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Remove inaccurate comments from ubl.h

Scott Lahteine 8 years ago
  1. 32


@ -91,11 +91,6 @@
// Please do not put STATIC qualifiers in front of ANYTHING in this file. You WILL cause problems by doing that.
// The GCC optimizer inlines static functions and this DRAMATICALLY increases the size of the stack frame of
// functions that call STATIC functions.
void find_mean_mesh_height();
void shift_mesh_height();
void probe_entire_mesh(const float &lx, const float &ly, const bool do_ubl_mesh_map, const bool stow_probe, bool do_furthest);
@ -104,23 +99,13 @@
void manually_probe_remaining_mesh(const float &lx, const float &ly, const float &z_clearance, const float &card_thickness, const bool do_ubl_mesh_map);
void save_ubl_active_state_and_disable();
void restore_ubl_active_state_and_leave();
void g29_what_command();
// Please do not put STATIC qualifiers in front of ANYTHING in this file. You WILL cause problems by doing that.
// The GCC optimizer inlines static functions and this DRAMATICALLY increases the size of the stack frame of
// functions that call STATIC functions.
void g29_what_command();
void g29_eeprom_dump() ;
void g29_compare_current_mesh_to_stored_mesh();
void fine_tune_mesh(const float &lx, const float &ly, const bool do_ubl_mesh_map);
void smart_fill_mesh();
void display_map(const int);
void reset();
// Please do not put STATIC qualifiers in front of ANYTHING in this file. You WILL cause problems by doing that.
// The GCC optimizer inlines static functions and this DRAMATICALLY increases the size of the stack frame of
// functions that call STATIC functions.
void invalidate();
void store_state();
void load_state();
@ -165,11 +150,6 @@
// Please do not put STATIC qualifiers in front of ANYTHING in this file. You WILL cause problems by doing that.
// The GCC optimizer inlines static functions and this DRAMATICALLY increases the size of the stack frame of
// functions that call STATIC functions.
FORCE_INLINE void set_z(const int8_t px, const int8_t py, const float &z) { z_values[px][py] = z; }
int8_t get_cell_index_x(const float &x) {
const int8_t cx = (x - (UBL_MESH_MIN_X)) * (1.0 / (MESH_X_DIST));
@ -186,11 +166,6 @@
// that is OK because something else should be keeping that from
// happening and should not be worried about at this level.
// Please do not put STATIC qualifiers in front of ANYTHING in this file. You WILL cause problems by doing that.
// The GCC optimizer inlines static functions and this DRAMATICALLY increases the size of the stack frame of
// functions that call STATIC functions.
int8_t find_closest_x_index(const float &x) {
const int8_t px = (x - (UBL_MESH_MIN_X) + (MESH_X_DIST) * 0.5) * (1.0 / (MESH_X_DIST));
return WITHIN(px, 0, GRID_MAX_POINTS_X - 1) ? px : -1;
@ -219,11 +194,6 @@
FORCE_INLINE float calc_z0(const float &a0, const float &a1, const float &z1, const float &a2, const float &z2) {
return z1 + (z2 - z1) * (a0 - a1) / (a2 - a1);
// Please do not put STATIC qualifiers in front of ANYTHING in this file. You WILL cause problems by doing that.
// The GCC optimizer inlines static functions and this DRAMATICALLY increases the size of the stack frame of
// functions that call STATIC functions.
* z_correction_for_x_on_horizontal_mesh_line is an optimization for
