16 changed files with 1249 additions and 100 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ |
# |
# Marlin Firmware |
# config.ini - Options to apply before the build |
# |
[config:base] |
ini_use_config = none |
# Load all config: sections in this file |
;ini_use_config = all |
# Load config file relative to Marlin/ |
;ini_use_config = another.ini |
# Download configurations from GitHub |
;ini_use_config = example/Creality/Ender-5 Plus @ bugfix-2.1.x |
# Download configurations from your server |
;ini_use_config = https://me.myserver.com/path/to/configs |
# Evaluate config:base and do a config dump |
;ini_use_config = base |
;config_export = 2 |
[config:minimal] |
motherboard = BOARD_RAMPS_14_EFB |
serial_port = 0 |
baudrate = 250000 |
use_watchdog = on |
thermal_protection_hotends = on |
thermal_protection_hysteresis = 4 |
thermal_protection_period = 40 |
bufsize = 4 |
block_buffer_size = 16 |
max_cmd_size = 96 |
extruders = 1 |
temp_sensor_0 = 1 |
temp_hysteresis = 3 |
heater_0_mintemp = 5 |
heater_0_maxtemp = 275 |
preheat_1_temp_hotend = 180 |
bang_max = 255 |
pidtemp = on |
pid_k1 = 0.95 |
pid_max = BANG_MAX |
pid_functional_range = 10 |
default_kp = 22.20 |
default_ki = 1.08 |
default_kd = 114.00 |
x_driver_type = A4988 |
y_driver_type = A4988 |
z_driver_type = A4988 |
e0_driver_type = A4988 |
x_bed_size = 200 |
x_min_pos = 0 |
x_max_pos = X_BED_SIZE |
y_bed_size = 200 |
y_min_pos = 0 |
y_max_pos = Y_BED_SIZE |
z_min_pos = 0 |
z_max_pos = 200 |
x_home_dir = -1 |
y_home_dir = -1 |
z_home_dir = -1 |
use_xmin_plug = on |
use_ymin_plug = on |
use_zmin_plug = on |
x_min_endstop_inverting = false |
y_min_endstop_inverting = false |
z_min_endstop_inverting = false |
default_axis_steps_per_unit = { 80, 80, 400, 500 } |
axis_relative_modes = { false, false, false, false } |
default_max_feedrate = { 300, 300, 5, 25 } |
default_max_acceleration = { 3000, 3000, 100, 10000 } |
homing_feedrate_mm_m = { (50*60), (50*60), (4*60) } |
homing_bump_divisor = { 2, 2, 4 } |
x_enable_on = 0 |
y_enable_on = 0 |
z_enable_on = 0 |
e_enable_on = 0 |
invert_x_dir = false |
invert_y_dir = true |
invert_z_dir = false |
invert_e0_dir = false |
invert_e_step_pin = false |
invert_x_step_pin = false |
invert_y_step_pin = false |
invert_z_step_pin = false |
disable_x = false |
disable_y = false |
disable_z = false |
disable_e = false |
proportional_font_ratio = 1.0 |
default_nominal_filament_dia = 1.75 |
junction_deviation_mm = 0.013 |
default_acceleration = 3000 |
default_travel_acceleration = 3000 |
default_retract_acceleration = 3000 |
default_minimumfeedrate = 0.0 |
default_mintravelfeedrate = 0.0 |
minimum_planner_speed = 0.05 |
min_steps_per_segment = 6 |
default_minsegmenttime = 20000 |
[config:basic] |
bed_overshoot = 10 |
busy_while_heating = on |
default_ejerk = 5.0 |
default_keepalive_interval = 2 |
default_leveling_fade_height = 0.0 |
disable_inactive_extruder = on |
display_charset_hd44780 = JAPANESE |
eeprom_boot_silent = on |
eeprom_chitchat = on |
endstoppullups = on |
extrude_maxlength = 200 |
extrude_mintemp = 170 |
host_keepalive_feature = on |
hotend_overshoot = 15 |
jd_handle_small_segments = on |
lcd_info_screen_style = 0 |
lcd_language = en |
max_bed_power = 255 |
mesh_inset = 0 |
min_software_endstops = on |
max_software_endstops = on |
min_software_endstop_x = on |
min_software_endstop_y = on |
min_software_endstop_z = on |
max_software_endstop_x = on |
max_software_endstop_y = on |
max_software_endstop_z = on |
preheat_1_fan_speed = 0 |
preheat_1_label = "PLA" |
preheat_1_temp_bed = 70 |
prevent_cold_extrusion = on |
prevent_lengthy_extrude = on |
