9 changed files with 1501 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
############################################################## |
omc.name=OMC with Atmega644 at 20Mhz |
omc.upload.maximum_size=63488 |
omc.upload.maximum_data_size=4096 |
omc.upload.protocol=stk500v2 |
omc.upload.speed=115200 |
omc.bootloader.path=OMC |
omc.bootloader.file=bootloader-644-20MHz.hex |
omc.bootloader.low_fuses=0xE7 |
omc.bootloader.high_fuses=0xD4 |
omc.bootloader.extended_fuses=0xFC |
omc.bootloader.unlock_bits=0x3F |
omc.bootloader.lock_bits=0x0F |
omc.build.mcu=atmega644 |
omc.build.f_cpu=20000000L |
omc.build.board=AVR_OMC |
omc.build.core=arduino:arduino |
omc.build.variant=sanguino |
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ |
:10F800008FEF90E19EBF8DBF11241FBE5A9A00C09A |
:10F81000CDB7DEB7CD51D140DEBFCDBF1092C50010 |
:10F820008AE08093C40088E18093C100EE24FF2425 |
:10F8300020E0552400E010E039E0432E9BE0292E23 |
:10F84000312C2C0E3D1ECFC14150504060407040C5 |
:10F8500011F43FE206C08091C00087FFF5CF3091E0 |
:10F86000C600933021F1943028F4913099F0923011 |
:10F87000C8F407C0953049F1953000F19630D1F5C4 |
:10F8800035C03B3119F491E02BE134C03F3291F5A2 |
:10F890003983BBC1313011F0351559F52327532E6B |
:10F8A00092E028C0B32FA0E0232793E023C0832F4A |
:10F8B00090E0A82BB92B232794E01CC03E30C9F45C |
:10F8C000232795E0EE24FF2415C0E1E0F0E0EC0FE3 |
:10F8D000FD1FEE0DFF1D30830894E11CF11C232752 |
:10F8E000EA16FB0639F4D70196E004C0321709F492 |
:10F8F0008CC190E041ED5AE363E570E0ACCF90E05D |
:10F9000044C08D81803311F090E00AC08F8188233C |
:10F9100011F49EE105C0813011F099E001C096E933 |
:10F920001A821B828D818C838E818D839E831F82A0 |
:10F9300047E050E0F4C01A8288E08B8381E48C8336 |
:10F9400086E58D8382E58E8389E48F8383E58887CE |
:10F9500080E589878FE58A8782E38B874BE050E0DB |
:10F96000DEC08A81813941F0823941F0803911F459 |
:10F970008FE005C080E003C082E001C08AE01A8207 |
:10F980008B8343E050E0CBC091E01A8242E050E02C |
:10F99000C7C08D81882311F48EE124C0813011F01D |
:10F9A00089E020C086E91EC01A82E1E0F0E04092C2 |
:10F9B0005700849118C08B81803579F48C81883010 |
:10F9C00031F4E2E0F0E04092570084910BC0E0E0B7 |
:10F9D000F0E040925700849105C0E3E0F0E04092EF |
:10F9E000570084911A828B831C8244E050E097C0B8 |
:10F9F000BC80AA248D81082F10E00A291B29000F42 |
:10FA0000111F1A828AC09A8088248B81682F70E027 |
:10FA100068297929933109F033C0F7EF0F3F1F07A9 |
:10FA200010F0A8013FC023E0F80120935700E895AB |
:10FA300007B600FCFDCFA801D1018C9111962C9145 |
:10FA400011971296D22ECC2490E08C299D2921E08A |
:10FA5000FA010C0120935700E89511244E5F5F4F87 |
:10FA60006250704051F725E0F80120935700E89567 |
:10FA700007B600FCFDCF81E180935700E89512C0E6 |
:10FA8000A801FB01D10141BD52BD4F5F5F4F8D9178 |
:10FA900080BDFA9AF99AF999FECF3197A1F7A8019A |
:10FAA000460F571F1A828A0138C07A8066248B81DC |
:10FAB000A82FB0E0A629B7291A828981843191F450 |
:10FAC000BD019E012D5F3F4FF80185919491F90191 |
:10FAD000808391832E5F3F4F0E5F1F4F62507040B7 |
:10FAE00099F713C0A801BD019E012D5F3F4F41BD95 |
:10FAF00052BD4F5F5F4FF89A80B5F90181939F0126 |
:10FB000061507040A1F70A0F1B1FAD014D5F5F4FA1 |
:10FB1000F901108204C080EC8A8342E050E090E05A |
:10FB2000FBE1F093C6008091C00086FFFCCF80917E |
:10FB3000C00080648093C0005092C6008091C000D5 |
:10FB400086FFFCCF8091C00080648093C000652F49 |
:10FB50005093C6008091C00086FFFCCF8091C0000A |
:10FB600080648093C000342F4093C6008091C00011 |
:10FB700086FFFCCF8091C00080648093C0008EE03F |
:10FB80008093C6008091C00086FFFCCF8091C000AA |
:10FB900080648093C00025E1252523272627FE01C8 |
:10FBA000319610C030813093C6008091C00086FF2E |
:10FBB000FCCF31968091C00080648093C0002327E1 |
:10FBC000415050404115510569F72093C60080917E |
:10FBD000C00086FFFCCF8091C00080648093C0008D |
:10FBE000992349F4539441ED5AE363E570E090E0C2 |
:10FBF000A0E0B0E030CE5A9881E180935700E895BC |
:10FC000011241F921F920895FFCF9981933109F417 |
:10FC1000FACE9431C8F4963009F4EACE973050F415 |
:10FC2000923009F46CCE933009F49BCE913009F0F8 |
:10FC300072CF81CE913109F4A7CE923108F0E1CE96 |
:10FC4000903109F068CF5BCE983109F4B4CE993188 |
:10FC500050F4953109F4D7CE953108F426CF96317A |
:10FC600009F059CF22CF9B3109F493CE9C3120F477 |
:10FC70009A3109F050CF98CE9D3109F442CE9F328F |
:06FC800009F049CFB8CFE6 |
:040000030000F80001 |
:00000001FF |
@ -0,0 +1,713 @@ |
/**********************************************************/ |
/* Serial Bootloader for Atmel megaAVR Controllers */ |
/* */ |
/* tested with ATmega644 and ATmega644P */ |
/* should work with other mega's, see code for details */ |
/* */ |
/* ATmegaBOOT.c */ |
/* */ |
/* 20090131: Added 324P support from Alex Leone */ |
/* Marius Kintel */ |
/* 20080915: applied ADABoot mods for Sanguino 644P */ |
/* Brian Riley */ |
/* 20080711: hacked for Sanguino by Zach Smith */ |
/* and Justin Day */ |
/* 20070626: hacked for Arduino Diecimila (which auto- */ |
/* resets when a USB connection is made to it) */ |
/* by D. Mellis */ |
/* 20060802: hacked for Arduino by D. Cuartielles */ |
/* based on a previous hack by D. Mellis */ |
/* and D. Cuartielles */ |
/* */ |
/* Monitor and debug functions were added to the original */ |
/* code by Dr. Erik Lins, chip45.com. (See below) */ |
/* */ |
/* Thanks to Karl Pitrich for fixing a bootloader pin */ |
/* problem and more informative LED blinking! */ |
/* */ |
/* For the latest version see: */ |
/* http://www.chip45.com/ */ |
/* */ |
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */ |
/* */ |
/* based on stk500boot.c */ |
/* Copyright (c) 2003, Jason P. Kyle */ |
/* All rights reserved. */ |
/* see avr1.org for original file and information */ |
/* */ |
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it */ |
/* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General */ |
/* Public License as published by the Free Software */ |
/* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ |
/* (at your option) any later version. */ |
/* */ |
/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will */ |
/* be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the */ |
/* implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A */ |
/* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public */ |
/* License for more details. */ |
/* */ |
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General */ |
/* Public License along with this program; if not, write */ |
/* to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., */ |
/* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ |
/* */ |
/* Licence can be viewed at */ |
