinUI::get_blink() { + static uint8_t blink = 0; + static millis_t next_blink_ms = 0; + millis_t ms = millis(); + if (ELAPSED(ms, next_blink_ms)) { + blink ^= 0xFF; + next_blink_ms = ms + 1000 - (LCD_UPDATE_INTERVAL) / 2; + } + return blink != 0; } - return blink != 0; -} -//////////////////////////////////////////// -///////////// Keypad Handling ////////////// -//////////////////////////////////////////// + //////////////////////////////////////////// + ///////////// Keypad Handling ////////////// + //////////////////////////////////////////// -#if IS_RRW_KEYPAD && HAS_ENCODER_ACTION + #if IS_RRW_KEYPAD && HAS_ENCODER_ACTION - volatile uint8_t MarlinUI::keypad_buttons; + volatile uint8_t MarlinUI::keypad_buttons; - #if HAS_LCD_MENU && !HAS_ADC_BUTTONS + #if HAS_LCD_MENU && !HAS_ADC_BUTTONS - void lcd_move_x(); - void lcd_move_y(); - void lcd_move_z(); + void lcd_move_x(); + void lcd_move_y(); + void lcd_move_z(); - void _reprapworld_keypad_move(const AxisEnum axis, const int16_t dir) { - ui.manual_move.menu_scale = REPRAPWORLD_KEYPAD_MOVE_STEP; - ui.encoderPosition = dir; - switch (axis) { - case X_AXIS: lcd_move_x(); break; - case Y_AXIS: lcd_move_y(); break; - case Z_AXIS: lcd_move_z(); - default: break; + void _reprapworld_keypad_move(const AxisEnum axis, const int16_t dir) { + ui.manual_move.menu_scale = REPRAPWORLD_KEYPAD_MOVE_STEP; + ui.encoderPosition = dir; + switch (axis) { + case X_AXIS: lcd_move_x(); break; + case Y_AXIS: lcd_move_y(); break; + case Z_AXIS: lcd_move_z(); + default: break; + } } - } - #endif + #endif - bool MarlinUI::handle_keypad() { + bool MarlinUI::handle_keypad() { - #if HAS_ADC_BUTTONS + #if HAS_ADC_BUTTONS - #define ADC_MIN_KEY_DELAY 100 - if (keypad_buttons) { - #if HAS_ENCODER_ACTION - refresh(LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW); - #if HAS_LCD_MENU - if (encoderDirection == -(ENCODERBASE)) { // HAS_ADC_BUTTONS forces REVERSE_MENU_DIRECTION, so this indicates menu navigation - if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_UP)) encoderPosition += ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM; - else if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_DOWN)) encoderPosition -= ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM; - else if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_LEFT)) { MenuItem_back::action(); quick_feedback(); } - else if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_RIGHT)) { return_to_status(); quick_feedback(); } - } - else - #endif - { + #define ADC_MIN_KEY_DELAY 100 + if (keypad_buttons) { + #if HAS_ENCODER_ACTION + refresh(LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW); #if HAS_LCD_MENU - if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_UP)) encoderPosition -= epps; - else if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_DOWN)) encoderPosition += epps; - else if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_LEFT)) { MenuItem_back::action(); quick_feedback(); } - else if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_RIGHT)) encoderPosition = 0; - #else - if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_UP) || RRK(EN_KEYPAD_LEFT)) encoderPosition -= epps; - else if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_DOWN) || RRK(EN_KEYPAD_RIGHT)) encoderPosition += epps; + if (encoderDirection == -(ENCODERBASE)) { // HAS_ADC_BUTTONS forces REVERSE_MENU_DIRECTION, so this indicates menu navigation + if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_UP)) encoderPosition += ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM; + else if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_DOWN)) encoderPosition -= ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM; + else if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_LEFT)) { MenuItem_back::action(); quick_feedback(); } + else if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_RIGHT)) { return_to_status(); quick_feedback(); } + } + else #endif - } - #endif - next_button_update_ms = millis() + ADC_MIN_KEY_DELAY; - return true; - } - - #else // !HAS_ADC_BUTTONS + { + #if HAS_LCD_MENU + if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_UP)) encoderPosition -= epps; + else if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_DOWN)) encoderPosition += epps; + else if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_LEFT)) { MenuItem_back::action(); quick_feedback(); } + else if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_RIGHT)) encoderPosition = 0; + #else + if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_UP) || RRK(EN_KEYPAD_LEFT)) encoderPosition -= epps; + else if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_DOWN) || RRK(EN_KEYPAD_RIGHT)) encoderPosition += epps; + #endif + } + #endif + next_button_update_ms = millis() + ADC_MIN_KEY_DELAY; + return true; + } - static uint8_t keypad_debounce = 0; + #else // !HAS_ADC_BUTTONS - if (!RRK( EN_KEYPAD_F1 | EN_KEYPAD_F2 - | EN_KEYPAD_F3 | EN_KEYPAD_DOWN - | EN_KEYPAD_RIGHT | EN_KEYPAD_MIDDLE - | EN_KEYPAD_UP | EN_KEYPAD_LEFT ) - ) { - if (keypad_debounce > 0) keypad_debounce--; - } - else if (!keypad_debounce) { - keypad_debounce = 2; + static uint8_t keypad_debounce = 0; - const bool homed = all_axes_homed(); + if (!RRK( EN_KEYPAD_F1 | EN_KEYPAD_F2 + | EN_KEYPAD_F3 | EN_KEYPAD_DOWN + | EN_KEYPAD_RIGHT | EN_KEYPAD_MIDDLE + | EN_KEYPAD_UP | EN_KEYPAD_LEFT ) + ) { + if (keypad_debounce > 0) keypad_debounce--; + } + else if (!keypad_debounce) { + keypad_debounce = 2; - #if HAS_LCD_MENU + const bool homed = all_axes_homed(); - if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_MIDDLE)) goto_screen(menu_move); + #if HAS_LCD_MENU - #if NONE(DELTA, Z_HOME_TO_MAX) - if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_F2)) _reprapworld_keypad_move(Z_AXIS, 1); - #endif + if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_MIDDLE)) goto_screen(menu_move); - if (homed) { - #if EITHER(DELTA, Z_HOME_TO_MAX) - if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_F2)) _reprapworld_keypad_move(Z_AXIS, 1); + #if NONE(DELTA, Z_HOME_TO_MAX) + if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_F2)) _reprapworld_keypad_move(Z_AXIS, 1); #endif - if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_F3)) _reprapworld_keypad_move(Z_AXIS, -1); - if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_LEFT)) _reprapworld_keypad_move(X_AXIS, -1); - if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_RIGHT)) _reprapworld_keypad_move(X_AXIS, 1); - if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_DOWN)) _reprapworld_keypad_move(Y_AXIS, 1); - if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_UP)) _reprapworld_keypad_move(Y_AXIS, -1); - } - #endif // HAS_LCD_MENU + if (homed) { + #if EITHER(DELTA, Z_HOME_TO_MAX) + if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_F2)) _reprapworld_keypad_move(Z_AXIS, 1); + #endif + if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_F3)) _reprapworld_keypad_move(Z_AXIS, -1); + if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_LEFT)) _reprapworld_keypad_move(X_AXIS, -1); + if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_RIGHT)) _reprapworld_keypad_move(X_AXIS, 1); + if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_DOWN)) _reprapworld_keypad_move(Y_AXIS, 1); + if (RRK(EN_KEYPAD_UP)) _reprapworld_keypad_move(Y_AXIS, -1); + } - if (!homed && RRK(EN_KEYPAD_F1)) queue.inject_P(G28_STR); - return true; - } + #endif // HAS_LCD_MENU - #endif // !HAS_ADC_BUTTONS + if (!homed && RRK(EN_KEYPAD_F1)) queue.inject_P(G28_STR); + return true; + } - return false; - } + #endif // !HAS_ADC_BUTTONS -#endif // IS_RRW_KEYPAD && HAS_ENCODER_ACTION + return false; + } -/** - * Status Screen - * - * This is very display-dependent, so the lcd implementation draws this. - */ + #endif // IS_RRW_KEYPAD && HAS_ENCODER_ACTION -#if BASIC_PROGRESS_BAR - millis_t MarlinUI::progress_bar_ms; // = 0 - #if PROGRESS_MSG_EXPIRE > 0 - millis_t MarlinUI::expire_status_ms; // = 0 + /** + * Status Screen + * + * This is very display-dependent, so the lcd implementation draws this. + */ + + #if BASIC_PROGRESS_BAR + millis_t MarlinUI::progress_bar_ms; // = 0 + #if PROGRESS_MSG_EXPIRE > 0 + millis_t MarlinUI::expire_status_ms; // = 0 + #endif #endif -#endif -void MarlinUI::status_screen() { + void MarlinUI::status_screen() { - TERN_(HAS_LCD_MENU, ENCODER_RATE_MULTIPLY(false)); + TERN_(HAS_LCD_MENU, ENCODER_RATE_MULTIPLY(false)); - #if BASIC_PROGRESS_BAR + #if BASIC_PROGRESS_BAR - // - // HD44780 implements the following message blinking and - // message expiration because Status Line and Progress Bar - // share the same line on the display. - // + // + // HD44780 implements the following message blinking and + // message expiration because Status Line and Progress Bar + // share the same line on the display. + // - #if DISABLED(PROGRESS_MSG_ONCE) || (PROGRESS_MSG_EXPIRE > 0) - #define GOT_MS - const millis_t ms = millis(); - #endif + #if DISABLED(PROGRESS_MSG_ONCE) || (PROGRESS_MSG_EXPIRE > 0) + #define GOT_MS + const millis_t ms = millis(); + #endif - // If the message will blink rather than expire... - #if DISABLED(PROGRESS_MSG_ONCE) - if (ELAPSED(ms, progress_bar_ms + PROGRESS_BAR_MSG_TIME + PROGRESS_BAR_BAR_TIME)) - progress_bar_ms = ms; - #endif + // If the message will blink rather than expire... + #if DISABLED(PROGRESS_MSG_ONCE) + if (ELAPSED(ms, progress_bar_ms + PROGRESS_BAR_MSG_TIME + PROGRESS_BAR_BAR_TIME)) + progress_bar_ms = ms; + #endif - #if PROGRESS_MSG_EXPIRE > 0 + #if PROGRESS_MSG_EXPIRE > 0 - // Handle message expire - if (expire_status_ms) { + // Handle message expire + if (expire_status_ms) { - // Expire the message if a job is active and the bar has ticks - if (get_progress_percent() > 2 && !print_job_timer.isPaused()) { - if (ELAPSED(ms, expire_status_ms)) { - status_message[0] = '\0'; - expire_status_ms = 0; + // Expire the message if a job is active and the bar has ticks + if (get_progress_percent() > 2 && !print_job_timer.isPaused()) { + if (ELAPSED(ms, expire_status_ms)) { + status_message[0] = '\0'; + expire_status_ms = 0; + } + } + else { + // Defer message expiration before bar appears + // and during any pause (not just SD) + expire_status_ms += LCD_UPDATE_INTERVAL; } } - else { - // Defer message expiration before bar appears - // and during any pause (not just SD) - expire_status_ms += LCD_UPDATE_INTERVAL; - } - } - #endif // PROGRESS_MSG_EXPIRE + #endif // PROGRESS_MSG_EXPIRE - #endif // BASIC_PROGRESS_BAR + #endif // BASIC_PROGRESS_BAR - #if HAS_LCD_MENU - if (use_click()) { - #if BOTH(FILAMENT_LCD_DISPLAY, SDSUPPORT) - next_filament_display = millis() + 5000UL; // Show status message for 5s - #endif - goto_screen(menu_main); - #if DISABLED(NO_LCD_REINIT) - init_lcd(); // May revive the LCD if static electricity killed it - #endif - return; - } + #if HAS_LCD_MENU + if (use_click()) { + #if BOTH(FILAMENT_LCD_DISPLAY, SDSUPPORT) + next_filament_display = millis() + 5000UL; // Show status message for 5s + #endif + goto_screen(menu_main); + #if DISABLED(NO_LCD_REINIT) + init_lcd(); // May revive the LCD if static electricity killed it + #endif + return; + } - #endif + #endif - #if ENABLED(ULTIPANEL_FEEDMULTIPLY) + #if ENABLED(ULTIPANEL_FEEDMULTIPLY) - const int16_t old_frm = feedrate_percentage; - int16_t new_frm = old_frm + int16_t(encoderPosition); + const int16_t old_frm = feedrate_percentage; + int16_t new_frm = old_frm + int16_t(encoderPosition); - // Dead zone at 100% feedrate - if (old_frm == 100) { - if (int16_t(encoderPosition) > ENCODER_FEEDRATE_DEADZONE) - new_frm -= ENCODER_FEEDRATE_DEADZONE; - else if (int16_t(encoderPosition) < -(ENCODER_FEEDRATE_DEADZONE)) - new_frm += ENCODER_FEEDRATE_DEADZONE; - else - new_frm = old_frm; - } - else if ((old_frm < 100 && new_frm > 100) || (old_frm > 100 && new_frm < 100)) - new_frm = 100; - - LIMIT(new_frm, 10, 999); - - if (old_frm != new_frm) { - feedrate_percentage = new_frm; - encoderPosition = 0; - #if BOTH(HAS_BUZZER, BEEP_ON_FEEDRATE_CHANGE) - static millis_t next_beep; - #ifndef GOT_MS - const millis_t ms = millis(); + // Dead zone at 100% feedrate + if (old_frm == 100) { + if (int16_t(encoderPosition) > ENCODER_FEEDRATE_DEADZONE) + new_frm -= ENCODER_FEEDRATE_DEADZONE; + else if (int16_t(encoderPosition) < -(ENCODER_FEEDRATE_DEADZONE)) + new_frm += ENCODER_FEEDRATE_DEADZONE; + else + new_frm = old_frm; + } + else if ((old_frm < 100 && new_frm > 100) || (old_frm > 100 && new_frm < 100)) + new_frm = 100; + + LIMIT(new_frm, 10, 999); + + if (old_frm != new_frm) { + feedrate_percentage = new_frm; + encoderPosition = 0; + #if BOTH(HAS_BUZZER, BEEP_ON_FEEDRATE_CHANGE) + static millis_t next_beep; + #ifndef GOT_MS + const millis_t ms = millis(); + #endif + if (ELAPSED(ms, next_beep)) { + buzz(FEEDRATE_CHANGE_BEEP_DURATION, FEEDRATE_CHANGE_BEEP_FREQUENCY); + next_beep = ms + 500UL; + } #endif - if (ELAPSED(ms, next_beep)) { - buzz(FEEDRATE_CHANGE_BEEP_DURATION, FEEDRATE_CHANGE_BEEP_FREQUENCY); - next_beep = ms + 500UL; - } - #endif - } + } - #endif // ULTIPANEL_FEEDMULTIPLY + #endif // ULTIPANEL_FEEDMULTIPLY - draw_status_screen(); -} + draw_status_screen(); + } -void MarlinUI::kill_screen(PGM_P lcd_error, PGM_P lcd_component) { - init(); - status_printf_P(1, PSTR(S_FMT ": " S_FMT), lcd_error, lcd_component); - TERN_(HAS_LCD_MENU, return_to_status()); + void MarlinUI::kill_screen(PGM_P lcd_error, PGM_P lcd_component) { + init(); + status_printf_P(1, PSTR(S_FMT ": " S_FMT), lcd_error, lcd_component); + TERN_(HAS_LCD_MENU, return_to_status()); - // RED ALERT. RED ALERT. - #ifdef LED_BACKLIGHT_TIMEOUT - leds.set_color(LEDColorRed()); - #ifdef NEOPIXEL_BKGD_INDEX_FIRST - neo.set_background_color(255, 0, 0, 0); -; + // RED ALERT. RED ALERT. + #ifdef LED_BACKLIGHT_TIMEOUT + leds.set_color(LEDColorRed()); + #ifdef NEOPIXEL_BKGD_INDEX_FIRST + neo.set_background_color(255, 0, 0, 0); +; + #endif #endif - #endif - - draw_kill_screen(); -} -void MarlinUI::quick_feedback(const bool clear_buttons/*=true*/) { + draw_kill_screen(); + } - TERN_(HAS_LCD_MENU, refresh()); + void MarlinUI::quick_feedback(const bool clear_buttons/*=true*/) { - #if HAS_ENCODER_ACTION - if (clear_buttons) buttons = 0; - next_button_update_ms = millis() + 500; - #else - UNUSED(clear_buttons); - #endif + TERN_(HAS_LCD_MENU, refresh()); - #if HAS_CHIRP - chirp(); // Buzz and wait. Is the delay needed for buttons to settle? - #if BOTH(HAS_LCD_MENU, USE_BEEPER) - for (int8_t i = 5; i--;) { buzzer.tick(); delay(2); } - #elif HAS_LCD_MENU - delay(10); + #if HAS_ENCODER_ACTION + if (clear_buttons) buttons = 0; + next_button_update_ms = millis() + 500; + #else + UNUSED(clear_buttons); #endif - #endif -} - -//////////////////////////////////////////// -/////////////// Manual Move //////////////// -//////////////////////////////////////////// - -#if HAS_LCD_MENU - - ManualMove MarlinUI::manual_move{}; - millis_t