printjob_timer_autostart = on |
probing_margin = 10 |
show_bootscreen = on |
soft_pwm_scale = 0 |
string_config_h_author = "(none, default config)" |
temp_bed_hysteresis = 3 |
temp_bed_residency_time = 10 |
temp_bed_window = 1 |
temp_residency_time = 10 |
temp_window = 1 |
validate_homing_endstops = on |
xy_probe_feedrate = (133*60) |
z_clearance_between_probes = 5 |
z_clearance_deploy_probe = 10 |
z_clearance_multi_probe = 5 |
[config:advanced] |
arc_support = on |
auto_report_temperatures = on |
autotemp = on |
autotemp_oldweight = 0.98 |
bed_check_interval = 5000 |
default_stepper_deactive_time = 120 |
default_volumetric_extruder_limit = 0.00 |
disable_inactive_e = true |
disable_inactive_x = true |
disable_inactive_y = true |
disable_inactive_z = true |
e0_auto_fan_pin = -1 |
encoder_100x_steps_per_sec = 80 |
encoder_10x_steps_per_sec = 30 |
encoder_rate_multiplier = on |
extended_capabilities_report = on |
extruder_auto_fan_speed = 255 |
extruder_auto_fan_temperature = 50 |
fanmux0_pin = -1 |
fanmux1_pin = -1 |
fanmux2_pin = -1 |
faster_gcode_parser = on |
homing_bump_mm = { 5, 5, 2 } |
max_arc_segment_mm = 1.0 |
min_arc_segment_mm = 0.1 |
min_circle_segments = 72 |
n_arc_correction = 25 |
serial_overrun_protection = on |
slowdown = on |
slowdown_divisor = 2 |
temp_sensor_bed = 0 |
thermal_protection_bed_hysteresis = 2 |
thermocouple_max_errors = 15 |
tx_buffer_size = 0 |
watch_bed_temp_increase = 2 |
watch_bed_temp_period = 60 |
watch_temp_increase = 2 |
watch_temp_period = 20 |
@ -0,0 +1,239 @@ |
# |
# configuration.py |
# Apply options from config.ini to the existing Configuration headers |
# |
import re, shutil, configparser |
from pathlib import Path |
verbose = 0 |
def blab(str,level=1): |
if verbose >= level: print(f"[config] {str}") |
def config_path(cpath): |
return Path("Marlin", cpath) |
# Apply a single name = on/off ; name = value ; etc. |
# TODO: Limit to the given (optional) configuration |
def apply_opt(name, val, conf=None): |
if name == "lcd": name, val = val, "on" |
# Create a regex to match the option and capture parts of the line |
regex = re.compile(rf'^(\s*)(//\s*)?(#define\s+)({name}\b)(\s*)(.*?)(\s*)(//.*)?$', re.IGNORECASE) |
# Find and enable and/or update all matches |
for file in ("Configuration.h", "Configuration_adv.h"): |
fullpath = config_path(file) |
lines = fullpath.read_text().split('\n') |
found = False |
for i in range(len(lines)): |
line = lines[i] |
match = regex.match(line) |
if match and match[4].upper() == name.upper(): |
found = True |
# For boolean options un/comment the define |
if val in ("on", "", None): |
newline = re.sub(r'^(\s*)//+\s*(#define)(\s{1,3})?(\s*)', r'\1\2 \4', line) |
elif val == "off": |
newline = re.sub(r'^(\s*)(#define)(\s{1,3})?(\s*)', r'\1//\2 \4', line) |
else: |
# For options with values, enable and set the value |
newline = match[1] + match[3] + match[4] + match[5] + val |
if match[8]: |
sp = match[7] if match[7] else ' ' |
newline += sp + match[8] |
lines[i] = newline |
blab(f"Set {name} to {val}") |
# If the option was found, write the modified lines |
if found: |
fullpath.write_text('\n'.join(lines)) |
break |
# If the option didn't appear in either config file, add it |
if not found: |
# OFF options are added as disabled items so they appear |
# in config dumps. Useful for custom settings. |
prefix = "" |
if val == "off": |
prefix, val = "//", "" # Item doesn't appear in config dump |
#val = "false" # Item appears in config dump |
# Uppercase the option unless already mixed/uppercase |
added = name.upper() if name.islower() else name |
# Add the provided value after the name |
if val != "on" and val != "" and val is not None: |