/* http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl.txt */ |
/* */ |
/* Target = Atmel AVR m128,m64,m32,m16,m8,m162,m163,m169, */ |
/* m8515,m8535. ATmega161 has a very small boot block so */ |
/* isn't supported. */ |
/* */ |
/* Tested with m168 */ |
/**********************************************************/ |
/* $Id$ */ |
/* some includes */ |
#include <inttypes.h> |
#include <avr/io.h> |
#include <avr/pgmspace.h> |
#include <avr/interrupt.h> |
#include <avr/wdt.h> |
#include <avr/boot.h> |
#ifdef ADABOOT |
#define NUM_LED_FLASHES 3 |
#define ADABOOT_VER 1 |
#endif |
/* 20070707: hacked by David A. Mellis - after this many errors give up and launch application */ |
#define MAX_ERROR_COUNT 5 |
/* set the UART baud rate */ |
/* 20080711: hack by Zach Hoeken */ |
#define BAUD_RATE 38400 |
/* SW_MAJOR and MINOR needs to be updated from time to time to avoid warning message from AVR Studio */ |
/* never allow AVR Studio to do an update !!!! */ |
#define HW_VER 0x02 |
#define SW_MAJOR 0x01 |
#define SW_MINOR 0x10 |
/* onboard LED is used to indicate, that the bootloader was entered (3x flashing) */ |
/* if monitor functions are included, LED goes on after monitor was entered */ |
#define LED_DDR DDRB |
#define LED_PORT PORTB |
#define LED_PIN PINB |
#define LED PINB0 |
/* define various device id's */ |
/* manufacturer byte is always the same */ |
#define SIG1 0x1E // Yep, Atmel is the only manufacturer of AVR micros. Single source :(
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__) |
#define SIG2 0x96 |
#define SIG3 0x0A |
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega644__) |
#define SIG2 0x96 |
#define SIG3 0x09 |
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega324P__) |
#define SIG2 0x95 |
#define SIG3 0x08 |
#endif |
#define PAGE_SIZE 0x080U //128 words
#define PAGE_SIZE_BYTES 0x100U //256 bytes
/* function prototypes */ |
void putch(char); |
char getch(void); |
void getNch(uint8_t); |
void byte_response(uint8_t); |
void nothing_response(void); |
char gethex(void); |
void puthex(char); |
void flash_led(uint8_t); |
/* some variables */ |
union address_union |
{ |
uint16_t word; |
uint8_t byte[2]; |
} address; |
union length_union |
{ |
uint16_t word; |
uint8_t byte[2]; |
} length; |
struct flags_struct |
{ |
unsigned eeprom : 1; |
unsigned rampz : 1; |
} flags; |
uint8_t buff[256]; |
uint8_t error_count = 0; |
uint8_t sreg; |
void (*app_start)(void) = 0x0000; |
/* main program starts here */ |
int main(void) |
{ |
uint8_t ch,ch2; |
uint16_t w; |
uint16_t i; |
asm volatile("nop\n\t"); |
#ifdef ADABOOT // BBR/LF 10/8/2007 & 9/13/2008
ch = MCUSR; |
MCUSR = 0; |
WDTCSR = 0; |
// Check if the WDT was used to reset, in which case we dont bootload and skip straight to the code. woot.
if (! (ch & _BV(EXTRF))) // if its a not an external reset...
app_start(); // skip bootloader
#endif |
//initialize our serial port.
UBRR0L = (uint8_t)(F_CPU/(BAUD_RATE*16L)-1); |
UBRR0H = (F_CPU/(BAUD_RATE*16L)-1) >> 8; |
UCSR0B = (1<<RXEN0) | (1<<TXEN0); |
UCSR0C = (1<<UCSZ00) | (1<<UCSZ01); |
/* Enable internal pull-up resistor on pin D0 (RX), in order
to supress line noise that prevents the bootloader from |
timing out (DAM: 20070509) */ |
DDRD &= ~_BV(PIND0); |
PORTD |= _BV(PIND0); |
/* set LED pin as output */ |
LED_DDR |= _BV(LED); |
/* flash onboard LED to signal entering of bootloader */ |
/* ADABOOT will do two series of flashes. first 4 - signifying ADABOOT */ |
/* then a pause and another flash series signifying ADABOOT sub-version */ |
flash_led(NUM_LED_FLASHES); |
#ifdef ADABOOT |
flash_led(ADABOOT_VER); // BBR 9/13/2008
#endif |
/* forever loop */ |
for (;;) |
{ |
/* get character from UART */ |
ch = getch(); |
/* A bunch of if...else if... gives smaller code than switch...case ! */ |
/* Hello is anyone home ? */ |
if(ch=='0') |
nothing_response(); |
/* Request programmer ID */ |
/* Not using PROGMEM string due to boot block in m128 being beyond 64kB boundry */ |
/* Would need to selectively manipulate RAMPZ, and it's only 9 characters anyway so who cares. */ |
else if(ch=='1') |
{ |
if (getch() == ' ') |
{ |
putch(0x14); |
putch('A'); |
putch('V'); |
putch('R'); |
putch(' '); |
putch('I'); |
putch('S'); |
putch('P'); |
putch(0x10); |
} |
else |
{ |
if (++error_count == MAX_ERROR_COUNT) |
app_start(); |
} |
} |
/* AVR ISP/STK500 board commands DON'T CARE so default nothing_response */ |
else if(ch=='@') |
{ |
ch2 = getch(); |
if (ch2 > 0x85) |
getch(); |
nothing_response(); |
} |
/* AVR ISP/STK500 board requests */ |
else if(ch=='A') |
{ |
ch2 = getch(); |
if(ch2 == 0x80) |
byte_response(HW_VER); // Hardware version
else if(ch2==0x81) |
byte_response(SW_MAJOR); // Software major version
else if(ch2==0x82) |
byte_response(SW_MINOR); // Software minor version
else if(ch2==0x98) |
byte_response(0x03); // Unknown but seems to be required by avr studio 3.56
else |
byte_response(0x00); // Covers various unnecessary responses we don't care about
} |
/* Device Parameters DON'T CARE, DEVICE IS FIXED */ |
else if(ch=='B') |
{ |
getNch(20); |
nothing_response(); |
} |
/* Parallel programming stuff DON'T CARE */ |
else if(ch=='E') |
{ |
getNch(5); |
nothing_response(); |
} |
/* Enter programming mode */ |
else if(ch=='P') |
{ |
nothing_response(); |
} |
/* Leave programming mode */ |
else if(ch=='Q') |
{ |
nothing_response(); |
#ifdef ADABOOT |
// autoreset via watchdog (sneaky!) BBR/LF 9/13/2008
while (1); // 16 ms
#endif |
} |
/* Erase device, don't care as we will erase one page at a time anyway. */ |
else if(ch=='R') |
{ |
nothing_response(); |
} |
/* Set address, little endian. EEPROM in bytes, FLASH in words */ |
/* Perhaps extra address bytes may be added in future to support > 128kB FLASH. */ |
/* This might explain why little endian was used here, big endian used everywhere else. */ |
else if(ch=='U') |
{ |
address.byte[0] = getch(); |
address.byte[1] = getch(); |
nothing_response(); |
} |
/* Universal SPI programming command, disabled. Would be used for fuses and lock bits. */ |
else if(ch=='V') |
{ |
getNch(4); |
byte_response(0x00); |
} |
/* Write memory, length is big endian and is in bytes */ |
else if(ch=='d') |
{ |
length.byte[1] = getch(); |
length.byte[0] = getch(); |
flags.eeprom = 0; |
if (getch() == 'E') |
flags.eeprom = 1; |
for (i=0; i<PAGE_SIZE; i++) |
buff[i] = 0; |
