diff --git a/Marlin/language.h b/Marlin/language.h index dc51832f79..366ef51c4c 100644 --- a/Marlin/language.h +++ b/Marlin/language.h @@ -352,7 +352,162 @@ #if LANGUAGE_CHOICE == 3 - #error "There is no French translation available yet. Can you help? (you need to choose a different language in order to compile Marlin)" + +#define WELCOME_MSG MACHINE_NAME " Prêt." +#define MSG_SD_INSERTED "Carte insérée" +#define MSG_SD_REMOVED "Carte retirée" +#define MSG_MAIN " Principal \003" +#define MSG_AUTOSTART " Démarrage auto." +#define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS " Désactiver moteurs" +#define MSG_AUTO_HOME " Home auto." +#define MSG_SET_ORIGIN " Régler origine" +#define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA " Préchauffage PLA" +#define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS " Réglages préchauffage PLA" +#define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS " Préchauffage ABS" +#define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS " Réglages préchauffage ABS" +#define MSG_COOLDOWN " Refroidissement" +#define MSG_EXTRUDE " Extrusion" +#define MSG_RETRACT " Retractation" +#define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA " Préchauffage PLA" +#define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS " Préchauffage ABS" +#define MSG_MOVE_AXIS " Déplacer axe \x7E" +#define MSG_SPEED " Vitesse:" +#define MSG_NOZZLE " \002Buse:" +#define MSG_NOZZLE1 " \002Buse2:" +#define MSG_NOZZLE2 " \002Buse3:" +#define MSG_BED " \002Lit:" +#define MSG_FAN_SPEED " Vitesse ventilateur:" +#define MSG_FLOW " Flux:" +#define MSG_CONTROL " Contrôle \003" +#define MSG_MIN " \002 Min:" +#define MSG_MAX " \002 Max:" +#define MSG_FACTOR " \002 Facteur:" +#define MSG_AUTOTEMP " Temp. Auto.:" +#define MSG_ON "Marche " +#define MSG_OFF "Arrêt" +#define MSG_PID_P " PID-P: " +#define MSG_PID_I " PID-I: " +#define MSG_PID_D " PID-D: " +#define MSG_PID_C " PID-C: " +#define MSG_ACC " Acc:" +#define MSG_VXY_JERK " Vxy-jerk: " +#define MSG_VMAX " Vmax " +#define MSG_X "x:" +#define MSG_Y "y:" +#define MSG_Z "z:" +#define MSG_E "e:" +#define MSG_VMIN " Vmin:" +#define MSG_VTRAV_MIN " Vdepl min:" +#define MSG_AMAX " Amax " +#define MSG_A_RETRACT " A-retract:" +#define MSG_XSTEPS " Xpas/mm:" +#define MSG_YSTEPS " Ypas/mm:" +#define MSG_ZSTEPS " Zpas/mm:" +#define MSG_ESTEPS " Epas/mm:" +#define MSG_MAIN_WIDE " Principal \003" +#define MSG_RECTRACT_WIDE " Rectractater \x7E" +#define MSG_TEMPERATURE_WIDE " Temperature \x7E" +#define MSG_TEMPERATURE_RTN " Temperature \003" +#define MSG_MOTION_WIDE " Mouvement \x7E" +#define MSG_STORE_EPROM " Sauvegarder mémoire" +#define MSG_LOAD_EPROM " Lire mémoire" +#define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE " Restaurer défaut" +#define MSG_REFRESH "\004Actualiser" +#define MSG_WATCH " Surveiller \003" +#define MSG_PREPARE " Préparer \x7E" +#define MSG_PREPARE_ALT " Prépare \003" +#define MSG_CONTROL_ARROW " Contrôle \x7E" +#define MSG_RETRACT_ARROW " Retracter \x7E" +#define MSG_TUNE " Régler \x7E" +#define MSG_PAUSE_PRINT " Pause impression \x7E" +#define MSG_RESUME_PRINT " Reprendre impression \x7E" +#define MSG_STOP_PRINT " Arrêter impression \x7E" +#define MSG_CARD_MENU " Menu carte \x7E" +#define MSG_NO_CARD " Pas de carte" +#define MSG_DWELL "Repos..." +#define MSG_USERWAIT "Attente de l'utilisateur..." +#define MSG_NO_MOVE "Aucun mouvement." +#define MSG_PART_RELEASE "Relâche partielle" +#define MSG_KILLED "TUÉ. " +#define MSG_STOPPED "STOPPÉ. " +#define MSG_STEPPER_RELEASED "RELÂCHÉ." +#define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT " Retractation mm:" +#define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACTF " Retractation F:" +#define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_ZLIFT " Hop mm:" +#define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVER " UnRet +mm:" +#define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVERF " UnRet F:" +#define MSG_AUTORETRACT " Retract. Auto.:" + #define MSG_SERIAL_ERROR_MENU_STRUCTURE "Quelque chose ne va pas avec MenuStructure." + +// Serial Console Messages + +#define MSG_Enqueing "Mise en tampon \"" +#define MSG_POWERUP "Allumage" +#define MSG_EXTERNAL_RESET " RAZ Externe" +#define MSG_BROWNOUT_RESET " RAZ défaut alim." +#define MSG_WATCHDOG_RESET " RAZ Watchdog" +#define MSG_SOFTWARE_RESET " RAZ logicielle" +#define MSG_MARLIN "Marlin " +#define MSG_AUTHOR " | Auteur: " +#define MSG_CONFIGURATION_VER " Dernière MàJ: " +#define MSG_FREE_MEMORY " Mémoire libre: " +#define MSG_PLANNER_BUFFER_BYTES " PlannerBufferBytes: " +#define MSG_OK "ok" +#define MSG_FILE_SAVED "Fichier enregistré." +#define MSG_ERR_LINE_NO "Le numéro de ligne n'est pas la dernière ligne + 1, dernière ligne: " +#define MSG_ERR_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH "Erreur somme de contrôle : dernière ligne: " +#define MSG_ERR_NO_CHECKSUM "Pas de somme de contrôle avec le numéro de ligne, dernière ligne: " +#define MSG_ERR_NO_LINENUMBER_WITH_CHECKSUM "Pas de numéro de ligne avec somme de contrôle, dernière ligne: " +#define MSG_FILE_PRINTED "Impression terminée" +#define MSG_BEGIN_FILE_LIST "Début de la liste de fichiers" +#define MSG_END_FILE_LIST "Fin de la liste de fichiers" +#define MSG_M104_INVALID_EXTRUDER "M104 Extruder invalide" +#define MSG_M105_INVALID_EXTRUDER "M105 Extruder invalide" +#define MSG_ERR_NO_THERMISTORS "Pas de thermistor, pas de température" +#define MSG_M109_INVALID_EXTRUDER "M109 Extruder invalide " +#define MSG_HEATING "En chauffe..." +#define MSG_HEATING_COMPLETE "Chauffe terminée." +#define MSG_BED_HEATING "Chauffe du lit." +#define MSG_BED_DONE "Chauffe du lit terminée." +#define MSG_M115_REPORT "FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin V1; Sprinter/grbl mashup for gen6 FIRMWARE_URL:" FIRMWARE_URL " PROTOCOL_VERSION:" PROTOCOL_VERSION " MACHINE_TYPE:" MACHINE_NAME " EXTRUDER_COUNT:" STRINGIFY(EXTRUDERS) "\n" +#define MSG_COUNT_X " Compteur X: " +#define MSG_ERR_KILLED "Impression arrêtée. kill() appelée!" +#define MSG_ERR_STOPPED "Impression arrêtée à cause d'erreurs. Corriger les erreurs et utiliser M999 pour la reprendre. (Temperature remise à zéro. Réactivez là après redémarrage)" +#define MSG_RESEND "Renvoie: " +#define MSG_UNKNOWN_COMMAND "Commande inconnue: \"" +#define MSG_ACTIVE_EXTRUDER "Extruder actif: " +#define MSG_INVALID_EXTRUDER "Extruder invalide" +#define MSG_X_MIN "x_min: " +#define MSG_X_MAX "x_max: " +#define MSG_Y_MIN "y_min: " +#define MSG_Y_MAX "y_max: " +#define MSG_Z_MIN "z_min: " +#define MSG_Z_MAX "z_max: " +#define MSG_M119_REPORT "Affichage du status des fin de course" +#define MSG_ENDSTOP_HIT "DÉCLENCHÉ" +#define MSG_ENDSTOP_OPEN "OUVERT" + +#define MSG_SD_CANT_OPEN_SUBDIR "Impossible d'ouvrir le sous-répertoire" +#define MSG_SD_INIT_FAIL "Echec de l'initialisation de la SD" +#define MSG_SD_VOL_INIT_FAIL "Echec de volume.init" +#define MSG_SD_OPENROOT_FAIL "Echec openRoot" +#define MSG_SD_CARD_OK "Carte SD Ok" +#define MSG_SD_WORKDIR_FAIL "Echec d'ouverture workDir" +#define MSG_SD_OPEN_FILE_FAIL "Echec d'ouverture, Fichier: " +#define MSG_SD_FILE_OPENED "Fichier ouvert: " +#define MSG_SD_SIZE " Taille: " +#define MSG_SD_FILE_SELECTED "Fichier sélectionné" +#define MSG_SD_WRITE_TO_FILE "Ecriture dans le fichier: " +#define MSG_SD_PRINTING_BYTE "Octet impression SD " +#define MSG_SD_NOT_PRINTING "Pas d'impression SD" +#define MSG_SD_ERR_WRITE_TO_FILE "Erreur d'écriture dans le fichier" +#define MSG_SD_CANT_ENTER_SUBDIR "Impossible d'entrer dans le sous-répertoire: " + +#define MSG_STEPPER_TO_HIGH "Steprate trop élevé: " +#define MSG_ENDSTOPS_HIT "Fin de course atteint: " +#define MSG_ERR_COLD_EXTRUDE_STOP " Extrusion froide évitée" +#define MSG_ERR_LONG_EXTRUDE_STOP " extrusion trop longue évitée" + #endif