added += " " + val |
# Prepend the new option after the first set of #define lines |
fullpath = config_path("Configuration.h") |
with fullpath.open() as f: |
lines = f.readlines() |
linenum = 0 |
gotdef = False |
for line in lines: |
isdef = line.startswith("#define") |
if not gotdef: |
gotdef = isdef |
elif not isdef: |
break |
linenum += 1 |
lines.insert(linenum, f"{prefix}#define {added} // Added by config.ini\n") |
fullpath.write_text('\n'.join(lines)) |
# Fetch configuration files from GitHub given the path. |
# Return True if any files were fetched. |
def fetch_example(path): |
if path.endswith("/"): |
path = path[:-1] |
if '@' in path: |
path, brch = map(strip, path.split('@')) |
url = path.replace("%", "%25").replace(" ", "%20") |
if not path.startswith('http'): |
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MarlinFirmware/Configurations/bugfix-2.1.x/config/%s" % url |
# Find a suitable fetch command |
if shutil.which("curl") is not None: |
fetch = "curl -L -s -S -f -o" |
elif shutil.which("wget") is not None: |
fetch = "wget -q -O" |
else: |
blab("Couldn't find curl or wget", -1) |
return False |
import os |
# Reset configurations to default |
os.system("git reset --hard HEAD") |
gotfile = False |
# Try to fetch the remote files |
for fn in ("Configuration.h", "Configuration_adv.h", "_Bootscreen.h", "_Statusscreen.h"): |
if os.system("%s wgot %s/%s >/dev/null 2>&1" % (fetch, url, fn)) == 0: |
shutil.move('wgot', config_path(fn)) |
gotfile = True |
if Path('wgot').exists(): |
shutil.rmtree('wgot') |
return gotfile |
def section_items(cp, sectkey): |
return cp.items(sectkey) if sectkey in cp.sections() else [] |
# Apply all items from a config section |
def apply_ini_by_name(cp, sect): |
iniok = True |
if sect in ('config:base', 'config:root'): |
iniok = False |
items = section_items(cp, 'config:base') + section_items(cp, 'config:root') |
else: |
items = cp.items(sect) |
for item in items: |
if iniok or not item[0].startswith('ini_'): |
apply_opt(item[0], item[1]) |
# Apply all config sections from a parsed file |
def apply_all_sections(cp): |
for sect in cp.sections(): |
if sect.startswith('config:'): |
apply_ini_by_name(cp, sect) |
# Apply certain config sections from a parsed file |
def apply_sections(cp, ckey='all', addbase=False): |
blab("[config] apply section key: %s" % ckey) |
if ckey == 'all': |
apply_all_sections(cp) |
else: |
# Apply the base/root config.ini settings after external files are done |
if addbase or ckey in ('base', 'root'): |
apply_ini_by_name(cp, 'config:base') |
# Apply historically 'Configuration.h' settings everywhere |
if ckey == 'basic': |
apply_ini_by_name(cp, 'config:basic') |
# Apply historically Configuration_adv.h settings everywhere |
# (Some of which rely on defines in 'Conditionals_LCD.h') |
elif ckey in ('adv', 'advanced'): |
apply_ini_by_name(cp, 'config:advanced') |
# Apply a specific config:<name> section directly |
elif ckey.startswith('config:'): |
apply_ini_by_name(cp, ckey) |
# Apply settings from a top level config.ini |
def apply_config_ini(cp): |
blab("=" * 20 + " Gather 'config.ini' entries...") |
# Pre-scan for ini_use_config to get config_keys |
base_items = section_items(cp, 'config:base') + section_items(cp, 'config:root') |
config_keys = ['base'] |
for ikey, ival in base_items: |
if ikey == 'ini_use_config': |
config_keys = [ x.strip() for x in ival.split(',') ] |
# For each ini_use_config item perform an action |
for ckey in config_keys: |
addbase = False |
# For a key ending in .ini load and parse another .ini file |
if ckey.endswith('.ini'): |
sect = 'base' |