for (w = 0; w < length.word; w++) |
{ |
// Store data in buffer, can't keep up with serial data stream whilst programming pages
buff[w] = getch(); |
} |
if (getch() == ' ') |
{ |
if (flags.eeprom) |
{ |
//Write to EEPROM one byte at a time
for(w=0;w<length.word;w++) |
{ |
while(EECR & (1<<EEPE)); |
EEAR = (uint16_t)(void *)address.word; |
EEDR = buff[w]; |
EECR |= (1<<EEMPE); |
EECR |= (1<<EEPE); |
address.word++; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
//address * 2 -> byte location
address.word = address.word << 1; |
//Even up an odd number of bytes
if ((length.byte[0] & 0x01)) |
length.word++; |
// HACKME: EEPE used to be EEWE
//Wait for previous EEPROM writes to complete
while(EECR & (1<<EEPE)); |
asm volatile( |
"clr r17 \n\t" //page_word_count
"lds r30,address \n\t" //Address of FLASH location (in bytes)
"lds r31,address+1 \n\t" |
"ldi r28,lo8(buff) \n\t" //Start of buffer array in RAM
"ldi r29,hi8(buff) \n\t" |
"lds r24,length \n\t" //Length of data to be written (in bytes)
"lds r25,length+1 \n\t" |
"length_loop: \n\t" //Main loop, repeat for number of words in block
"cpi r17,0x00 \n\t" //If page_word_count=0 then erase page
"brne no_page_erase \n\t" |
"wait_spm1: \n\t" |
"lds r16,%0 \n\t" //Wait for previous spm to complete
"andi r16,1 \n\t" |
"cpi r16,1 \n\t" |
"breq wait_spm1 \n\t" |
"ldi r16,0x03 \n\t" //Erase page pointed to by Z
"sts %0,r16 \n\t" |
"spm \n\t" |
"wait_spm2: \n\t" |
"lds r16,%0 \n\t" //Wait for previous spm to complete
"andi r16,1 \n\t" |
"cpi r16,1 \n\t" |
"breq wait_spm2 \n\t" |
"ldi r16,0x11 \n\t" //Re-enable RWW section
"sts %0,r16 \n\t" |
"spm \n\t" |
"no_page_erase: \n\t" |
"ld r0,Y+ \n\t" //Write 2 bytes into page buffer
"ld r1,Y+ \n\t" |
"wait_spm3: \n\t" |
"lds r16,%0 \n\t" //Wait for previous spm to complete
"andi r16,1 \n\t" |
"cpi r16,1 \n\t" |
"breq wait_spm3 \n\t" |
"ldi r16,0x01 \n\t" //Load r0,r1 into FLASH page buffer
"sts %0,r16 \n\t" |
"spm \n\t" |
"inc r17 \n\t" //page_word_count++
"cpi r17,%1 \n\t" |
"brlo same_page \n\t" //Still same page in FLASH
"write_page: \n\t" |
"clr r17 \n\t" //New page, write current one first
"wait_spm4: \n\t" |
"lds r16,%0 \n\t" //Wait for previous spm to complete
"andi r16,1 \n\t" |
"cpi r16,1 \n\t" |
"breq wait_spm4 \n\t" |
"ldi r16,0x05 \n\t" //Write page pointed to by Z
"sts %0,r16 \n\t" |
"spm \n\t" |
"wait_spm5: \n\t" |
"lds r16,%0 \n\t" //Wait for previous spm to complete
"andi r16,1 \n\t" |
"cpi r16,1 \n\t" |
"breq wait_spm5 \n\t" |
"ldi r16,0x11 \n\t" //Re-enable RWW section
"sts %0,r16 \n\t" |
"spm \n\t" |
"same_page: \n\t" |
"adiw r30,2 \n\t" //Next word in FLASH
"sbiw r24,2 \n\t" //length-2
"breq final_write \n\t" //Finished
"rjmp length_loop \n\t" |
"final_write: \n\t" |
"cpi r17,0 \n\t" |
"breq block_done \n\t" |
"adiw r24,2 \n\t" //length+2, fool above check on length after short page write
"rjmp write_page \n\t" |
"block_done: \n\t" |
"clr __zero_reg__ \n\t" //restore zero register
: "=m" (SPMCSR) : "M" (PAGE_SIZE) : "r0","r16","r17","r24","r25","r28","r29","r30","r31" |
); |
} |
putch(0x14); |
putch(0x10); |
} |
else |
{ |
if (++error_count == MAX_ERROR_COUNT) |
app_start(); |
} |
} |
/* Read memory block mode, length is big endian. */ |
else if(ch=='t') |
{ |
length.byte[1] = getch(); |
length.byte[0] = getch(); |
if (getch() == 'E') |
flags.eeprom = 1; |
else |
{ |
flags.eeprom = 0; |
address.word = address.word << 1; // address * 2 -> byte location
} |
// Command terminator
if (getch() == ' ') |
{ |
putch(0x14); |
for (w=0; w<length.word; w++) |
{ |
// Can handle odd and even lengths okay
if (flags.eeprom) |
{ |
// Byte access EEPROM read
while(EECR & (1<<EEPE)); |
EEAR = (uint16_t)(void *)address.word; |
EECR |= (1<<EERE); |
putch(EEDR); |
address.word++; |
} |
else |
{ |
if (!flags.rampz) |
putch(pgm_read_byte_near(address.word)); |
address.word++; |
} |
} |
putch(0x10); |
} |
} |
/* Get device signature bytes */ |
else if(ch=='u') |
{ |
if (getch() == ' ') |
{ |
putch(0x14); |
putch(SIG1); |
putch(SIG2); |
putch(SIG3); |
putch(0x10); |
} |
else |
{ |
if (++error_count == MAX_ERROR_COUNT) |
app_start(); |
} |
} |
/* Read oscillator calibration byte */ |
else if(ch=='v') |
byte_response(0x00); |
else if (++error_count == MAX_ERROR_COUNT) |
app_start(); |
} |
/* end of forever loop */ |
} |
char gethex(void) |
{ |
char ah,al; |
ah = getch(); |
putch(ah); |
al = getch(); |
putch(al); |
if(ah >= 'a') |
ah = ah - 'a' + 0x0a; |
else if(ah >= '0') |
ah -= '0'; |
if(al >= 'a') |
al = al - 'a' + 0x0a; |
else if(al >= '0') |
al -= '0'; |
return (ah << 4) + al; |
} |
void puthex(char ch) |
{ |
char ah,al; |
ah = (ch & 0xf0) >> 4; |
if(ah >= 0x0a) |
ah = ah - 0x0a + 'a'; |
else |
ah += '0'; |
al = (ch & 0x0f); |
if(al >= 0x0a) |
al = al - 0x0a + 'a'; |
else |
al += '0'; |
putch(ah); |
putch(al); |
} |
void putch(char ch) |
{ |
while (!(UCSR0A & _BV(UDRE0))); |
UDR0 = ch; |
} |
char getch(void) |
{ |
uint32_t count = 0; |
#ifdef ADABOOT |
LED_PORT &= ~_BV(LED); // toggle LED to show activity - BBR/LF 10/3/2007 & 9/13/2008
#endif |
while(!(UCSR0A & _BV(RXC0))) |
{ |
/* 20060803 DojoCorp:: Addon coming from the previous Bootloader*/ |
/* HACKME:: here is a good place to count times*/ |
count++; |
if (count > MAX_TIME_COUNT) |
app_start(); |
} |
#ifdef ADABOOT |
LED_PORT |= _BV(LED); // toggle LED to show activity - BBR/LF 10/3/2007 & 9/13/2008
#endif |
return UDR0; |
} |
void getNch(uint8_t count) |
{ |
uint8_t i; |
for(i=0;i<count;i++) |
{ |
while(!(UCSR0A & _BV(RXC0))); |
UDR0; |
} |
} |
void byte_response(uint8_t val) |
{ |
if (getch() == ' ') |
{ |
putch(0x14); |
putch(val); |
putch(0x10); |
} |
else |
{ |
if (++error_count == MAX_ERROR_COUNT) |
app_start(); |
} |
} |
void nothing_response(void) |
{ |
if (getch() == ' ') |
{ |
putch(0x14); |
putch(0x10); |
} |
else |
{ |
if (++error_count == MAX_ERROR_COUNT) |
app_start(); |
} |
} |
#ifdef ADABOOT |
void flash_led(uint8_t count) |
{ |
/* flash onboard LED count times to signal entering of bootloader */ |
/* l needs to be volatile or the delay loops below might get */ |
/* optimized away if compiling with optimizations (DAM). */ |
volatile uint32_t l; |
if (count == 0) { |
count = ADABOOT; |
} |
int8_t i; |
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { |
LED_PORT |= _BV(LED); // LED on
for(l = 0; l < (F_CPU / 1000); ++l); // delay NGvalue was 1000 for both loops - BBR