ManualMove::start_time = 0; - float ManualMove::menu_scale = 1; - #if IS_KINEMATIC - float ManualMove::offset = 0; - xyze_pos_t ManualMove::all_axes_destination = { 0 }; - bool ManualMove::processing = false; - #endif - #if MULTI_E_MANUAL - int8_t ManualMove::e_index = 0; - #endif - AxisEnum ManualMove::axis = NO_AXIS_ENUM; - - /** - * If a manual move has been posted and its time has arrived, and if the planner - * has a space for it, then add a linear move to current_position the planner. - * - * If any manual move needs to be interrupted, make sure to force a manual move - * by setting manual_move.start_time to millis() after updating current_position. - * - * To post a manual move: - * - Update current_position to the new place you want to go. - * - Set manual_move.axis to an axis like X_AXIS. Use ALL_AXES_ENUM for diagonal moves. - * - Set manual_move.start_time to a point in the future (in ms) when the move should be done. - * - * For kinematic machines: - * - Set manual_move.offset to modify one axis and post the move. - * This is used to achieve more rapid stepping on kinematic machines. - * - * Currently used by the _lcd_move_xyz function in menu_motion.cpp - * and the ubl_map_move_to_xy funtion in menu_ubl.cpp. - */ - void ManualMove::task() { - - if (processing) return; // Prevent re-entry from idle() calls + #if HAS_CHIRP + chirp(); // Buzz and wait. Is the delay needed for buttons to settle? + #if BOTH(HAS_LCD_MENU, USE_BEEPER) + for (int8_t i = 5; i--;) { buzzer.tick(); delay(2); } + #elif HAS_LCD_MENU + delay(10); + #endif + #endif + } - // Add a manual move to the queue? - if (axis != NO_AXIS_ENUM && ELAPSED(millis(), start_time) && !planner.is_full()) { + //////////////////////////////////////////// + /////////////// Manual Move //////////////// + //////////////////////////////////////////// - const feedRate_t fr_mm_s = (axis <= LOGICAL_AXES) ? manual_feedrate_mm_s[axis] : XY_PROBE_FEEDRATE_MM_S; + #if HAS_LCD_MENU - #if IS_KINEMATIC + ManualMove MarlinUI::manual_move{}; - #if HAS_MULTI_EXTRUDER - REMEMBER(ae, active_extruder); - #if MULTI_E_MANUAL - if (axis == E_AXIS) active_extruder = e_index; + millis_t ManualMove::start_time = 0; + float ManualMove::menu_scale = 1; + #if IS_KINEMATIC + float ManualMove::offset = 0; + xyze_pos_t ManualMove::all_axes_destination = { 0 }; + bool ManualMove::processing = false; + #endif + #if MULTI_E_MANUAL + int8_t ManualMove::e_index = 0; + #endif + AxisEnum ManualMove::axis = NO_AXIS_ENUM; + + /** + * If a manual move has been posted and its time has arrived, and if the planner + * has a space for it, then add a linear move to current_position the planner. + * + * If any manual move needs to be interrupted, make sure to force a manual move + * by setting manual_move.start_time to millis() after updating current_position. + * + * To post a manual move: + * - Update current_position to the new place you want to go. + * - Set manual_move.axis to an axis like X_AXIS. Use ALL_AXES_ENUM for diagonal moves. + * - Set manual_move.start_time to a point in the future (in ms) when the move should be done. + * + * For kinematic machines: + * - Set manual_move.offset to modify one axis and post the move. + * This is used to achieve more rapid stepping on kinematic machines. + * + * Currently used by the _lcd_move_xyz function in menu_motion.cpp + * and the ubl_map_move_to_xy funtion in menu_ubl.cpp. + */ + void ManualMove::task() { + + if (processing) return; // Prevent re-entry from idle() calls + + // Add a manual move to the queue? + if (axis != NO_AXIS_ENUM && ELAPSED(millis(), start_time) && !planner.is_full()) { + + const feedRate_t fr_mm_s = (axis <= LOGICAL_AXES) ? manual_feedrate_mm_s[axis] : XY_PROBE_FEEDRATE_MM_S; + + #if IS_KINEMATIC + + #if HAS_MULTI_EXTRUDER + REMEMBER(ae, active_extruder); + #if MULTI_E_MANUAL + if (axis == E_AXIS) active_extruder = e_index; + #endif #endif - #endif - // Apply a linear offset to a single axis - if (axis == ALL_AXES_ENUM) - destination = all_axes_destination; - else if (axis <= XYZE) { - destination = current_position; - destination[axis] += offset; - } + // Apply a linear offset to a single axis + if (axis == ALL_AXES_ENUM) + destination = all_axes_destination; + else if (axis <= XYZE) { + destination = current_position; + destination[axis] += offset; + } - // Reset for the next move - offset = 0; - axis = NO_AXIS_ENUM; + // Reset for the next move + offset = 0; + axis = NO_AXIS_ENUM; - // DELTA and SCARA machines use segmented moves, which could fill the planner during the call to - // move_to_destination. This will cause idle() to be called, which can then call this function while the - // previous invocation is being blocked. Modifications to offset shouldn't be made while - // processing is true or the planner will get out of sync. - processing = true; - prepare_internal_move_to_destination(fr_mm_s); // will set current_position from destination - processing = false; + // DELTA and SCARA machines use segmented moves, which could fill the planner during the call to + // move_to_destination. This will cause idle() to be called, which can then call this function while the + // previous invocation is being blocked. Modifications to offset shouldn't be made while + // processing is true or the planner will get out of sync. + processing = true; + prepare_internal_move_to_destination(fr_mm_s); // will set current_position from destination + processing = false; - #else + #else - // For Cartesian / Core motion simply move to the current_position - planner.buffer_line(current_position, fr_mm_s, - TERN_(MULTI_E_MANUAL, axis == E_AXIS ? e_index :) active_extruder - ); + // For Cartesian / Core motion simply move to the current_position + planner.buffer_line(current_position, fr_mm_s, + TERN_(MULTI_E_MANUAL, axis == E_AXIS ? e_index :) active_extruder + ); - //SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR("Add planner.move with Axis ", AS_CHAR(axis_codes[axis]), " at FR ", fr_mm_s); + //SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR("Add planner.move with Axis ", AS_CHAR(axis_codes[axis]), " at FR ", fr_mm_s); - axis = NO_AXIS_ENUM; + axis = NO_AXIS_ENUM; - #endif + #endif + } } - } - // - // Tell ui.update() to start a move to current_position after a short delay. - // - void ManualMove::soon(const AxisEnum move_axis - OPTARG(MULTI_E_MANUAL, const int8_t eindex/*=active_extruder*/) - ) { - TERN_(MULTI_E_MANUAL, if (move_axis == E_AXIS) e_index = eindex); - start_time = millis() + (menu_scale < 0.99f ? 0UL : 250UL); // delay for bigger moves - axis = move_axis; - //SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR("Post Move with Axis ", AS_CHAR(axis_codes[axis]), " soon."); - } + // + // Tell ui.update() to start a move to current_position after a short delay. + // + void ManualMove::soon(const AxisEnum move_axis + OPTARG(MULTI_E_MANUAL, const int8_t eindex/*=active_extruder*/) + ) { + TERN_(MULTI_E_MANUAL, if (move_axis == E_AXIS) e_index = eindex); + start_time = millis() + (menu_scale < 0.99f ? 