if '@' in ckey: sect, ckey = ckey.split('@') |
other_ini = configparser.ConfigParser() |
other_ini.read(config_path(ckey)) |
apply_sections(other_ini, sect) |
# (Allow 'example/' as a shortcut for 'examples/') |
elif ckey.startswith('example/'): |
ckey = 'examples' + ckey[7:] |
# For 'examples/<path>' fetch an example set from GitHub. |
# For https?:// do a direct fetch of the URL. |
elif ckey.startswith('examples/') or ckey.startswith('http'): |
addbase = True |
fetch_example(ckey) |
# Apply keyed sections after external files are done |
apply_sections(cp, 'config:' + ckey, addbase) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
# |
# From command line use the given file name |
# |
import sys |
args = sys.argv[1:] |
if len(args) > 0: |
if args[0].endswith('.ini'): |
ini_file = args[0] |
else: |
print("Usage: %s <.ini file>" % sys.argv[0]) |
else: |
ini_file = config_path('config.ini') |
if ini_file: |
user_ini = configparser.ConfigParser() |
user_ini.read(ini_file) |
apply_config_ini(user_ini) |
else: |
# |
# From within PlatformIO use the loaded INI file |
# |
import pioutil |
if pioutil.is_pio_build(): |
Import("env") |
try: |
verbose = int(env.GetProjectOption('custom_verbose')) |
except: |
pass |
from platformio.project.config import ProjectConfig |
apply_config_ini(ProjectConfig()) |
@ -0,0 +1,403 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python3 |
# |
# schema.py |
# |
# Used by signature.py via common-dependencies.py to generate a schema file during the PlatformIO build. |
# This script can also be run standalone from within the Marlin repo to generate all schema files. |
# |
import re,json |
from pathlib import Path |
def extend_dict(d:dict, k:tuple): |
if len(k) >= 1 and k[0] not in d: |
d[k[0]] = {} |
if len(k) >= 2 and k[1] not in d[k[0]]: |
d[k[0]][k[1]] = {} |
if len(k) >= 3 and k[2] not in d[k[0]][k[1]]: |
d[k[0]][k[1]][k[2]] = {} |
grouping_patterns = [ |
re.compile(r'^([XYZIJKUVW]|[XYZ]2|Z[34]|E[0-7])$'), |
re.compile(r'^AXIS\d$'), |
re.compile(r'^(MIN|MAX)$'), |
re.compile(r'^[0-8]$'), |
re.compile(r'^HOTEND[0-7]$'), |
re.compile(r'^(HOTENDS|BED|PROBE|COOLER)$'), |
re.compile(r'^[XYZIJKUVW]M(IN|AX)$') |
] |
# If the indexed part of the option name matches a pattern |
# then add it to the dictionary. |
def find_grouping(gdict, filekey, sectkey, optkey, pindex): |
optparts = optkey.split('_') |
if 1 < len(optparts) > pindex: |
for patt in grouping_patterns: |
if patt.match(optparts[pindex]): |
subkey = optparts[pindex] |
modkey = '_'.join(optparts) |
optparts[pindex] = '*' |
wildkey = '_'.join(optparts) |
kkey = f'{filekey}|{sectkey}|{wildkey}' |
if kkey not in gdict: gdict[kkey] = [] |
gdict[kkey].append((subkey, modkey)) |
# Build a list of potential groups. Only those with multiple items will be grouped. |
def group_options(schema): |
for pindex in range(10, -1, -1): |
found_groups = {} |
for filekey, f in schema.items(): |
for sectkey, s in f.items(): |
for optkey in s: |
find_grouping(found_groups, filekey, sectkey, optkey, pindex) |
fkeys = [ k for k in found_groups.keys() ] |
for kkey in fkeys: |
items = found_groups[kkey] |
if len(items) > 1: |
f, s, w = kkey.split('|') |
extend_dict(schema, (f, s, w)) # Add wildcard group to schema |
for subkey, optkey in items: # Add all items to wildcard group |
schema[f][s][w][subkey] = schema[f][s][optkey] # Move non-wildcard item to wildcard group |
del schema[f][s][optkey] |
del found_groups[kkey] |
# Extract all board names from boards.h |
def load_boards(): |
bpath = Path("Marlin/src/core/boards.h") |
if bpath.is_file(): |
with bpath.open() as bfile: |
boards = [] |
for line in bfile: |