LED_PORT &= ~_BV(LED); // LED off
for(l = 0; l < (F_CPU / 250); ++l); // delay asymmteric for ADA BOOT BBR
} |
for(l = 0; l < (F_CPU / 100); ++l); // pause ADA BOOT BBR
} |
#else |
void flash_led(uint8_t count) |
{ |
/* flash onboard LED three times to signal entering of bootloader */ |
/* l needs to be volatile or the delay loops below might get
optimized away if compiling with optimizations (DAM). */ |
volatile uint32_t l; |
if (count == 0) { |
count = 3; |
} |
int8_t i; |
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { |
for(l = 0; l < (F_CPU / 1000); ++l); |
LED_PORT &= ~_BV(LED); |
for(l = 0; l < (F_CPU / 1000); ++l); |
} |
} |
#endif |
/* end of file ATmegaBOOT.c */ |
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ |
:10F800000C943E7C0C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7C39 |
:10F810000C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7C0C |
:10F820000C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7CFC |
:10F830000C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7CEC |
:10F840000C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7CDC |
:10F850000C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7CCC |
:10F860000C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7CBC |
:10F870000C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7C11241FBE11 |
:10F89000FFEF02C005900D92A030B107D9F712E03A |
:10F8A000A0E0B1E001C01D92A930B107E1F70E94CC |
:10F8B000537D0C94B27F0C94007CCF93DF93CDB733 |
:10F8C000DEB724970FB6F894DEBF0FBECDBF8823F6 |
:10F8D00009F481E020E0482F55274115510509F42E |
:10F8E0003DC0289A19821A821B821C820BC0898112 |
:10F8F0009A81AB81BC810196A11DB11D89839A8338 |
:10F90000AB83BC8389819A81AB81BC8180589E4343 |
:10F91000A040B04060F3289819821A821B821C8292 |
:10F920000BC089819A81AB81BC810196A11DB11D5B |
:10F9300089839A83AB83BC8389819A81AB81BC81A3 |
:10F9400080509A4FA040B04060F32F5F822F9927DC |
:10F9500087FD9095841795070CF4C3CF19821A82FE |
:10F960001B821C8289819A81AB81BC818050914726 |
:10F97000A240B040A0F489819A81AB81BC810196FC |
:10F98000A11DB11D89839A83AB83BC8389819A8130 |
:10F99000AB81BC8180509147A240B04060F3249677 |
:10F9A0000FB6F894DEBF0FBECDBFDF91CF910895A3 |
:10F9B000EF92FF920F931F93EE24FF248701289864 |
:10F9C0008091C00087FD17C00894E11CF11C011D47 |
:10F9D000111D81E0E81689E0F8068DE3080780E054 |
:10F9E000180770F3E0910001F091010109958091F1 |
:10F9F000C00087FFE9CF289A8091C600992787FD2C |
:10FA000090951F910F91FF90EF900895982F8091FE |
:10FA1000C00085FFFCCF9093C60008950E94D87C5B |
:10FA2000803271F0809102018F5F809302018530F6 |
:10FA300009F00895E0910001F09101010995089500 |
:10FA400084E10E94067D80E10E94067D0895CF93A7 |
:10FA5000C82F0E94D87C803241F0809102018F5FD4 |
:10FA600080930201853081F40AC084E10E94067D02 |
:10FA70008C2F0E94067D80E10E94067D05C0E091EA |
:10FA80000001F09101010995CF910895282F90E090 |
:10FA900007C08091C0008823E4F78091C6009F5F73 |
:10FAA0009217B8F30895CFEFD8E0DEBFCDBF0000C6 |
:10FAB00094B714BE809160008861809360001092BA |
:10FAC000600091FF74C189E18093C4001092C50069 |
:10FAD00088E18093C10086E08093C2005098589AD4 |
:10FAE000209A83E00E945D7C81E00E945D7C0E9400 |
:10FAF000D87C8033B9F18133C1F1803409F456C028 |
:10FB0000813409F45CC0823409F46EC0853409F490 |
:10FB100071C0803539F1813509F4F3C0823511F1B6 |
:10FB2000853509F4D3C0863509F4CBC0843609F491 |
:10FB300065C0843709F4EBC0853709F4D2C0863735 |
:10FB400009F44AC0809102018F5F809302018530E1 |
:10FB500071F6E0910001F091010109950E94D87CB5 |
:10FB6000803349F60E940E7DC2CF0E94D87CC82FF8 |
:10FB7000803241F784E10E94067D81E40E94067D87 |
:10FB800086E50E94067D82E50E94067D8C2F0E94FC |
:10FB9000067D89E40E94067D83E50E94067D80E55E |
:10FBA0000E94067D80E10E94067DA1CF0E94D87C44 |
:10FBB0008638C0F20E94D87C0E940E7D98CF0E94A9 |
:10FBC000D87C803809F407C1813809F400C1823833 |
:10FBD00009F4F9C0883921F080E00E94277D87CFA1 |
:10FBE00083E00E94277D83CF84E10E94467D0E94AE |
:10FBF0000E7D7DCF85E00E94467DF9CF0E94D87CA6 |
:10FC0000809306020E94D87C8093050280910802AE |
:10FC10008E7F809308020E94D87C853409F44BC003 |
:10FC2000E5E0F1E0119281E0E438F807D9F3D0F390 |
:10FC3000C0E0D0E0809105029091060218161906E6 |
:10FC400078F405E011E00E94D87CF80181938F01DF |
:10FC500021968091050290910602C817D90798F362 |
:10FC60000E94D87C803209F06DCF8091080280FF1D |
:10FC7000B6C0C0E0D0E02091050230910602121615 |
:10FC80001306B8F4E0910301F0910401A5E0B1E09E |
:10FC9000F999FECFF2BDE1BD8D9180BDFA9AF99A36 |
:10FCA00031962196C217D30798F3F0930401E0939D |
:10FCB000030184E175CF809108028160809308027E |
:10FCC000AFCF84E00E94467D80E087CF0E94D87C41 |
:10FCD000809303010E94D87C809304010E940E7DD2 |
:10FCE00006CF0E94D87C803209F02CCF84E10E949C |
:10FCF000067D8EE10E94067D85E90E94067D88E0F2 |
:10FD00004FCF0E940E7D88E080936000FFCF0E945D |
:10FD1000D87C809306020E94D87C809305020E94C2 |
:10FD2000D87C853409F449C0809108028E7F809385 |
:10FD300008028091030190910401880F991F90930C |
:10FD40000401809303010E94D87C803209F0CFCE59 |
:10FD500084E10E94067DC0E0D0E020910502309150 |
:10FD600006021216130608F01DCFE0910301F09170 |
:10FD700004018091080280FF96C0F999FECFF2BD80 |
:10FD8000E1BDF89A80B50E94067DE0910301F091F3 |
:10FD900004013196F0930401E093030120910502E0 |
:10FDA000309106022196C217D30718F3FBCEE091DB |
:10FDB0000001F0910101099586CE809108028160D1 |
:10FDC00080930802C0CF80E10E94277D90CE81E021 |
:10FDD0000E94277D8CCE82E00E94277D88CE809174 |
:10FDE000030190910401880F991F9093040180935F |
