Marlin 2.0 for Flying Bear 4S/5
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# mfhelp
cat <<THIS
Marlin Firmware Commands:
firstpush ... Push and set-upstream the current branch to 'origin'
ghpc ........ Push the current branch to its upstream branch
ghtp ........ Set the transfer protolcol for all your remotes
mfadd ....... Fetch a remote branch from any Marlin fork
mfclean ..... Attempt to clean up merged and deleted branches
mfdoc ....... Build the website, serve locally, and browse
mffp ........ Push new commits directly to MarlinFirmware
mfinfo ...... Provide branch information (for the other scripts)
mfinit ...... Create an 'upstream' remote for 'MarlinFirmare'
mfnew ....... Create a new branch based on 'bugfix-...'
mfpr ........ Push the current branch and open the PR form
mfpub ....... Build and publish the website
mfqp ........ Commit changes, do an interactive rebase, and push
mfrb ........ Interactively rebase the current branch on 'bugfix-...'
mftest ...... Run a platform test locally with PlatformIO
mfup ........ Fetch the latest 'upstream' and rebase on it
Enter [command] --help for more information.