if line.startswith("#define BOARD_"): |
bname = line.split()[1] |
if bname != "BOARD_UNKNOWN": boards.append(bname) |
return "['" + "','".join(boards) + "']" |
return '' |
# |
# Extract a schema from the current configuration files |
# |
def extract(): |
# Load board names from boards.h |
boards = load_boards() |
# Parsing states |
class Parse: |
NORMAL = 0 # No condition yet |
BLOCK_COMMENT = 1 # Looking for the end of the block comment |
EOL_COMMENT = 2 # EOL comment started, maybe add the next comment? |
GET_SENSORS = 3 # Gathering temperature sensor options |
ERROR = 9 # Syntax error |
# List of files to process, with shorthand |
filekey = { 'Configuration.h':'basic', 'Configuration_adv.h':'advanced' } |
# A JSON object to store the data |
sch_out = { 'basic':{}, 'advanced':{} } |
# Regex for #define NAME [VALUE] [COMMENT] with sanitized line |
defgrep = re.compile(r'^(//)?\s*(#define)\s+([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*(.*?)\s*(//.+)?$') |
# Defines to ignore |
# Start with unknown state |
state = Parse.NORMAL |
# Serial ID |
sid = 0 |
# Loop through files and parse them line by line |
for fn, fk in filekey.items(): |
with Path("Marlin", fn).open() as fileobj: |
section = 'none' # Current Settings section |
line_number = 0 # Counter for the line number of the file |
conditions = [] # Create a condition stack for the current file |
comment_buff = [] # A temporary buffer for comments |
options_json = '' # A buffer for the most recent options JSON found |
eol_options = False # The options came from end of line, so only apply once |
join_line = False # A flag that the line should be joined with the previous one |
line = '' # A line buffer to handle \ continuation |
last_added_ref = None # Reference to the last added item |
# Loop through the lines in the file |
for the_line in fileobj.readlines(): |
line_number += 1 |
# Clean the line for easier parsing |
the_line = the_line.strip() |
if join_line: # A previous line is being made longer |
line += (' ' if line else '') + the_line |
else: # Otherwise, start the line anew |
line, line_start = the_line, line_number |
# If the resulting line ends with a \, don't process now. |
# Strip the end off. The next line will be joined with it. |
join_line = line.endswith("\\") |
if join_line: |
line = line[:-1].strip() |
continue |
else: |
line_end = line_number |
defmatch = defgrep.match(line) |
# Special handling for EOL comments after a #define. |
# At this point the #define is already digested and inserted, |
# so we have to extend it |
if state == Parse.EOL_COMMENT: |
# If the line is not a comment, we're done with the EOL comment |
if not defmatch and the_line.startswith('//'): |
comment_buff.append(the_line[2:].strip()) |
else: |
last_added_ref['comment'] = ' '.join(comment_buff) |
comment_buff = [] |
state = Parse.NORMAL |
def use_comment(c, opt, sec, bufref): |
if c.startswith(':'): # If the comment starts with : then it has magic JSON |
d = c[1:].strip() # Strip the leading : |
cbr = c.rindex('}') if d.startswith('{') else c.rindex(']') if d.startswith('[') else 0 |
if cbr: |
opt, cmt = c[1:cbr+1].strip(), c[cbr+1:].strip() |
if cmt != '': bufref.append(cmt) |
else: |
opt = c[1:].strip() |
elif c.startswith('@section'): # Start a new section |
sec = c[8:].strip() |
elif not c.startswith('========'): |
bufref.append(c) |
return opt, sec |
# In a block comment, capture lines up to the end of the comment. |
# Assume nothing follows the comment closure. |
if state in (Parse.BLOCK_COMMENT, Parse.GET_SENSORS): |
endpos = line.find('*/') |
if endpos < 0: |
cline = line |
else: |