:10FDF00003018091050280FF09C080910502909166 |
:10FE0000060201969093060280930502F999FECFAF |
:10FE10001127E0910301F0910401C5E0D1E0809148 |
:10FE2000050290910602103091F400915700017084 |
:10FE30000130D9F303E000935700E8950091570093 |
:10FE400001700130D9F301E100935700E895099062 |
:10FE500019900091570001700130D9F301E000932F |
:10FE60005700E8951395103898F011270091570026 |
:10FE700001700130D9F305E000935700E895009137 |
:10FE8000570001700130D9F301E100935700E89564 |
:10FE90003296029709F0C7CF103011F00296E5CFE5 |
:10FEA000112484E17DCE869580FF06C03196F093C3 |
:10FEB0000401E093030176CF84910E94067D209196 |
:10FEC000050230910602E0910301F0910401EECFAA |
:10FED0001F93CF930E94D87CC82F0E94067D0E945A |
:10FEE000D87C182F0E94067DC1362CF0C7551136DC |
:10FEF0003CF0175508C0C033D4F3C0531136CCF7CB |
:10FF000010330CF01053C295C07FC10F8C2F99276E |
:10FF100087FD9095CF911F910895CF93282F992712 |
:10FF200087FD9095807F907095958795959587959D |
:10FF300095958795959587958A303CF0895AC22F7B |
:10FF4000CF70CA303CF0C95A06C0805DC22FCF7056 |
:10FF5000CA30CCF7C05D0E94067D8C2F0E94067DC2 |
:06FF6000CF910895FFCFD0 |
:040000030000F80001 |
:00000001FF |
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ |
:10F800000C94387C0C94557C0C94557C0C94557C51 |
:10F810000C94557C0C94557C0C94557C0C94557C24 |
:10F820000C94557C0C94557C0C94557C0C94557C14 |
:10F830000C94557C0C94557C0C94557C0C94557C04 |
:10F840000C94557C0C94557C0C94557C0C94557CF4 |
:10F850000C94557C0C94557C0C94557C0C94557CE4 |
:10F860000C94557C0C94557C0C94557C0C94557CD4 |
:10F8700011241FBECFEFD0E1DEBFCDBF11E0A0E06D |
:10F88000B1E0EAE5FFEF02C005900D92A030B107AC |
:10F89000D9F712E0A0E0B1E001C01D92A930B10794 |
:10F8A000E1F70E944D7D0C94AC7F0C94007CCF93CB |
:10F8B000DF93CDB7DEB724970FB6F894DEBF0FBE47 |
:10F8C000CDBF882309F481E020E0482F552741155A |
:10F8D000510509F43DC0289A19821A821B821C82A4 |
:10F8E0000BC089819A81AB81BC810196A11DB11D9C |
:10F8F00089839A83AB83BC8389819A81AB81BC81E4 |
:10F9000080589E43A040B04060F3289819821A8224 |
:10F910001B821C820BC089819A81AB81BC810196BC |
:10F92000A11DB11D89839A83AB83BC8389819A8190 |
:10F93000AB81BC8180509A4FA040B04060F32F5FF4 |
:10F94000822F992787FD9095841795070CF4C3CFD4 |
:10F9500019821A821B821C8289819A81AB81BC81A7 |
:10F9600080509147A240B040A0F489819A81AB8138 |
:10F97000BC810196A11DB11D89839A83AB83BC8391 |
:10F9800089819A81AB81BC8180509147A240B0406F |
:10F9900060F324960FB6F894DEBF0FBECDBFDF91A3 |
:10F9A000CF910895EF92FF920F931F93EE24FF24BF |
:10F9B000870128988091C00087FD17C00894E11C3A |
:10F9C000F11C011D111D81E0E81689E0F8068DE3A8 |
:10F9D000080780E0180770F3E0910001F091010141 |
:10F9E00009958091C00087FFE9CF289A8091C600D1 |
:10F9F000992787FD90951F910F91FF90EF900895A3 |
:10FA0000982F8091C00085FFFCCF9093C600089589 |
:10FA10000E94D27C803271F0809102018F5F8093CE |
:10FA20000201853009F00895E0910001F091010193 |
:10FA30000995089584E10E94007D80E10E94007D87 |
:10FA40000895CF93C82F0E94D27C803241F08091DC |
:10FA500002018F5F80930201853081F40AC084E146 |
:10FA60000E94007D8C2F0E94007D80E10E94007D1D |
:10FA700005C0E0910001F09101010995CF91089531 |
:10FA8000282F90E007C08091C0008823E4F7809180 |
:10FA9000C6009F5F9217B8F30895CFEFD0E1DEBFA5 |
:10FAA000CDBF000094B714BE809160008861809340 |
:10FAB00060001092600091FF74C189E18093C400DE |
:10FAC0001092C50088E18093C10086E08093C20057 |
:10FAD0005098589A209A83E00E94577C81E00E94B7 |
:10FAE000577C0E94D27C8033B9F18133C1F18034DC |
:10FAF00009F456C0813409F45CC0823409F46EC044 |
:10FB0000853409F471C0803539F1813509F4F3C0C9 |
:10FB1000823511F1853509F4D3C0863509F4CBC09F |
:10FB2000843609F465C0843709F4EBC0853709F4DD |
:10FB3000D2C0863709F44AC0809102018F5F80935A |
:10FB40000201853071F6E0910001F0910101099503 |
:10FB50000E94D27C803349F60E94087DC2CF0E9469 |
:10FB6000D27CC82F803241F784E10E94007D81E47D |
:10FB70000E94007D86E50E94007D82E50E94007D56 |
:10FB80008C2F0E94007D89E40E94007D83E50E9405 |
:10FB9000007D80E50E94007D80E10E94007DA1CF74 |
:10FBA0000E94D27C8638C0F20E94D27C0E94087DDE |
:10FBB00098CF0E94D27C803809F407C1813809F4BB |
:10FBC00000C1823809F4F9C0883921F080E00E9430 |
:10FBD000217D87CF83E00E94217D83CF84E10E9435 |
:10FBE000407D0E94087D7DCF85E00E94407DF9CF59 |
:10FBF0000E94D27C809306020E94D27C80930502F0 |
:10FC0000809108028E7F809308020E94D27C853406 |
:10FC100009F44BC0E5E0F1E0119281E0E438F80727 |
:10FC2000D9F3D0F3C0E0D0E08091050290910602B4 |
:10FC30001816190678F405E011E00E94D27CF8014C |
:10FC400081938F0121968091050290910602C81739 |
:10FC5000D90798F30E94D27C803209F06DCF809151 |
:10FC6000080280FFB6C0C0E0D0E0209105023091CC |
:10FC7000060212161306B8F4E0910301F091040194 |
:10FC8000A5E0B1E0F999FECFF2BDE1BD8D9180BD57 |
:10FC9000FA9AF99A31962196C217D30798F3F093FE |
:10FCA0000401E093030184E175CF80910802816033 |
:10FCB00080930802AFCF84E00E94407D80E087CF30 |
:10FCC0000E94D27C809303010E94D27C8093040125 |
:10FCD0000E94087D06CF0E94D27C803209F02CCF92 |
:10FCE00084E10E94007D8EE10E94007D86E90E94F1 |
:10FCF000007D89E04FCF0E94087D88E080936000FE |
:10FD0000FFCF0E94D27C809306020E94D27C809317 |
:10FD100005020E94D27C853409F449C08091080212 |
:10FD20008E7F809308028091030190910401880FD7 |
:10FD3000991F90930401809303010E94D27C80322A |
:10FD400009F0CFCE84E10E94007DC0E0D0E0209198 |
:10FD50000502309106021216130608F01DCFE0913D |
:10FD60000301F09104018091080280FF96C0F99987 |
:10FD7000FECFF2BDE1BDF89A80B50E94007DE09112 |
:10FD80000301F09104013196F0930401E093030123 |