0UL : 250UL); // delay for bigger moves + axis = move_axis; + //SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR("Post Move with Axis ", AS_CHAR(axis_codes[axis]), " soon."); + } - #if ENABLED(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL) + #if ENABLED(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL) - void MarlinUI::external_encoder() { - if (external_control && encoderDiff) { - ubl.encoder_diff += encoderDiff; // Encoder for UBL G29 mesh editing - encoderDiff = 0; // Hide encoder events from the screen handler - refresh(LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW); // ...but keep the refresh. + void MarlinUI::external_encoder() { + if (external_control && encoderDiff) { + ubl.encoder_diff += encoderDiff; // Encoder for UBL G29 mesh editing + encoderDiff = 0; // Hide encoder events from the screen handler + refresh(LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW); // ...but keep the refresh. + } } - } - #endif + #endif -#endif // HAS_LCD_MENU + #endif // HAS_LCD_MENU -/** - * Update the LCD, read encoder buttons, etc. - * - Read button states - * - Check the SD Card slot state - * - Act on RepRap World keypad input - * - Update the encoder position - * - Apply acceleration to the encoder position - * - Do refresh(LCDVIEW_CALL_REDRAW_NOW) on controller events - * - Reset the Info Screen timeout if there's any input - * - Update status indicators, if any - * - * Run the current LCD menu handler callback function: - * - Call the handler only if lcdDrawUpdate != LCDVIEW_NONE - * - Before calling the handler, LCDVIEW_CALL_NO_REDRAW => LCDVIEW_NONE - * - Call the menu handler. Menu handlers should do the following: - * - If a value changes, set lcdDrawUpdate to LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW and draw the value - * (Encoder events automatically set lcdDrawUpdate for you.) - * - if (should_draw()) { redraw } - * - Before exiting the handler set lcdDrawUpdate to: - * - LCDVIEW_CLEAR_CALL_REDRAW to clear screen and set LCDVIEW_CALL_REDRAW_NEXT. - * - LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW to draw now (including remaining stripes). - * - LCDVIEW_CALL_REDRAW_NEXT to draw now and get LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW on the next loop. - * - LCDVIEW_CALL_NO_REDRAW to draw now and get LCDVIEW_NONE on the next loop. - * - NOTE: For graphical displays menu handlers may be called 2 or more times per loop, - * so don't change lcdDrawUpdate without considering this. - * - * After the menu handler callback runs (or not): - * - Clear the LCD if lcdDrawUpdate == LCDVIEW_CLEAR_CALL_REDRAW - * - Update lcdDrawUpdate for the next loop (i.e., move one state down, usually) - * - * This function is only called from the main thread. - */ + /** + * Update the LCD, read encoder buttons, etc. + * - Read button states + * - Check the SD Card slot state + * - Act on RepRap World keypad input + * - Update the encoder position + * - Apply acceleration to the encoder position + * - Do refresh(LCDVIEW_CALL_REDRAW_NOW) on controller events + * - Reset the Info Screen timeout if there's any input + * - Update status indicators, if any + * + * Run the current LCD menu handler callback function: + * - Call the handler only if lcdDrawUpdate != LCDVIEW_NONE + * - Before calling the handler, LCDVIEW_CALL_NO_REDRAW => LCDVIEW_NONE + * - Call the menu handler. Menu handlers should do the following: + * - If a value changes, set lcdDrawUpdate to LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW and draw the value + * (Encoder events automatically set lcdDrawUpdate for you.) + * - if (should_draw()) { redraw } + * - Before exiting the handler set lcdDrawUpdate to: + * - LCDVIEW_CLEAR_CALL_REDRAW to clear screen and set LCDVIEW_CALL_REDRAW_NEXT. + * - LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW to draw now (including remaining stripes). + * - LCDVIEW_CALL_REDRAW_NEXT to draw now and get LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW on the next loop. + * - LCDVIEW_CALL_NO_REDRAW to draw now and get LCDVIEW_NONE on the next loop. + * - NOTE: For graphical displays menu handlers may be called 2 or more times per loop, + * so don't change lcdDrawUpdate without considering this. + * + * After the menu handler callback runs (or not): + * - Clear the LCD if lcdDrawUpdate == LCDVIEW_CLEAR_CALL_REDRAW + * - Update lcdDrawUpdate for the next loop (i.e., move one state down, usually) + * + * This function is only called from the main thread. + */ -LCDViewAction MarlinUI::lcdDrawUpdate = LCDVIEW_CLEAR_CALL_REDRAW; -millis_t next_lcd_update_ms; + LCDViewAction MarlinUI::lcdDrawUpdate = LCDVIEW_CLEAR_CALL_REDRAW; + millis_t next_lcd_update_ms; -inline bool can_encode() { - return !BUTTON_PRESSED(ENC_EN); // Update encoder only when ENC_EN is not LOW (pressed) -} + inline bool can_encode() { + return !BUTTON_PRESSED(ENC_EN); // Update encoder only when ENC_EN is not LOW (pressed) + } -void MarlinUI::update() { + void MarlinUI::update() { - static uint16_t max_display_update_time = 0; - millis_t ms = millis(); + static uint16_t max_display_update_time = 0; + millis_t ms = millis(); - #ifdef LED_BACKLIGHT_TIMEOUT - leds.update_timeout(powersupply_on); - #endif + #ifdef LED_BACKLIGHT_TIMEOUT + leds.update_timeout(powersupply_on); + #endif - #if HAS_LCD_MENU + #if HAS_LCD_MENU - // Handle any queued Move Axis motion - manual_move.task(); + // Handle any queued Move Axis motion + manual_move.task(); - // Update button states for button_pressed(), etc. - // If the state changes the next update may be delayed 300-500ms. - update_buttons(); + // Update button states for button_pressed(), etc. + // If the state changes the next update may be delayed 300-500ms. + update_buttons(); - // If the action button is pressed... - static bool wait_for_unclick; // = false + // If the action button is pressed... + static bool wait_for_unclick; // = false - auto do_click = [&]{ - wait_for_unclick = true; // - Set debounce flag to ignore continuous clicks - lcd_clicked = !wait_for_user; // - Keep the click if not waiting for a user-click - wait_for_user = false; // - Any click clears wait for user - quick_feedback(); // - Always make a click sound - }; + auto do_click = [&]{ + wait_for_unclick = true; // - Set debounce flag to ignore continuous clicks + lcd_clicked = !wait_for_user; // - Keep the click if not waiting for a user-click + wait_for_user = false; // - Any click clears wait for user + quick_feedback(); // - Always make a click sound + }; - #if HAS_TOUCH_BUTTONS - if (touch_buttons) { - reset_status_timeout(ms); - if (touch_buttons & (EN_A | EN_B)) { // Menu arrows, in priority - if (ELAPSED(ms, next_button_update_ms)) { - encoderDiff = (ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM) * epps * encoderDirection; - if (touch_buttons & EN_A) encoderDiff *= -1; - TERN_(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL, external_encoder()); - next_button_update_ms = ms + repeat_delay; // Assume the repeat delay - if (!wait_for_unclick) { - next_button_update_ms += 250; // Longer delay on first press - wait_for_unclick = true; // Avoid Back/Select click while repeating - chirp(); + #if HAS_TOUCH_BUTTONS + if (touch_buttons) { + reset_status_timeout(ms); + if (touch_buttons & (EN_A | EN_B)) { // Menu arrows, in priority + if (ELAPSED(ms, next_button_update_ms)) { + encoderDiff = (ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM) * epps * encoderDirection; + if (touch_buttons & EN_A) encoderDiff *= -1; + TERN_(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL, external_encoder()); + next_button_update_ms = ms + repeat_delay; // Assume the repeat delay + if (!wait_for_unclick) { + next_button_update_ms += 250; // Longer delay on first press + wait_for_unclick = true; // Avoid Back/Select click while