cline, line = line[:endpos].strip(), line[endpos+2:].strip() |
# Temperature sensors are done |
if state == Parse.GET_SENSORS: |
options_json = f'[ {options_json[:-2]} ]' |
state = Parse.NORMAL |
# Strip the leading '*' from block comments |
if cline.startswith('*'): cline = cline[1:].strip() |
# Collect temperature sensors |
if state == Parse.GET_SENSORS: |
sens = re.match(r'^(-?\d+)\s*:\s*(.+)$', cline) |
if sens: |
s2 = sens[2].replace("'","''") |
options_json += f"{sens[1]}:'{s2}', " |
elif state == Parse.BLOCK_COMMENT: |
# Look for temperature sensors |
if cline == "Temperature sensors available:": |
state, cline = Parse.GET_SENSORS, "Temperature Sensors" |
options_json, section = use_comment(cline, options_json, section, comment_buff) |
# For the normal state we're looking for any non-blank line |
elif state == Parse.NORMAL: |
# Skip a commented define when evaluating comment opening |
st = 2 if re.match(r'^//\s*#define', line) else 0 |
cpos1 = line.find('/*') # Start a block comment on the line? |
cpos2 = line.find('//', st) # Start an end of line comment on the line? |
# Only the first comment starter gets evaluated |
cpos = -1 |
if cpos1 != -1 and (cpos1 < cpos2 or cpos2 == -1): |
cpos = cpos1 |
comment_buff = [] |
state = Parse.BLOCK_COMMENT |
eol_options = False |
elif cpos2 != -1 and (cpos2 < cpos1 or cpos1 == -1): |
cpos = cpos2 |
# Expire end-of-line options after first use |
if cline.startswith(':'): eol_options = True |
# Comment after a define may be continued on the following lines |
if state == Parse.NORMAL and defmatch != None and cpos > 10: |
state = Parse.EOL_COMMENT |
comment_buff = [] |
# Process the start of a new comment |
if cpos != -1: |
cline, line = line[cpos+2:].strip(), line[:cpos].strip() |
# Strip leading '*' from block comments |
if state == Parse.BLOCK_COMMENT: |
if cline.startswith('*'): cline = cline[1:].strip() |
# Buffer a non-empty comment start |
if cline != '': |
options_json, section = use_comment(cline, options_json, section, comment_buff) |
# If the line has nothing before the comment, go to the next line |
if line == '': |
options_json = '' |
continue |
# Parenthesize the given expression if needed |
def atomize(s): |
if s == '' \ |
or re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_]*(\([^)]+\))?$', s) \ |
or re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_]+ == \d+?$', s): |
return s |
return f'({s})' |
# |
# The conditions stack is an array containing condition-arrays. |
# Each condition-array lists the conditions for the current block. |
# IF/N/DEF adds a new condition-array to the stack. |
# ELSE/ELIF/ENDIF pop the condition-array. |
# ELSE/ELIF negate the last item in the popped condition-array. |
# ELIF adds a new condition to the end of the array. |
# ELSE/ELIF re-push the condition-array. |
# |
cparts = line.split() |
iselif, iselse = cparts[0] == '#elif', cparts[0] == '#else' |
if iselif or iselse or cparts[0] == '#endif': |
if len(conditions) == 0: |
raise Exception(f'no #if block at line {line_number}') |
# Pop the last condition-array from the stack |
prev = conditions.pop() |
if iselif or iselse: |
prev[-1] = '!' + prev[-1] # Invert the last condition |
if iselif: prev.append(atomize(line[5:].strip())) |
conditions.append(prev) |
elif cparts[0] == '#if': |
conditions.append([ atomize(line[3:].strip()) ]) |
elif cparts[0] == '#ifdef': |
conditions.append([ f'defined({line[6:].strip()})' ]) |
elif cparts[0] == '#ifndef': |
conditions.append([ f'!defined({line[7:].strip()})' ]) |
# Handle a complete #define line |
elif defmatch != None: |
# Get the match groups into vars |
enabled, define_name, val = defmatch[1] == None, defmatch[3], defmatch[4] |