:10FD900020910502309106022196C217D30718F36D |
:10FDA000FBCEE0910001F0910101099586CE809192 |
:10FDB0000802816080930802C0CF80E10E94217D0B |
:10FDC00090CE81E00E94217D8CCE82E00E94217D38 |
:10FDD00088CE8091030190910401880F991F909320 |
:10FDE0000401809303018091050280FF09C0809186 |
:10FDF00005029091060201969093060280930502F7 |
:10FE0000F999FECF1127E0910301F0910401C5E0BB |
:10FE1000D1E08091050290910602103091F400919A |
:10FE2000570001700130D9F303E000935700E895C3 |
:10FE30000091570001700130D9F301E100935700A0 |
:10FE4000E895099019900091570001700130D9F39D |
:10FE500001E000935700E8951395103898F01127AA |
:10FE60000091570001700130D9F305E0009357006D |
:10FE7000E8950091570001700130D9F301E100933A |
:10FE80005700E8953296029709F0C7CF103011F06D |
:10FE90000296E5CF112484E17DCE869580FF06C0D1 |
:10FEA0003196F0930401E093030176CF84910E9490 |
:10FEB000007D2091050230910602E0910301F0914E |
:10FEC0000401EECF1F93CF930E94D27CC82F0E94D3 |
:10FED000007D0E94D27C182F0E94007DC1362CF03C |
:10FEE000C75511363CF0175508C0C033D4F3C05382 |
:10FEF0001136CCF710330CF01053C295C07FC10FF0 |
:10FF00008C2F992787FD9095CF911F910895CF93BE |
:10FF1000282F992787FD9095807F907095958795DC |
:10FF20009595879595958795959587958A303CF019 |
:10FF3000895AC22FCF70CA303CF0C95A06C0805DC2 |
:10FF4000C22FCF70CA30CCF7C05D0E94007D8C2FCD |
:0AFF50000E94007DCF910895FFCFBD |
:040000030000F80001 |
:00000001FF |
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ |
:10F800000C943E7C0C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7C39 |
:10F810000C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7C0C |
:10F820000C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7CFC |
:10F830000C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7CEC |
:10F840000C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7CDC |
:10F850000C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7CCC |
:10F860000C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7CBC |
:10F870000C945B7C0C945B7C0C945B7C11241FBE11 |
:10F88000CFEFD0E1DEBFCDBF11E0A0E0B1E0E6E612 |
:10F89000FFEF02C005900D92A030B107D9F712E03A |
:10F8A000A0E0B1E001C01D92A930B107E1F70E94CC |
:10F8B000537D0C94B27F0C94007CCF93DF93CDB733 |
:10F8C000DEB724970FB6F894DEBF0FBECDBF8823F6 |
:10F8D00009F481E020E0482F55274115510509F42E |
:10F8E0003DC0289A19821A821B821C820BC0898112 |
:10F8F0009A81AB81BC810196A11DB11D89839A8338 |
:10F90000AB83BC8389819A81AB81BC8180589E4343 |
:10F91000A040B04060F3289819821A821B821C8292 |
:10F920000BC089819A81AB81BC810196A11DB11D5B |
:10F9300089839A83AB83BC8389819A81AB81BC81A3 |
:10F9400080509A4FA040B04060F32F5F822F9927DC |
:10F9500087FD9095841795070CF4C3CF19821A82FE |
:10F960001B821C8289819A81AB81BC818050914726 |
:10F97000A240B040A0F489819A81AB81BC810196FC |
:10F98000A11DB11D89839A83AB83BC8389819A8130 |
:10F99000AB81BC8180509147A240B04060F3249677 |
:10F9A0000FB6F894DEBF0FBECDBFDF91CF910895A3 |
:10F9B000EF92FF920F931F93EE24FF248701289864 |
:10F9C0008091C00087FD17C00894E11CF11C011D47 |
:10F9D000111D81E0E81689E0F8068DE3080780E054 |
:10F9E000180770F3E0910001F091010109958091F1 |
:10F9F000C00087FFE9CF289A8091C600992787FD2C |
:10FA000090951F910F91FF90EF900895982F8091FE |
:10FA1000C00085FFFCCF9093C60008950E94D87C5B |
:10FA2000803271F0809102018F5F809302018530F6 |
:10FA300009F00895E0910001F09101010995089500 |
:10FA400084E10E94067D80E10E94067D0895CF93A7 |
:10FA5000C82F0E94D87C803241F0809102018F5FD4 |
:10FA600080930201853081F40AC084E10E94067D02 |
:10FA70008C2F0E94067D80E10E94067D05C0E091EA |
:10FA80000001F09101010995CF910895282F90E090 |
:10FA900007C08091C0008823E4F78091C6009F5F73 |
:10FAA0009217B8F30895CFEFD0E1DEBFCDBF0000CD |
:10FAB00094B714BE809160008861809360001092BA |
:10FAC000600091FF74C189E18093C4001092C50069 |
:10FAD00088E18093C10086E08093C2005098589AD4 |
:10FAE000209A83E00E945D7C81E00E945D7C0E9400 |
:10FAF000D87C8033B9F18133C1F1803409F456C028 |
:10FB0000813409F45CC0823409F46EC0853409F490 |
:10FB100071C0803539F1813509F4F3C0823511F1B6 |
:10FB2000853509F4D3C0863509F4CBC0843609F491 |
:10FB300065C0843709F4EBC0853709F4D2C0863735 |
:10FB400009F44AC0809102018F5F809302018530E1 |
:10FB500071F6E0910001F091010109950E94D87CB5 |
:10FB6000803349F60E940E7DC2CF0E94D87CC82FF8 |
:10FB7000803241F784E10E94067D81E40E94067D87 |
:10FB800086E50E94067D82E50E94067D8C2F0E94FC |
:10FB9000067D89E40E94067D83E50E94067D80E55E |
:10FBA0000E94067D80E10E94067DA1CF0E94D87C44 |
:10FBB0008638C0F20E94D87C0E940E7D98CF0E94A9 |
:10FBC000D87C803809F407C1813809F400C1823833 |
:10FBD00009F4F9C0883921F080E00E94277D87CFA1 |
:10FBE00083E00E94277D83CF84E10E94467D0E94AE |
:10FBF0000E7D7DCF85E00E94467DF9CF0E94D87CA6 |
:10FC0000809306020E94D87C8093050280910802AE |
:10FC10008E7F809308020E94D87C853409F44BC003 |
:10FC2000E5E0F1E0119281E0E438F807D9F3D0F390 |
:10FC3000C0E0D0E0809105029091060218161906E6 |
:10FC400078F405E011E00E94D87CF80181938F01DF |
:10FC500021968091050290910602C817D90798F362 |
:10FC60000E94D87C803209F06DCF8091080280FF1D |
:10FC7000B6C0C0E0D0E02091050230910602121615 |
:10FC80001306B8F4E0910301F0910401A5E0B1E09E |
:10FC9000F999FECFF2BDE1BD8D9180BDFA9AF99A36 |
:10FCA00031962196C217D30798F3F0930401E0939D |
:10FCB000030184E175CF809108028160809308027E |
:10FCC000AFCF84E00E94467D80E087CF0E94D87C41 |
:10FCD000809303010E94D87C809304010E940E7DD2 |
:10FCE00006CF0E94D87C803209F02CCF84E10E949C |
:10FCF000067D8EE10E94067D86E90E94067D8AE0EF |