repeating + chirp(); + } } } + else if (!wait_for_unclick && (buttons & EN_C)) // OK button, if not waiting for a debounce release: + do_click(); } - else if (!wait_for_unclick && (buttons & EN_C)) // OK button, if not waiting for a debounce release: - do_click(); - } - // keep wait_for_unclick value - #endif + // keep wait_for_unclick value + #endif - if (!touch_buttons) { - // Integrated LCD click handling via button_pressed - if (!external_control && button_pressed()) { - if (!wait_for_unclick) do_click(); // Handle the click + if (!touch_buttons) { + // Integrated LCD click handling via button_pressed + if (!external_control && button_pressed()) { + if (!wait_for_unclick) do_click(); // Handle the click + } + else + wait_for_unclick = false; } - else - wait_for_unclick = false; - } - if (LCD_BACK_CLICKED()) { - quick_feedback(); - goto_previous_screen(); - } + if (LCD_BACK_CLICKED()) { + quick_feedback(); + goto_previous_screen(); + } - #endif // HAS_LCD_MENU + #endif // HAS_LCD_MENU - if (ELAPSED(ms, next_lcd_update_ms) || TERN0(HAS_MARLINUI_U8GLIB, drawing_screen)) { + if (ELAPSED(ms, next_lcd_update_ms) || TERN0(HAS_MARLINUI_U8GLIB, drawing_screen)) { - next_lcd_update_ms = ms + LCD_UPDATE_INTERVAL; + next_lcd_update_ms = ms + LCD_UPDATE_INTERVAL; - #if HAS_TOUCH_BUTTONS + #if HAS_TOUCH_BUTTONS - if (on_status_screen()) next_lcd_update_ms += (LCD_UPDATE_INTERVAL) * 2; + if (on_status_screen()) next_lcd_update_ms += (LCD_UPDATE_INTERVAL) * 2; - TERN_(HAS_ENCODER_ACTION, touch_buttons = touch.read_buttons()); + TERN_(HAS_ENCODER_ACTION, touch_buttons = touch.read_buttons()); - #endif + #endif - TERN_(LCD_HAS_STATUS_INDICATORS, update_indicators()); + TERN_(LCD_HAS_STATUS_INDICATORS, update_indicators()); - #if HAS_ENCODER_ACTION + #if HAS_ENCODER_ACTION - TERN_(HAS_SLOW_BUTTONS, slow_buttons = read_slow_buttons()); // Buttons that take too long to read in interrupt context + TERN_(HAS_SLOW_BUTTONS, slow_buttons = read_slow_buttons()); // Buttons that take too long to read in interrupt context - if (TERN0(IS_RRW_KEYPAD, handle_keypad())) - reset_status_timeout(ms); + if (TERN0(IS_RRW_KEYPAD, handle_keypad())) + reset_status_timeout(ms); - uint8_t abs_diff = ABS(encoderDiff); + uint8_t abs_diff = ABS(encoderDiff); - #if ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP > 1 - // When reversing the encoder direction, a movement step can be missed because - // encoderDiff has a non-zero residual value, making the controller unresponsive. - // The fix clears the residual value when the encoder is idle. - // Also check if past half the threshold to compensate for missed single steps. - static int8_t lastEncoderDiff; + #if ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP > 1 + // When reversing the encoder direction, a movement step can be missed because + // encoderDiff has a non-zero residual value, making the controller unresponsive. + // The fix clears the residual value when the encoder is idle. + // Also check if past half the threshold to compensate for missed single steps. + static int8_t lastEncoderDiff; - // Timeout? No decoder change since last check. 10 or 20 times per second. - if (encoderDiff == lastEncoderDiff && abs_diff <= epps / 2) // Same direction & size but not over a half-step? - encoderDiff = 0; // Clear residual pulses. - else if (WITHIN(abs_diff, epps / 2 + 1, epps - 1)) { // Past half of threshold? - abs_diff = epps; // Treat as a full step size - encoderDiff = (encoderDiff < 0 ? -1 : 1) * abs_diff; // the spin direction. - } - lastEncoderDiff = encoderDiff; - #endif + // Timeout? No decoder change since last check. 10 or 20 times per second. + if (encoderDiff == lastEncoderDiff && abs_diff <= epps / 2) // Same direction & size but not over a half-step? + encoderDiff = 0; // Clear residual pulses. + else if (WITHIN(abs_diff, epps / 2 + 1, epps - 1)) { // Past half of threshold? + abs_diff = epps; // Treat as a full step size + encoderDiff = (encoderDiff < 0 ? -1 : 1) * abs_diff; // the spin direction. + } + lastEncoderDiff = encoderDiff; + #endif - const bool encoderPastThreshold = (abs_diff >= epps); - if (encoderPastThreshold || lcd_clicked) { - if (encoderPastThreshold && TERN1(IS_TFTGLCD_PANEL, !external_control)) { + const bool encoderPastThreshold = (abs_diff >= epps); + if (encoderPastThreshold || lcd_clicked) { + if (encoderPastThreshold && TERN1(IS_TFTGLCD_PANEL, !external_control)) { - #if BOTH(HAS_LCD_MENU, ENCODER_RATE_MULTIPLIER) + #if BOTH(HAS_LCD_MENU, ENCODER_RATE_MULTIPLIER) - int32_t encoderMultiplier = 1; + int32_t encoderMultiplier = 1; - if (encoderRateMultiplierEnabled) { - const float encoderMovementSteps = float(abs_diff) / epps; + if (encoderRateMultiplierEnabled) { + const float encoderMovementSteps = float(abs_diff) / epps; - if (lastEncoderMovementMillis) { - // Note that the rate is always calculated between two passes through the - // loop and that the abs of the encoderDiff value is tracked. - const float encoderStepRate = encoderMovementSteps / float(ms - lastEncoderMovementMillis) * 1000; + if (lastEncoderMovementMillis) { + // Note that the rate is always calculated between two passes through the + // loop and that the abs of the encoderDiff value is tracked. + const float encoderStepRate = encoderMovementSteps / float(ms - lastEncoderMovementMillis) * 1000; - if (encoderStepRate >= ENCODER_100X_STEPS_PER_SEC) encoderMultiplier = 100; - else if (encoderStepRate >= ENCODER_10X_STEPS_PER_SEC) encoderMultiplier = 10; + if (encoderStepRate >= ENCODER_100X_STEPS_PER_SEC) encoderMultiplier = 100; + else if (encoderStepRate >= ENCODER_10X_STEPS_PER_SEC) encoderMultiplier = 10; - // Enable to output the encoder steps per second value - //#define ENCODER_RATE_MULTIPLIER_DEBUG - #if ENABLED(ENCODER_RATE_MULTIPLIER_DEBUG) - SERIAL_ECHO_START(); - SERIAL_ECHOPAIR("Enc Step Rate: ", encoderStepRate); - SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" Multiplier: ", encoderMultiplier); - SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" ENCODER_10X_STEPS_PER_SEC: ", ENCODER_10X_STEPS_PER_SEC); - SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" ENCODER_100X_STEPS_PER_SEC: ", ENCODER_100X_STEPS_PER_SEC); - SERIAL_EOL(); - #endif - } + // Enable to output the encoder steps per second value + //#define ENCODER_RATE_MULTIPLIER_DEBUG + #if ENABLED(ENCODER_RATE_MULTIPLIER_DEBUG) + SERIAL_ECHO_START(); + SERIAL_ECHOPAIR("Enc Step Rate: ", encoderStepRate); + SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" Multiplier: ", encoderMultiplier); + SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" ENCODER_10X_STEPS_PER_SEC: ", ENCODER_10X_STEPS_PER_SEC); + SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" ENCODER_100X_STEPS_PER_SEC: ", ENCODER_100X_STEPS_PER_SEC); + SERIAL_EOL(); + #endif + } - lastEncoderMovementMillis = ms; - } // encoderRateMultiplierEnabled + lastEncoderMovementMillis = ms; + } // encoderRateMultiplierEnabled - #else - - constexpr int32_t encoderMultiplier = 1; + #else - #endif // ENCODER_RATE_MULTIPLIER + constexpr int32_t encoderMultiplier = 1; - if (can_encode()) encoderPosition += (encoderDiff * encoderMultiplier) / epps; + #endif // ENCODER_RATE_MULTIPLIER - encoderDiff = 0; - } + if (can_encode()) encoderPosition += (encoderDiff * encoderMultiplier) / epps; - reset_status_timeout(ms); + encoderDiff = 0; + } - refresh(LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW); + reset_status_timeout(ms); - #ifdef LED_BACKLIGHT_TIMEOUT - if (!powersupply_on) leds.reset_timeout(ms); - #endif - } + refresh(LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW); - #endif + #ifdef LED_BACKLIGHT_TIMEOUT + if (!powersupply_on) leds.reset_timeout(ms); + #endif + } - // This runs every ~100ms when idling often enough. - // Instead of tracking changes just redraw the Status Screen once per second. - if (on_status_screen() && !lcd_status_update_delay--) { - lcd_status_update_delay = TERN(HAS_MARLINUI_U8GLIB, 12, 9); - if (max_display_update_time) max_display_update_time--; // Be sure never go to a very big number - refresh(LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW); - } + #endif - #if BOTH(HAS_LCD_MENU, SCROLL_LONG_FILENAMES) - // If scrolling of long file names is enabled and we are in the sd card menu, - // cause a refresh to occur until all the text has scrolled into view. - if (currentScreen == menu_media && !lcd_status_update_delay--) { - lcd_status_update_delay = ++filename_scroll_pos >= filename_scroll_max ? 