# Increment the serial ID |
sid += 1 |
# Create a new dictionary for the current #define |
define_info = { |
'section': section, |
'name': define_name, |
'enabled': enabled, |
'line': line_start, |
'sid': sid |
} |
if val != '': define_info['value'] = val |
# Type is based on the value |
if val == '': |
value_type = 'switch' |
elif re.match(r'^(true|false)$', val): |
value_type = 'bool' |
val = val == 'true' |
elif re.match(r'^[-+]?\s*\d+$', val): |
value_type = 'int' |
val = int(val) |
elif re.match(r'[-+]?\s*(\d+\.|\d*\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?[fF]?', val): |
value_type = 'float' |
val = float(val.replace('f','')) |
else: |
value_type = 'string' if val[0] == '"' \ |
else 'char' if val[0] == "'" \ |
else 'state' if re.match(r'^(LOW|HIGH)$', val) \ |
else 'enum' if re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_]{3,}$', val) \ |
else 'int[]' if re.match(r'^{(\s*[-+]?\s*\d+\s*(,\s*)?)+}$', val) \ |
else 'float[]' if re.match(r'^{(\s*[-+]?\s*(\d+\.|\d*\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?[fF]?\s*(,\s*)?)+}$', val) \ |
else 'array' if val[0] == '{' \ |
else '' |
if value_type != '': define_info['type'] = value_type |
# Join up accumulated conditions with && |
if conditions: define_info['requires'] = ' && '.join(sum(conditions, [])) |
# If the comment_buff is not empty, add the comment to the info |
if comment_buff: |
full_comment = '\n'.join(comment_buff) |
# An EOL comment will be added later |
# The handling could go here instead of above |
if state == Parse.EOL_COMMENT: |
define_info['comment'] = '' |
else: |
define_info['comment'] = full_comment |
comment_buff = [] |
# If the comment specifies units, add that to the info |
units = re.match(r'^\(([^)]+)\)', full_comment) |
if units: |
units = units[1] |
if units == 's' or units == 'sec': units = 'seconds' |
define_info['units'] = units |
# Set the options for the current #define |
if define_name == "MOTHERBOARD" and boards != '': |
define_info['options'] = boards |
elif options_json != '': |
define_info['options'] = options_json |
if eol_options: options_json = '' |
# Create section dict if it doesn't exist yet |
if section not in sch_out[fk]: sch_out[fk][section] = {} |
# If define has already been seen... |
if define_name in sch_out[fk][section]: |
info = sch_out[fk][section][define_name] |
if isinstance(info, dict): info = [ info ] # Convert a single dict into a list |
info.append(define_info) # Add to the list |
else: |
# Add the define dict with name as key |
sch_out[fk][section][define_name] = define_info |
if state == Parse.EOL_COMMENT: |
last_added_ref = define_info |
return sch_out |
def dump_json(schema:dict, jpath:Path): |
with jpath.open('w') as jfile: |
json.dump(schema, jfile, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2) |
def dump_yaml(schema:dict, ypath:Path): |
import yaml |
with ypath.open('w') as yfile: |
yaml.dump(schema, yfile, default_flow_style=False, width=120, indent=2) |
def main(): |
try: |
schema = extract() |
except Exception as exc: |
print("Error: " + str(exc)) |
schema = None |
if schema: |
print("Generating JSON ...") |
dump_json(schema, Path('schema.json')) |
group_options(schema) |
dump_json(schema, Path('schema_grouped.json')) |
try: |
import yaml |
except ImportError: |
print("Installing YAML module ...") |
import subprocess |
subprocess.run(['python3', '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'pyyaml']) |
import yaml |
print("Generating YML ...") |
dump_yaml(schema, Path('schema.yml')) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
main() |
Reference in new issue