:10FD00004FCF0E940E7D88E080936000FFCF0E945D |
:10FD1000D87C809306020E94D87C809305020E94C2 |
:10FD2000D87C853409F449C0809108028E7F809385 |
:10FD300008028091030190910401880F991F90930C |
:10FD40000401809303010E94D87C803209F0CFCE59 |
:10FD500084E10E94067DC0E0D0E020910502309150 |
:10FD600006021216130608F01DCFE0910301F09170 |
:10FD700004018091080280FF96C0F999FECFF2BD80 |
:10FD8000E1BDF89A80B50E94067DE0910301F091F3 |
:10FD900004013196F0930401E093030120910502E0 |
:10FDA000309106022196C217D30718F3FBCEE091DB |
:10FDB0000001F0910101099586CE809108028160D1 |
:10FDC00080930802C0CF80E10E94277D90CE81E021 |
:10FDD0000E94277D8CCE82E00E94277D88CE809174 |
:10FDE000030190910401880F991F9093040180935F |
:10FDF00003018091050280FF09C080910502909166 |
:10FE0000060201969093060280930502F999FECFAF |
:10FE10001127E0910301F0910401C5E0D1E0809148 |
:10FE2000050290910602103091F400915700017084 |
:10FE30000130D9F303E000935700E8950091570093 |
:10FE400001700130D9F301E100935700E895099062 |
:10FE500019900091570001700130D9F301E000932F |
:10FE60005700E8951395103898F011270091570026 |
:10FE700001700130D9F305E000935700E895009137 |
:10FE8000570001700130D9F301E100935700E89564 |
:10FE90003296029709F0C7CF103011F00296E5CFE5 |
:10FEA000112484E17DCE869580FF06C03196F093C3 |
:10FEB0000401E093030176CF84910E94067D209196 |
:10FEC000050230910602E0910301F0910401EECFAA |
:10FED0001F93CF930E94D87CC82F0E94067D0E945A |
:10FEE000D87C182F0E94067DC1362CF0C7551136DC |
:10FEF0003CF0175508C0C033D4F3C0531136CCF7CB |
:10FF000010330CF01053C295C07FC10F8C2F99276E |
:10FF100087FD9095CF911F910895CF93282F992712 |
:10FF200087FD9095807F907095958795959587959D |
:10FF300095958795959587958A303CF0895AC22F7B |
:10FF4000CF70CA303CF0C95A06C0805DC22FCF7056 |
:10FF5000CA30CCF7C05D0E94067D8C2F0E94067DC2 |
:06FF6000CF910895FFCFD0 |
:040000030000F80001 |
:00000001FF |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
# Makefile for ATmegaBOOT
# E.Lins, 18.7.2005
# $Id$
# program name should not be changed...
# enter the target CPU frequency
AVR_FREQ = 16000000L |
MCU_TARGET = atmega644p |
LDSECTION = --section-start=.text=0xF800 |
OBJ = $(PROGRAM).o |
DEFS = |
LIBS = |
CC = avr-gcc |
# Override is only needed by avr-lib build system.
override CFLAGS = -g -Wall $(OPTIMIZE) -mmcu=$(MCU_TARGET) -DF_CPU=$(AVR_FREQ) $(DEFS) |
override LDFLAGS = -Wl,$(LDSECTION) |
#override LDFLAGS = -Wl,-Map,$(PROGRAM).map,$(LDSECTION)
OBJCOPY = avr-objcopy |
OBJDUMP = avr-objdump |
all: CFLAGS += '-DMAX_TIME_COUNT=8000000L>>1' -DADABOOT |
all: $(PROGRAM).hex |
$(PROGRAM).hex: $(PROGRAM).elf |
$(OBJCOPY) -j .text -j .data -O ihex $< $@ |
$(PROGRAM).elf: $(OBJ) |
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) |
$(OBJ): ATmegaBOOT.c |
avr-gcc $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -c -g -O2 -Wall -mmcu=$(MCU_TARGET) ATmegaBOOT.c -o $(PROGRAM).o |
%.lst: %.elf |
$(OBJDUMP) -h -S $< > $@ |
%.srec: %.elf |
$(OBJCOPY) -j .text -j .data -O srec $< $@ |
%.bin: %.elf |
$(OBJCOPY) -j .text -j .data -O binary $< $@ |
clean: |
rm -rf *.o *.elf *.lst *.map *.sym *.lss *.eep *.srec *.bin *.hex |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
Note: This bootloader support ATmega644, ATmega644P and ATmega324P. |
To build, set PROGRAM and MCU_TARGET in the Makefile according to your target device. |
@ -0,0 +1,269 @@ |
pins_arduino.h - Pin definition functions for Arduino |
Part of Arduino - http://www.arduino.cc/
Copyright (c) 2007 David A. Mellis |
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public |
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
Lesser General Public License for more details. |
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General |
Public License along with this library; if not, write to the |
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, |
Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
$Id: wiring.h 249 2007-02-03 16:52:51Z mellis $ |
Changelog |
----------- |
11/25/11 - ryan@ryanmsutton.com - Add pins for Sanguino 644P and 1284P |
07/15/12 - ryan@ryanmsutton.com - Updated for arduino0101 |
Improvements by Kristian Lauszus, kristianl@tkjelectronics.dk |
*/ |
#ifndef Pins_Arduino_h |
#define Pins_Arduino_h |
#include <avr/pgmspace.h> |
const static uint8_t SS = 4; |
const static uint8_t MOSI = 5; |
const static uint8_t MISO = 6; |
const static uint8_t SCK = 7; |
static const uint8_t SDA = 17; |
static const uint8_t SCL = 16; |
#define LED_BUILTIN 0 |
static const uint8_t A0 = 31; |
static const uint8_t A1 = 30; |
static const uint8_t A2 = 29; |
static const uint8_t A3 = 28; |
static const uint8_t A4 = 27; |
static const uint8_t A5 = 26; |
static const uint8_t A6 = 25; |
static const uint8_t A7 = 24; |
// +---\/---+
// (D 0) PB0 1| |40 PA0 (AI 0 / D31)
// (D 1) PB1 2| |39 PA1 (AI 1 / D30)
// INT2 (D 2) PB2 3| |38 PA2 (AI 2 / D29)
// PWM (D 3) PB3 4| |37 PA3 (AI 3 / D28)
// SS PWM (D 4) PB4 5| |36 PA4 (AI 4 / D27)
// MOSI (D 5) PB5 6| |35 PA5 (AI 5 / D26)
// MISO (D 6) PB6 7| |34 PA6 (AI 6 / D25)
// SCK (D 7) PB7 8| |33 PA7 (AI 7 / D24)
// RST 9| |32 AREF
// VCC 10| |31 GND
// GND 11| |30 AVCC
// XTAL2 12| |29 PC7 (D 23)
// XTAL1 13| |28 PC6 (D 22)
// RX0 (D 8) PD0 14| |27 PC5 (D 21) TDI
// TX0 (D 9) PD1 15| |26 PC4 (D 20) TDO
// INT0 RX1 (D 10) PD2 16| |25 PC3 (D 19) TMS
// INT1 TX1 (D 11) PD3 17| |24 PC2 (D 18) TCK
// PWM (D 12) PD4 18| |23 PC1 (D 17) SDA