12 : 4; // Long delay at end and start - if (filename_scroll_pos > filename_scroll_max) filename_scroll_pos = 0; + // This runs every ~100ms when idling often enough. + // Instead of tracking changes just redraw the Status Screen once per second. + if (on_status_screen() && !lcd_status_update_delay--) { + lcd_status_update_delay = TERN(HAS_MARLINUI_U8GLIB, 12, 9); + if (max_display_update_time) max_display_update_time--; // Be sure never go to a very big number refresh(LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW); - reset_status_timeout(ms); } - #endif - - // Then we want to use only 50% of the time - const uint16_t bbr2 = planner.block_buffer_runtime() >> 1; - if ((should_draw() || drawing_screen) && (!bbr2 || bbr2 > max_display_update_time)) { - - // Change state of drawing flag between screen updates - if (!drawing_screen) switch (lcdDrawUpdate) { - case LCDVIEW_CALL_NO_REDRAW: - refresh(LCDVIEW_NONE); - break; - case LCDVIEW_CLEAR_CALL_REDRAW: - case LCDVIEW_CALL_REDRAW_NEXT: + #if BOTH(HAS_LCD_MENU, SCROLL_LONG_FILENAMES) + // If scrolling of long file names is enabled and we are in the sd card menu, + // cause a refresh to occur until all the text has scrolled into view. + if (currentScreen == menu_media && !lcd_status_update_delay--) { + lcd_status_update_delay = ++filename_scroll_pos >= filename_scroll_max ? 12 : 4; // Long delay at end and start + if (filename_scroll_pos > filename_scroll_max) filename_scroll_pos = 0; refresh(LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW); - case LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW: // set above, or by a handler through LCDVIEW_CALL_REDRAW_NEXT - case LCDVIEW_NONE: - break; - } // switch + reset_status_timeout(ms); + } + #endif - TERN_(HAS_ADC_BUTTONS, keypad_buttons = 0); + // Then we want to use only 50% of the time + const uint16_t bbr2 = planner.block_buffer_runtime() >> 1; + + if ((should_draw() || drawing_screen) && (!bbr2 || bbr2 > max_display_update_time)) { + + // Change state of drawing flag between screen updates + if (!drawing_screen) switch (lcdDrawUpdate) { + case LCDVIEW_CALL_NO_REDRAW: + refresh(LCDVIEW_NONE); + break; + case LCDVIEW_CLEAR_CALL_REDRAW: + case LCDVIEW_CALL_REDRAW_NEXT: + refresh(LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW); + case LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW: // set above, or by a handler through LCDVIEW_CALL_REDRAW_NEXT + case LCDVIEW_NONE: + break; + } // switch + + TERN_(HAS_ADC_BUTTONS, keypad_buttons = 0); + + #if HAS_MARLINUI_U8GLIB + + #if ENABLED(LIGHTWEIGHT_UI) + const bool in_status = on_status_screen(), + do_u8g_loop = !in_status; + lcd_in_status(in_status); + if (in_status) status_screen(); + #else + constexpr bool do_u8g_loop = true; + #endif - #if HAS_MARLINUI_U8GLIB + if (do_u8g_loop) { + if (!drawing_screen) { // If not already drawing pages + u8g.firstPage(); // Start the first page + drawing_screen = first_page = true; // Flag as drawing pages + } + set_font(FONT_MENU); // Setup font for every page draw + u8g.setColorIndex(1); // And reset the color + run_current_screen(); // Draw and process the current screen + first_page = false; + + // The screen handler can clear drawing_screen for an action that changes the screen. + // If still drawing and there's another page, update max-time and return now. + // The nextPage will already be set up on the next call. + if (drawing_screen && (drawing_screen = u8g.nextPage())) { + if (on_status_screen()) + NOLESS(max_display_update_time, millis() - ms); + return; + } + } - #if ENABLED(LIGHTWEIGHT_UI) - const bool in_status = on_status_screen(), - do_u8g_loop = !in_status; - lcd_in_status(in_status); - if (in_status) status_screen(); #else - constexpr bool do_u8g_loop = true; - #endif - - if (do_u8g_loop) { - if (!drawing_screen) { // If not already drawing pages - u8g.firstPage(); // Start the first page - drawing_screen = first_page = true; // Flag as drawing pages - } - set_font(FONT_MENU); // Setup font for every page draw - u8g.setColorIndex(1); // And reset the color - run_current_screen(); // Draw and process the current screen - first_page = false; - - // The screen handler can clear drawing_screen for an action that changes the screen. - // If still drawing and there's another page, update max-time and return now. - // The nextPage will already be set up on the next call. - if (drawing_screen && (drawing_screen = u8g.nextPage())) { - if (on_status_screen()) - NOLESS(max_display_update_time, millis() - ms); - return; - } - } - #else + run_current_screen(); - run_current_screen(); + #endif - #endif + TERN_(HAS_LCD_MENU, lcd_clicked = false); - TERN_(HAS_LCD_MENU, lcd_clicked = false); + // Keeping track of the longest time for an individual LCD update. + // Used to do screen throttling when the planner starts to fill up. + if (on_status_screen()) + NOLESS(max_display_update_time, millis() - ms); + } - // Keeping track of the longest time for an individual LCD update. - // Used to do screen throttling when the planner starts to fill up. - if (on_status_screen()) - NOLESS(max_display_update_time, millis() - ms); - } + #if SCREENS_CAN_TIME_OUT + // Return to Status Screen after a timeout + if (on_status_screen() || defer_return_to_status) + reset_status_timeout(ms); + else if (ELAPSED(ms, return_to_status_ms)) + return_to_status(); + #endif - #if SCREENS_CAN_TIME_OUT - // Return to Status Screen after a timeout - if (on_status_screen() || defer_return_to_status) - reset_status_timeout(ms); - else if (ELAPSED(ms, return_to_status_ms)) - return_to_status(); - #endif + // Change state of drawing flag between screen updates + if (!drawing_screen) switch (lcdDrawUpdate) { + case LCDVIEW_CLEAR_CALL_REDRAW: + clear_lcd(); break; + case LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW: + refresh(LCDVIEW_NONE); + case LCDVIEW_NONE: + case LCDVIEW_CALL_REDRAW_NEXT: + case LCDVIEW_CALL_NO_REDRAW: + default: break; + } // switch - // Change state of drawing flag between screen updates - if (!drawing_screen) switch (lcdDrawUpdate) { - case LCDVIEW_CLEAR_CALL_REDRAW: - clear_lcd(); break; - case LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW: - refresh(LCDVIEW_NONE); - case LCDVIEW_NONE: - case LCDVIEW_CALL_REDRAW_NEXT: - case LCDVIEW_CALL_NO_REDRAW: - default: break; - } // switch + } // ELAPSED(ms, next_lcd_update_ms) - } // ELAPSED(ms, next_lcd_update_ms) + TERN_(HAS_GRAPHICAL_TFT, tft_idle()); + } - TERN_(HAS_GRAPHICAL_TFT, tft_idle()); -} + #if HAS_ADC_BUTTONS -#if HAS_ADC_BUTTONS + typedef struct { + uint16_t ADCKeyValueMin, ADCKeyValueMax; + uint8_t ADCKeyNo; + } _stADCKeypadTable_; - typedef struct { - uint16_t ADCKeyValueMin, ADCKeyValueMax; - uint8_t ADCKeyNo; - } _stADCKeypadTable_; + #ifndef ADC_BUTTONS_VALUE_SCALE + #define ADC_BUTTONS_VALUE_SCALE 1.0 // for the power voltage equal to the reference voltage + #endif + #ifndef ADC_BUTTONS_R_PULLUP + #define ADC_BUTTONS_R_PULLUP 4.7 // common pull-up resistor in the voltage divider + #endif + #ifndef ADC_BUTTONS_LEFT_R_PULLDOWN + #define ADC_BUTTONS_LEFT_R_PULLDOWN 0.47 // pull-down resistor for LEFT button voltage divider + #endif + #ifndef ADC_BUTTONS_RIGHT_R_PULLDOWN + #define ADC_BUTTONS_RIGHT_R_PULLDOWN 4.7 // pull-down resistor for RIGHT button voltage divider + #endif + #ifndef ADC_BUTTONS_UP_R_PULLDOWN + #define ADC_BUTTONS_UP_R_PULLDOWN 1.0 // pull-down resistor for UP button voltage divider + #endif + #ifndef ADC_BUTTONS_DOWN_R_PULLDOWN + #define ADC_BUTTONS_DOWN_R_PULLDOWN 10.0 // pull-down resistor for DOWN button voltage divider + #endif + #ifndef ADC_BUTTONS_MIDDLE_R_PULLDOWN + #define ADC_BUTTONS_MIDDLE_R_PULLDOWN 2.2 // pull-down resistor for MIDDLE button voltage divider + #endif - #ifndef ADC_BUTTONS_VALUE_SCALE - #define ADC_BUTTONS_VALUE_SCALE 1.0 // for the power voltage equal to the reference voltage - #endif - #ifndef ADC_BUTTONS_R_PULLUP - #define ADC_BUTTONS_R_PULLUP 4.7 // common pull-up resistor in the voltage divider - #endif - #ifndef ADC_BUTTONS_LEFT_R_PULLDOWN - #define ADC_BUTTONS_LEFT_R_PULLDOWN 0.47 // pull-down resistor for LEFT button voltage divider - #endif - #ifndef ADC_BUTTONS_RIGHT_R_PULLDOWN - #define ADC_BUTTONS_RIGHT_R_PULLDOWN 4.7 // pull-down resistor for RIGHT button voltage divider - #endif - #ifndef ADC_BUTTONS_UP_R_PULLDOWN - #define ADC_BUTTONS_UP_R_PULLDOWN 1.0 // pull-down resistor for UP button voltage divider - #endif - #ifndef ADC_BUTTONS_DOWN_R_PULLDOWN - #define ADC_BUTTONS_DOWN_R_PULLDOWN 10.0 // pull-down resistor for DOWN button voltage divider - #endif - #ifndef ADC_BUTTONS_MIDDLE_R_PULLDOWN - #define ADC_BUTTONS_MIDDLE_R_PULLDOWN 2.2 // pull-down resistor for MIDDLE button voltage divider - #endif + // Calculate the ADC value for the voltage divider with specified pull-down resistor value + #define ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(r) int(HAL_ADC_RANGE * (ADC_BUTTONS_VALUE_SCALE) * r / (r + ADC_BUTTONS_R_PULLUP)) + + static constexpr uint16_t adc_button_tolerance = HAL_ADC_RANGE * 25 / 1024, + adc_other_button = HAL_ADC_RANGE * 1000 / 1024; + static const _stADCKeypadTable_ stADCKeyTable[] PROGMEM = { + // VALUE_MIN, VALUE_MAX, KEY + { adc_other_button, HAL_ADC_RANGE, 1 + BLEN_KEYPAD_F1 }, // F1 + { adc_other_button, HAL_ADC_RANGE, 1 + BLEN_KEYPAD_F2 }, // F2 + { adc_other_button, HAL_ADC_RANGE, 1 + BLEN_KEYPAD_F3 }, // F3 + { ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(ADC_BUTTONS_LEFT_R_PULLDOWN) - adc_button_tolerance, + ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(ADC_BUTTONS_LEFT_R_PULLDOWN) + adc_button_tolerance, 1 + BLEN_KEYPAD_LEFT }, // LEFT ( 272 ... 472) + { ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(ADC_BUTTONS_RIGHT_R_PULLDOWN) - adc_button_tolerance, + ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(ADC_BUTTONS_RIGHT_R_PULLDOWN) + adc_button_tolerance, 1 + BLEN_KEYPAD_RIGHT }, // RIGHT (1948 ... 2148) + { ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(ADC_BUTTONS_UP_R_PULLDOWN) - adc_button_tolerance, + ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(ADC_BUTTONS_UP_R_PULLDOWN) + adc_button_tolerance, 1 + BLEN_KEYPAD_UP }, // UP ( 618 ... 818) + { ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(ADC_BUTTONS_DOWN_R_PULLDOWN) - adc_button_tolerance, + ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(ADC_BUTTONS_DOWN_R_PULLDOWN) + adc_button_tolerance, 1 + BLEN_KEYPAD_DOWN }, // DOWN (2686 ... 2886) + { ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(ADC_BUTTONS_MIDDLE_R_PULLDOWN) - adc_button_tolerance, + ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(ADC_BUTTONS_MIDDLE_R_PULLDOWN) + adc_button_tolerance, 1 + BLEN_KEYPAD_MIDDLE }, // ENTER (1205 ... 1405) + }; - // Calculate the ADC value for the voltage divider with specified pull-down resistor value - #define ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(r) int(HAL_ADC_RANGE * (ADC_BUTTONS_VALUE_SCALE) * r / (r + ADC_BUTTONS_R_PULLUP)) - - static constexpr uint16_t adc_button_tolerance = HAL_ADC_RANGE * 25 / 1024, - adc_other_button = HAL_ADC_RANGE * 1000 / 1024; - static const _stADCKeypadTable_ stADCKeyTable[] PROGMEM = { - // VALUE_MIN, VALUE_MAX, KEY - { adc_other_button, HAL_ADC_RANGE, 1 + BLEN_KEYPAD_F1 }, // F1 - { adc_other_button, HAL_ADC_RANGE, 1 + BLEN_KEYPAD_F2 }, // F2 - { adc_other_button, HAL_ADC_RANGE, 1 + BLEN_KEYPAD_F3 }, // F3 - { ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(ADC_BUTTONS_LEFT_R_PULLDOWN) - adc_button_tolerance, - ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(ADC_BUTTONS_LEFT_R_PULLDOWN) + adc_button_tolerance, 1 + BLEN_KEYPAD_LEFT }, // LEFT ( 272 ... 472) - { ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(ADC_BUTTONS_RIGHT_R_PULLDOWN) - adc_button_tolerance, - ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(ADC_BUTTONS_RIGHT_R_PULLDOWN) + adc_button_tolerance, 1 + BLEN_KEYPAD_RIGHT }, // RIGHT (1948 ... 2148) - { ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(ADC_BUTTONS_UP_R_PULLDOWN) - adc_button_tolerance, - ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(ADC_BUTTONS_UP_R_PULLDOWN) + adc_button_tolerance, 1 + BLEN_KEYPAD_UP }, // UP ( 618 ... 818) - { ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(ADC_BUTTONS_DOWN_R_PULLDOWN) - adc_button_tolerance, - ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(ADC_BUTTONS_DOWN_R_PULLDOWN) + adc_button_tolerance, 1 + BLEN_KEYPAD_DOWN }, // DOWN (2686 ... 2886) - { ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(ADC_BUTTONS_MIDDLE_R_PULLDOWN) - adc_button_tolerance, - ADC_BUTTON_VALUE(ADC_BUTTONS_MIDDLE_R_PULLDOWN) + adc_button_tolerance, 1 + BLEN_KEYPAD_MIDDLE }, // ENTER (1205 ... 1405) - }; - - uint8_t get_ADC_keyValue() { - if (thermalManager.ADCKey_count >= 16) { - const uint16_t currentkpADCValue = thermalManager.current_ADCKey_raw; - thermalManager.current_ADCKey_raw = HAL_ADC_RANGE; - thermalManager.ADCKey_count = 0; - if (currentkpADCValue < adc_other_button) - LOOP_L_N(i, ADC_KEY_NUM) { - const uint16_t lo = pgm_read_word(&stADCKeyTable[i].ADCKeyValueMin), - hi = pgm_read_word(&stADCKeyTable[i].ADCKeyValueMax); - if (WITHIN(currentkpADCValue, lo, hi)) return pgm_read_byte(&stADCKeyTable[i].ADCKeyNo); - } + uint8_t get_ADC_keyValue() { + if (thermalManager.ADCKey_count >= 16) { + const uint16_t currentkpADCValue = thermalManager.current_ADCKey_raw; + thermalManager.current_ADCKey_raw = HAL_ADC_RANGE; + thermalManager.ADCKey_count = 0; + if (currentkpADCValue < adc_other_button) + LOOP_L_N(i, ADC_KEY_NUM) { + const uint16_t lo = pgm_read_word(&stADCKeyTable[i].ADCKeyValueMin), + hi = pgm_read_word(&stADCKeyTable[i].ADCKeyValueMax); + if (WITHIN(currentkpADCValue, lo, hi)) return pgm_read_byte(&stADCKeyTable[i].ADCKeyNo); + } + } + return 0; } - return 0; - } -#endif // HAS_ADC_BUTTONS + #endif // HAS_ADC_BUTTONS -#if HAS_ENCODER_ACTION + #if HAS_ENCODER_ACTION - /** - * Read encoder buttons from the hardware registers - * Warning: This function is called from interrupt context! - */ - void MarlinUI::update_buttons() { - const millis_t now = millis(); - if (ELAPSED(now, next_button_update_ms)) { + /** + * Read encoder buttons from the hardware registers + * Warning: This function is called from interrupt context! + */ + void MarlinUI::update_buttons() { + const millis_t now = millis(); + if (ELAPSED(now, next_button_update_ms)) { - #if HAS_DIGITAL_BUTTONS + #if HAS_DIGITAL_BUTTONS - #if ANY_BUTTON(EN1, EN2, ENC, BACK) + #if ANY_BUTTON(EN1, EN2, ENC, BACK) - uint8_t newbutton = 0; - if (BUTTON_PRESSED(EN1)) newbutton |= EN_A; - if (BUTTON_PRESSED(EN2)) newbutton |= EN_B; - if (can_encode() && BUTTON_PRESSED(ENC)) newbutton |= EN_C; - if (BUTTON_PRESSED(BACK)) newbutton |= EN_D; + uint8_t newbutton = 0; + if (BUTTON_PRESSED(EN1)) newbutton |= EN_A; + if (BUTTON_PRESSED(EN2)) newbutton |= EN_B; + if (can_encode() && BUTTON_PRESSED(ENC)) newbutton |= EN_C; + if (BUTTON_PRESSED(BACK)) newbutton |= EN_D; - #else + #else - constexpr uint8_t newbutton = 0; + constexpr uint8_t newbutton = 0; - #endif + #endif - // - // Directional buttons - // - #if ANY_BUTTON(UP, DWN, LFT, RT) + // + // Directional buttons + // + #if ANY_BUTTON(UP, DWN, LFT, RT) - const int8_t pulses = epps * encoderDirection; + const int8_t pulses = epps * encoderDirection; - if (BUTTON_PRESSED(UP)) { - encoderDiff = (ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM) * pulses; - next_button_update_ms = now + 300; - } - else if (BUTTON_PRESSED(DWN)) { - encoderDiff = -(ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM) * pulses; - next_button_update_ms = now + 300; - } - else if (BUTTON_PRESSED(LFT)) { - encoderDiff = -pulses; - next_button_update_ms = now + 300; - } - else if (BUTTON_PRESSED(RT)) { - encoderDiff = pulses; - next_button_update_ms = now + 300; - } + if (BUTTON_PRESSED(UP)) { + encoderDiff = (ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM) * pulses; + next_button_update_ms = now + 300; + } + else if (BUTTON_PRESSED(DWN)) { + encoderDiff = -(ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM) * pulses; + next_button_update_ms = now + 300; + } + else if (BUTTON_PRESSED(LFT)) { + encoderDiff = -pulses; + next_button_update_ms = now + 300; + } + else if (BUTTON_PRESSED(RT)) { + encoderDiff = pulses; + next_button_update_ms = now + 300; + } - #endif // UP || DWN || LFT || RT + #endif // UP || DWN || LFT || RT - buttons = (newbutton | TERN0(HAS_SLOW_BUTTONS, slow_buttons) - #if BOTH(HAS_TOUCH_BUTTONS, HAS_ENCODER_ACTION) - | (touch_buttons & TERN(HAS_ENCODER_WHEEL, ~(EN_A | EN_B), 0xFF)) - #endif - ); + buttons = (newbutton | TERN0(HAS_SLOW_BUTTONS, slow_buttons) + #if BOTH(HAS_TOUCH_BUTTONS, HAS_ENCODER_ACTION) + | (touch_buttons & TERN(HAS_ENCODER_WHEEL, ~(EN_A | EN_B), 0xFF)) + #endif + ); - #elif HAS_ADC_BUTTONS + #elif HAS_ADC_BUTTONS - buttons = 0; + buttons = 0; - #endif + #endif - #if HAS_ADC_BUTTONS - if (keypad_buttons == 0) { - const uint8_t b = get_ADC_keyValue(); - if (WITHIN(b, 1, 8)) keypad_buttons = _BV(b - 1); - } - #endif + #if HAS_ADC_BUTTONS + if (keypad_buttons == 0) { + const uint8_t b = get_ADC_keyValue(); + if (WITHIN(b, 1, 8)) keypad_buttons = _BV(b - 1); + } + #endif - #if HAS_SHIFT_ENCODER - /** - * Set up Rotary Encoder bit values (for two pin encoders to indicate movement). - * These values are independent of which pins are used for EN_A / EN_B indications. - * The rotary encoder part is also independent of the LCD chipset. - */ - uint8_t val = 0; - WRITE(SHIFT_LD_PIN, LOW); - WRITE(SHIFT_LD_PIN, HIGH); - LOOP_L_N(i, 8) { - val >>= 1; - if (READ(SHIFT_OUT_PIN)) SBI(val, 7); - WRITE(SHIFT_CLK_PIN, HIGH); - WRITE(SHIFT_CLK_PIN, LOW); - } - TERN(REPRAPWORLD_KEYPAD, keypad_buttons, buttons) = ~val; - #endif + #if HAS_SHIFT_ENCODER + /** + * Set up Rotary Encoder bit values (for two pin encoders to indicate movement). + * These values are independent of which pins are used for EN_A / EN_B indications. + * The rotary encoder part is also independent of the LCD chipset. + */ + uint8_t val = 0; + WRITE(SHIFT_LD_PIN, LOW); + WRITE(SHIFT_LD_PIN, HIGH); + LOOP_L_N(i, 8) { + val >>= 1; + if (READ(SHIFT_OUT_PIN)) SBI(val, 7); + WRITE(SHIFT_CLK_PIN, HIGH); + WRITE(SHIFT_CLK_PIN, LOW); + } + TERN(REPRAPWORLD_KEYPAD, keypad_buttons, buttons) = ~val; + #endif - #if IS_TFTGLCD_PANEL - next_button_update_ms = now + (LCD_UPDATE_INTERVAL / 2); - buttons = slow_buttons; - TERN_(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL, external_encoder()); - #endif + #if IS_TFTGLCD_PANEL + next_button_update_ms = now + (LCD_UPDATE_INTERVAL / 2); + buttons = slow_buttons; + TERN_(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL, external_encoder()); + #endif - } // next_button_update_ms + } // next_button_update_ms - #if HAS_ENCODER_WHEEL - static uint8_t lastEncoderBits; + #if HAS_ENCODER_WHEEL + static uint8_t lastEncoderBits; - // Manage encoder rotation - #define ENCODER_SPIN(_E1, _E2) switch (lastEncoderBits) { case _E1: encoderDiff += encoderDirection; break; case _E2: encoderDiff -= encoderDirection; } + // Manage encoder rotation + #define ENCODER_SPIN(_E1, _E2) switch (lastEncoderBits) { case _E1: encoderDiff += encoderDirection; break; case _E2: encoderDiff -= encoderDirection; } - uint8_t enc = 0; - if (buttons & EN_A) enc |= B01; - if (buttons & EN_B) enc |= B10; - if (enc != lastEncoderBits) { - switch (enc) { - case ENCODER_PHASE_0: ENCODER_SPIN(ENCODER_PHASE_3, ENCODER_PHASE_1); break; - case ENCODER_PHASE_1: ENCODER_SPIN(ENCODER_PHASE_0, ENCODER_PHASE_2); break; - case ENCODER_PHASE_2: ENCODER_SPIN(ENCODER_PHASE_1, ENCODER_PHASE_3); break; - case ENCODER_PHASE_3: ENCODER_SPIN(ENCODER_PHASE_2, ENCODER_PHASE_0); break; + uint8_t enc = 0; + if (buttons & EN_A) enc |= B01; + if (buttons & EN_B) enc |= B10; + if (enc != lastEncoderBits) { + switch (enc) { + case ENCODER_PHASE_0: ENCODER_SPIN(ENCODER_PHASE_3, ENCODER_PHASE_1); break; + case ENCODER_PHASE_1: ENCODER_SPIN(ENCODER_PHASE_0, ENCODER_PHASE_2); break; + case ENCODER_PHASE_2: ENCODER_SPIN(ENCODER_PHASE_1, ENCODER_PHASE_3); break; + case ENCODER_PHASE_3: ENCODER_SPIN(ENCODER_PHASE_2, ENCODER_PHASE_0); break; + } + #if BOTH(HAS_LCD_MENU, AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL) + external_encoder(); + #endif + lastEncoderBits = enc; } - #if BOTH(HAS_LCD_MENU, AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL) - external_encoder(); - #endif - lastEncoderBits = enc; - } - #endif // HAS_ENCODER_WHEEL - } + #endif // HAS_ENCODER_WHEEL + } -#endif // HAS_ENCODER_ACTION + #endif // HAS_ENCODER_ACTION #endif // HAS_WIRED_LCD diff --git a/Marlin/src/pins/lpc1769/pins_BTT_SKR_E3_TURBO.h b/Marlin/src/pins/lpc1769/pins_BTT_SKR_E3_TURBO.h index 1e7b3f02a2..4719dd8111 100644 --- a/Marlin/src/pins/lpc1769/pins_BTT_SKR_E3_TURBO.h +++ b/Marlin/src/pins/lpc1769/pins_BTT_SKR_E3_TURBO.h @@ -201,7 +201,15 @@ #define EXP1_09_PIN P0_16 #define EXP1_10_PIN P2_08 -#if HAS_WIRED_LCD +#if ENABLED(DWIN_CREALITY_LCD) + #error "DWIN_CREALITY_LCD requires a custom cable with TX = P0_15, RX = P0_16, and LCD_SERIAL_PORT 1. Comment out this line to continue." + + #define BEEPER_PIN EXP1_10_PIN + #define BTN_EN1 EXP1_03_PIN + #define BTN_EN2 EXP1_04_PIN + #define BTN_ENC EXP1_06_PIN + +#elif HAS_WIRED_LCD #if ENABLED(CR10_STOCKDISPLAY)