// PWM (D 13) PD5 19| |22 PC0 (D 16) SCL
// PWM (D 14) PD6 20| |21 PD7 (D 15) PWM
// +--------+
#define NUM_DIGITAL_PINS 24 |
#define analogInputToDigitalPin(p) ((p < 8) ? 31 - (p): -1) |
#define analogPinToChannel(p) ((p < 8) ? (p) : 31 - (p)) |
#define digitalPinHasPWM(p) ((p) == 3 || (p) == 4 || (p) == 12 || (p) == 13 || (p) == 14 || (p) == 15 ) |
#define digitalPinToPCICR(p) ( (((p) >= 0) && ((p) <= 31)) ? (&PCICR) : ((uint8_t *)0) ) |
#define digitalPinToPCICRbit(p) ( (((p) >= 24) && ((p) <= 31)) ? 0 : \ |
( (((p) >= 0) && ((p) <= 7)) ? 1 : \ |
( (((p) >= 16) && ((p) <= 23)) ? 2 : \ |
( (((p) >= 8) && ((p) <= 15)) ? 3 : \ |
0 ) ) ) ) |
#define digitalPinToPCMSK(p) ( (((p) >= 24) && ((p) <= 31)) ? (&PCMSK0) : \ |
( (((p) >= 0) && ((p) <= 7)) ? (&PCMSK1) : \ |
( (((p) >= 16) && ((p) <= 23)) ? (&PCMSK2) : \ |
( (((p) >= 8) && ((p) <= 15)) ? (&PCMSK3) : \ |
((uint8_t *)0) ) ) ) ) |
#define digitalPinToPCMSKbit(p) ( (((p) >= 24) && ((p) <= 31)) ? (31 - (p)) : \ |
( (((p) >= 0) && ((p) <= 7)) ? (p) : \ |
( (((p) >= 16) && ((p) <= 23)) ? ((p) - 16) : \ |
( (((p) >= 8) && ((p) <= 15)) ? ((p) - 8) : \ |
0 ) ) ) ) |
#define digitalPinToInterrupt(p) ((p) == 10 ? 0 : ((p) == 11 ? 1 : ((p) == 2 ? 2 : NOT_AN_INTERRUPT))) |
// these arrays map port names (e.g. port B) to the
// appropriate addresses for various functions (e.g. reading
// and writing)
const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_mode_PGM[] = |
{ |
(uint16_t) &DDRA, |
(uint16_t) &DDRB, |
(uint16_t) &DDRC, |
(uint16_t) &DDRD, |
}; |
const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_output_PGM[] = |
{ |
(uint16_t) &PORTA, |
(uint16_t) &PORTB, |
(uint16_t) &PORTC, |
(uint16_t) &PORTD, |
}; |
const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_input_PGM[] = |
{ |
(uint16_t) &PINA, |
(uint16_t) &PINB, |
(uint16_t) &PINC, |
(uint16_t) &PIND, |
}; |
const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_port_PGM[] = |
{ |
PB, /* 0 */ |
PB, |
PB, |
PB, |
PB, |
PB, |
PB, |
PB, |
PD, /* 8 */ |
PD, |
PD, |
PD, |
PD, |
PD, |
PD, |
PD, |
PC, /* 16 */ |
PC, |
PC, |
PC, |
PC, |
PC, |
PC, |
PC, |
PA, /* 24 */ |
PA, |
PA, |
PA, |
PA, |
PA, |
PA, |
PA /* 31 */ |
}; |
const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_bit_mask_PGM[] = |
{ |
_BV(0), /* 0, port B */ |
_BV(1), |
_BV(2), |
_BV(3), |
_BV(4), |
_BV(5), |
_BV(6), |
_BV(7), |
_BV(0), /* 8, port D */ |
_BV(1), |
_BV(2), |
_BV(3), |
_BV(4), |
_BV(5), |
_BV(6), |
_BV(7), |
_BV(0), /* 16, port C */ |
_BV(1), |
_BV(2), |
_BV(3), |
_BV(4), |
_BV(5), |
_BV(6), |
_BV(7), |
_BV(7), /* 24, port A */ |
_BV(6), |
_BV(5), |
_BV(4), |
_BV(3), |
_BV(2), |
_BV(1), |
_BV(0) |
}; |
const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_timer_PGM[] = |
{ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 0 - PB0 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 1 - PB1 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 2 - PB2 */ |
TIMER0A, /* 3 - PB3 */ |
TIMER0B, /* 4 - PB4 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 5 - PB5 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 6 - PB6 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 7 - PB7 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 8 - PD0 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 9 - PD1 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 10 - PD2 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 11 - PD3 */ |
TIMER1B, /* 12 - PD4 */ |
TIMER1A, /* 13 - PD5 */ |
TIMER2B, /* 14 - PD6 */ |
TIMER2A, /* 15 - PD7 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 16 - PC0 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 17 - PC1 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 18 - PC2 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 19 - PC3 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 20 - PC4 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 21 - PC5 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 22 - PC6 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 23 - PC7 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 24 - PA0 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 25 - PA1 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 26 - PA2 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 27 - PA3 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 28 - PA4 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 29 - PA5 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 30 - PA6 */ |
NOT_ON_TIMER /* 31 - PA7 */ |
}; |
#endif |
// These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral
// sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type
// of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN,
// the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use.
// SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor
// SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial
// SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library
// SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins.
// SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX
// pins are NOT connected to anything by default.
#define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial |
#define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE1 Serial1 |
#endif |
Reference in new issue